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_-'-_ SARADOMIN...ZAMORAK...GUTHIX _-'-_ [5000+ views!!!]


Which God to you prefer? (Please post why)  

312 members have voted

  1. 1. Which God to you prefer? (Please post why)

    • Saradomin
    • Zamorak
    • Guthix
    • Other (Zaros, Iban, Armadyl...)

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I have the honor of being the 3rd person to vote! (sara, I changed my mind :XD: )

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I choosed guthix, why? why not?

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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I follow Guthix because of the following reasons ( some are seroius, some are trivial)




I prefer balance,




I'm not exactly perfect( :oops: ) or 100%bad (ie-help newbs/ pking- i do a bit of each)




Green & cyan are my fave colours




He split up the God Wars-(ie-made PEACE!)




Guthix created Gielinor ,and finally-




It is said that Guthix is the God of Nature (because he created gielinor, the people, the landscapes,etc.)

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Anyway, Guthix because he owns Saradomin and Zamorak's butt. He is the strongest god and the other 2 gods fear Guthix.




Can someone please delete this?


First - Credit to Otbg . Second - Credit to 4be2jue

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guthix is alot more mature than the other gods, guthix created glenior on his own while zamorak and saradmoin formed the god wars!




guthix is the only god of true goodness, if saradomin was purely good then he would not have formed any army (monks) and have particapated in the god wars

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Guthix .




Why? Created Runescape, God of Balance, Stopped the war, Gives good xp in his mini-game :twisted: .




guthix is alot more mature than the other gods, guthix created glenior on his own while zamorak and saradmoin formed the god wars!




guthix is the only god of true goodness, if saradomin was purely good then he would not have formed any army (monks) and have particapated in the god wars




Aking got it right. =D>

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  • 2 weeks later...

saradomin just coz full sara looks mad lol




then agen so does zammy




im confused now :? #-o (voted 4 sara tho)

my bro said,"get a life" so i asked "where do i download that...



98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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