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Is luring an acceptable practice?


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The only reason why it's not illegal is because the person in question has to willingly go into the wilderness for the lure to work and have full intentions of doing so. Basically the person is thinking "bah, it's just lvl 1 wildy". He is aware that he is making a trade in the wilderness and is willing to take the risk however he has greatly underestimated the risk. Jagex does give lots of effort to try and warn these people of course,








Other than that, it's quite dishonest because the person has no intention of acctually buying the item and wastes a hell of a lot of time for people who have common sence.

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



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there is a lure wich i dont no if its scamming or not.








a player is having a massive drop party in a non crowded world, all high lvls players folo him, he goes 2 edge and drops it around there.








then he drops a reaqlly rare item in lvl 1 wild, some1 goes 2 poik it up and a person kills him.








this is how my frend lost his green mask, the item in the wild was a red mask


Thanks SkyFleet for the awsome siggy!

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I believe if your stupied enough to ignore the sign that says wilderness and will believe someone after all the warnings people get then you do deserve it in a way, but remember once you get lured into the wild it usally wont ever happen again to that person. So you would think eventually they will run out of people eventually......

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in the rules:




You must not scam or deceive other players. Lying to other players for your own personal gain is not in the spirit of the game.








that sounds like luring to me.








End of debate right there, it IS illegal in accordance with Jagex rules.








As a RL police officer in Florida USA, I get the most ridiculous excuses from people that break the law. "Why am I getting a ticket, everyone was speeding"...doesn't make it legal now does it?








Let me explain criminal mentality to you, and it will shed some light into why people think luring should be ok.








Criminal mentality is the inability to accept responsibility for your own actions. It's never their fault; they were holding the drugs/gun/paraphenalia for a "friend", They didnt do it, why did you pick me, is it because of my race?, no it was because you broke the law.








They come up with a hundred different reasons to try to dodge personal responsibility and accountability for a conscious decision that they made to break the law.....just like luring. It IS illegal IAW the rules. Doesn't mean you have to like it, and when I see players try to justify it, that means they don't want to accept that it is wrong, so that makes them feel okay when they do it.








..and to use "well they should know better, so it's the victim's fault" is complete junk of an excuse. So the victim deserved to be assaulted because of how she was dressed, or for being in that side of town at that time of night?....um no. "Sorry ma'am, you shouldnt have been wearing that and you shouldnt have been in that bar at 1am in the morning, so just take it as a lesson learned, we can't hold the assaulter accountable because you should have known better"








think about it, wrong is wrong, and rules are rules. Don't like the rules? play another game. Don't like the laws in RL? enjoy your stay in jail. don't make a whiny thread about how you got wrongfully banned either.










RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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:shame: i think it is totaly not aceptilbe as it is a form of scamming. If you think about it scamming is fooling someone into giveing you sometihng that is either way cheaper that its actual price or free and that is what lurnig is you are fooling someone to go into the wild with a valuible item and them killing them

mage,jcdock.gif jcdock.gif
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in the rules:




You must not scam or deceive other players. Lying to other players for your own personal gain is not in the spirit of the game.








that sounds like luring to me.








the problem is that there is no lying involved. The thing with item scamming is that the person is fooled into thinking that they are buying the item and the result is that they are not. With luring, the person is not fooled, he knows very well that he is going into the wildy however he ignores the risk because he believes they are minimal. Taken from this point of view luring is legitimate. The scenario for luring is basically the same for a person going into the wilderness and dieing.








It may seem different to us who know the context but put into the perspective of Customer Support, they do not know the conext of what happened and they cannot look at the context for every case to see who is at fault. This is why responding to someone using offensive language because they used it on you doesn't make you innocent. You used offensive language reguardless of the context.

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



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Define luring, if you would?








Yes, because there are two kinds.








Trade Scams and Wilderness Luring.








Trade Scams~Trade scams are the most common ones, like you see at edgeville, or even the rare Jolly Boar Inn Lure. [Here is what I mean by Jolly Boar Inn Luring http://youtube.com/watch?v=8EthHUwIyXU ]








The MOST Common line for edgeville luring is this.








"Hey bud, you selling whip for 1.5m?"








"Yeah, come to edgeville your world?"
















Lurer and atker logs and the "buyer" teleports/walks to edgeville.








The Lurer and Atker both log in.








"Hey, I'm here where are you?"








"One sec laggin."
















"Can you come a bit east of the bridge? I'm WCing."








Now SOMETIMES the "buyer" goes to the edgeville tree and they exchange hello's. When the "buyer" walks in the wilderness he trades the person. At this point the lurer has probably told the atker something like.








"Wait for 15 seconds then atk"
















When the lurer puts up the "item" the buyer puts up the money and accepts. Both people accept and their in the second trade window. The "buyer" puts up the money and then the attacker comes and Ice Barrages. Then he goes up and then Ice Blitzes and then DDS specs. The "buyer" dies and phr33 st00f for the lure team.








Now onto wilderness luring. This is ALWAYS done into a multi-combat area. Some person will do one the following things:








A) Atk someone in a non-combat area, then run down and either WEST or EAST into a multicombat area where the team awaits. The Team Mates all gather on one spot [know as a "Death Dot"] then they all Barrage, spec, range and BOOM their victim's dead.








Hope that clears things up. :wink:


Mmm... Mudkipz...

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The legitimacy (or level thereof) of luring really depends on the context. If someone thinks its okay to just follow someone wherever without any motive, they are the only person to blame.








When offered something free in return, the blame is shared (Identical to identity theft cases). But conducting a trade in the wilderness with the intent to kill the tradee is entirely unacceptable.


The Once and Future Quest Guru

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i dont think luring is acceptable but i also think it is. If you get lured into the wildy and die then that is ur fault. But lurers also practice this 'skill'. It is also item scamming as u die and lose ur items (please excue my bad grammar and spelling)

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Solid, there's plenty of lying. "Come to the tree to sell/buy this thing" comes to mind. The person has neither the item to sell/the cash to buy or the intention to make a trade.








That is true, and is also probably the reason why luring is very debatable, however the key is decieving the other person. The person makes no intention to hide the fact that they are in the wildy, and the person knows he is going in and is willing to go in. For scamming, on the other hand, the person does not know that he switched the ammount of cash just before trading and when he presses the button he is accepting the item for the ammount before it was traded, not knowing that he was decieved.

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



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In my opinion, scamming is not an offense. If people are stupid enough not to check the second trade screen, too bad for them. The same goes for luring: "Meet me at Oziach to buy my full veracs for 4.5m". Come on, who can possibly falls for that? Obviously a lot of people. It's their own fault I'm telling you, so since it's not listed as item scamming by Jagex it is an acceptable practice to me. I'm not a lurer, don't get me wrong; I don't do it because I don't want to be hated, and that's the only reason I don't do it.








DK luring: It's a pain, but it keeps the DK loot prices stable so that's why I am not complaining. Any decent player should be able to survive a lure attempt anyway.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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putting it that way, it seems stupid why someone would fall for a scamm, but when it's late, or you quickely have to do a lot of trades accidents happen, it's just a fact of life. But with luring, you can't make a careless mistake in the same manner

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



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Many people (mostly the lurers) justify this practice by saying that most areas give warnings before the actual death of the person. People opposed to luring (such as myself), say that it is a breach of rule three, item scamming.








So, is luring acceptable?
















Rule 2 is Item Scamming.








Rule 3 is password scamming.








Just pointing that out.








On topic: No. It's definately not acceptable.

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I dislike it when people make their money by luring. Although people get warnings about going in the wilderness, the people who are setting up the lure are lying, ie item scamming.








A thread in the Website Feedback forum, on the Offical RuneScape Forums, made a post saying something like, 'The Rules need say clearly as to whether luring is against the rules.'








This is Mod Kinders responce to that:









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I dislike it when people make their money by luring. Although people get warnings about going in the wilderness, the people who are setting up the lure are lying, ie item scamming.








A thread in the Website Feedback forum, on the Offical RuneScape Forums, made a post saying something like, 'The Rules need say clearly as to whether luring is against the rules.'








This is Mod Kinders responce to that:















............and there you go, right from the JMOD. Nothing further to "debate"








So why is it that I have heard from many people (including a jmod who works in the cs department) say that it is despisable but not bannable?

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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So why is it that I have heard from many people (including a jmod who works in the cs department) say that it is despisable but not bannable?








That's a very valid point. I think the Jagex staff seem to have different views on what 'luring' actually is.








Non-Lure: 'Hey Shaneoneill! Wanna come fight me in the wilderness?' Shaneoneill1 goes to fight him and dies loosing his full dragon. Shaneoneill1 then messages the player complaining about being lured.'








Lure: 'Hey Shaneoneill1! Come with me into the wilderness! There's a monster which drops dragon chains and is easy to beat!'








They were both similar to examples given on another thread on the ORSF's.

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Or possibly they are having a similar debate among themselves?








As you said there's a fine line between luring and unexpected/accidental death in the wildy and without contextual evidence (which would be near impossible for cs), it would be hard to tell them apart. Best solution is to give as many warnings as possible to players

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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I have seen other "luring responses" from Jagex that seemed to be answering different questions.








The answer really depends on how the question is phrased.








Whatever the Jagex rules, the official policy here at Tip.it is that trade luring is a scam.

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i would have to say yes and no








yes, because it's is becoming a new branch of the RuneScape economy and it's a good source of money








no, because: - it's immature(reminds me a grade 1 team tag)




- it completly takes out the point of the Wilderness and




an MMORPG. Pk is for having fun mass dueling with other players(cept in RS when 5 people r hitting criticals on u and u lose everything)


Woot! Got total lvl 900 in f2p!

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Would I lure? Of course not. In fact, as the dudette in a silver crown I'm normally the one whispering via PM, "Hey mate, if you do that you're likely to die..."








Whether I think it's acceptable is another matter. I've been lured myself, I'm a pretty on-the-ball person (i.e. not a noob slash dunderhead), it was simply lack of knowledge of the game at the time.








Some things not even complete fluency in the knowledge base, a five-year membership and maxed-out skills could prevent. And for this reason I believe it is not acceptable to compare luring with darwinism.




However, I respect it is the quickest way for players to learn the harsh reality of the wilderness...








I can see Jagex is attempting a tough job, in trying to teach less experienced players about the dangers of their fellow man without hatching a new generation of scammers who were taught how to steal based on "Message of the Week"...

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I have a video of a very good lurer think the vid is jojoslurevid or something. he gets his supposed friends ect people he knows to this certain spot right next to wildy. usually telling em hes going to quit or something im not sure but i gatherd this is how he gets em there also dressed in there best stuff.




then look at that a big pile of cash appears just inside wildy (he sets it up). the guy walks in an out of view are 2 ice barragers with dds.




seen this guy lure a blue phat countless masks and santas. amazing stuff.


"Boredom got me playing, Boredom stops me from playing. It's a vicious cycle."

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