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How Did You Start Playing Runescape?


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My friend told me about it. Like 7 years ago, I started playing just after the wildy was made, just before phats were released. Obviously I don't play anymore. I haven't played seriously since I lost membership back in 05

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Saw it on Mofunzone.


:XD: :oops:

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, your commodity drops in value.
[url=http://www.imagehosting.com][img]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i773526_stingtag.gif[/img][/url] [quote name="Capone_Sabre"]People in the wilderness will [b]always[/b] insult you no matter what you do. Just ignore it and kill them.[/quote]
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I was playing browsing MiniClip on 31st December night of 2004 and I found this game on rank #3 there. I decided to play and naturally got addicted to it. \'


^Clickie my sig to know how to get rid of macroers^

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My friend took me to his computer in 2001 (I think it was) and showed me 2 games. One was Runescape. I made my account (Doug M) and played for a while. After a few years off, I got the internet and the first site I visited was Runescape's. I made 3 accounts (Gimli040, Doogy04, Dougymc) and used Gimli until he was hacked, at which time I began using Dougymc.

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I constantly had to help my younger brother, coz his english was worse than catspeak... Got tired of helping hi mso i started up my first account...


i quit 2 weeks later after i died in wildy...started up 3months later, forgot my password of my first acc, so i started u a new one.. still got it now




Don't wanna think bout those days, the days of newbstyle gaming



RIP my main Xprozaccx.

Still Dreaming of Farming Cape

Confucius say: "Crowded elevator smell different to a midget" xD

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When browsing GetAFreelancer (GAF) looking for web development work I came across a posting offering $3 per 1000 Runescape gold (an outrageous price). So I checked out the Runescape site, read the rules and saw that was illegal but decided to play anyway. I went back to to GAF to report the illegal posting and saw that the GAF admins had already closed the project for violation of their own rules. I was heavy into Runescape for a few weeks but then got bored with it once I realised it was a "grind" game and play quite a bit less now. The other thing that put me off was the outrageous exploit left open in the Dragon Slayer quest, which still remains open and unfixed.

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Well basically the same as others, I seen the game tried it (rsc)




I thought it was stupid so I never played it again.. then one day in Grade 7, my friends were talking about Runescape.. and they're like eyah it's such a fun game and all that..




So I went back to site and seen that it was a totally new game. Then I got hooked got really good better than my friends, they quit I still play lmao.

Iv Green vI.png


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I started on tutorial island.


lol someone had to say it :XD:




Switching the computer on would've been mine.Dang you Jesselitton!(What the hell is wrong with that?Mine's worse.And don't get me started on my pure(Dang!))




Anyway,I was at my neighbours house and we were talking about girls(At age 12 =P) and he opens his runescape account(Carola Doom,quit for a year) and I found it cool.Next thing you know I lose 3 accounts from losing to men,and got this noob.Who is kinda ch00by now.






so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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When browsing GetAFreelancer (GAF) looking for web development work I came across a posting offering $3 per 1000 Runescape gold (an outrageous price). So I checked out the Runescape site, read the rules and saw that was illegal but decided to play anyway. I went back to to GAF to report the illegal posting and saw that the GAF admins had already closed the project for violation of their own rules. I was heavy into Runescape for a few weeks but then got bored with it once I realised it was a "grind" game and play quite a bit less now. The other thing that put me off was the outrageous exploit left open in the Dragon Slayer quest, which still remains open and unfixed.




And this exploit is?

Iv Green vI.png


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I was over a friends house almost 2 years ago. We were browsing Miniclip (-.-) and we saw that a game named Runescape was Numero Uno


(spelled correctly? ::' ) So we tried it. This was in September, I didn't think very much of it, but 2 months later (November) I tried it again, then got hooked. Playing ever since.


F2P ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ 20M+ Overall Exp ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ My Blog

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I saw my friend playing this like 3 years ago, and said like "oh my god, how dare you can play this, crappy graphics and all".


Then, year later, my best friend started to play this game, and I thought like "Okay, I would try it" and then, you can guess what happened. I was in game. I have been taken lot of breaks, that's why I'm not so high lvl after 2 years playing but I love that game anyway 8-)

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When browsing GetAFreelancer (GAF) looking for web development work I came across a posting offering $3 per 1000 Runescape gold (an outrageous price). So I checked out the Runescape site, read the rules and saw that was illegal but decided to play anyway. I went back to to GAF to report the illegal posting and saw that the GAF admins had already closed the project for violation of their own rules. I was heavy into Runescape for a few weeks but then got bored with it once I realised it was a "grind" game and play quite a bit less now. The other thing that put me off was the outrageous exploit left open in the Dragon Slayer quest, which still remains open and unfixed.




And this exploit is?




Wait for another player to enter and attack the dragon, wait for them to kill it most of the way, then when the player pauses to eat, jump in and attack the dragon. The original player will be unable to resume his attack and you can kill the dragon in just a few hits, without the need to consume any expensive food whatsoever and you are awarded the kill.




Exactly this happened to me three times on my first account. I gave up, gave away all my items and quit for a few weeks as I was so thoroughly disgusted by such a glaring bug.




I still don't know why but I returned and started a second account. This time when it came time to do the dragon slayer quest I waited until the wee hours in the morning on a local server when player numbers are at an ebb, in the hopes no one would be present to take advantage of this exploit. Luckily, no one was present and I was able to kill the dragon undisturbed.




The solution is relatively simple, either spawn a separate dragon for each player that enters or only allow one player into the cage at a time.

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I first started playing sometime in early 2001, I remember walking into the office and my older brother standing there mining :P I started playing from then onwards even though he has quit :)




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Well, a friend told me about it a few years ago. So I went on to try it, played for a day then forgot about it cause it did not seem interesting. Then about a year later, my brother found it online and started playing. I gave it another shot and loved it, and I have played on and off ever since! \'

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Last year, there were kids who always talked about RuneScape, one of them being my good buddy.




So I tried it, and I had a crappy Dell 2003 PC, so it didn't work. :(




Then it broke (yay, no wait, awwwwwwwwww), and I got an awesome one!




Actually, I started during the days that I enjoyed Club Penguin (oh my god), because I was getting bored of it, and I could only go on Miniclip during the days that I didn't have a pc, and had to use my mom's laptop.




My buddy helped me a lot, and now I pretty much get MC to help me.




And my buddy is a level 77. ;)



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I started playing this game a few years ago when someone set all the computers in lab homepage on runescape at my college. After seeing the game I decided to start playing it




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I used to play random flash games on Miniclip, and then I found an ad for Runescape on there and decided to give it a try. It was worth it. :P


Retired from runescape. I will be on every now and then though. :)

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knew it from a friend but at the beginning i wouldn't play because it looked so boring but one week later i decided to play it another week later i was even better than my friend and then started a race between us to be the best lol but he quited last yaer :cry:

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