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Man being level 80 and doing Kara and crap will be no fun. With this expansion, they're taking all the prestige out of the level 70 quests.






Rerolled an undead priest. Level 16 so far. They're pretty fun.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Man being level 80 and doing Kara and crap will be no fun. With this expansion, they're taking all the prestige out of the level 70 quests.






Rerolled an undead priest. Level 16 so far. They're pretty fun.




If it's anything like TBC it's going to take around 2 years for it to be released anyways. If your still doing Kara in 2 years time, you're doing something wrong.

The problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard.

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So so far I've seen a lot of really stupid complaints about the new expansion. One thing that always gets me is how these people can complain about anything.






"Hero classes are going to be overpowered! Ect. Ect!"




You guys have been complaining that blizzard promised these but never gave us them EVER SINCE THE GAME CAME OUT. Now, that we are getting them, you decide to whine.






"death knight will be the only hero class"




No. Blizzard said its going to be the first hero class.






"Lvl 80 waah..."




Suck it up. Am I the only one who thinks that having more content is a good thing?




"I've never seen X instance before and now they're making new ones!"




The expansion isn't going to be out for a while. The expansion has been out for 6 months and many guilds have already downed illidan and plenty more are in BT/Hyjal. Don't suck and you'll see the content. And even if why should everyone else wait for new content because you're slow at leveling/raiding?










Thats just a few of the stuff I've heard from people... its crazy.

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My only complaint is that the expansion just looks too...samey, to TBC - if you follow me.




Chances are I won't be on WoW at the time it's released anyway so meh.




I won't be around either by then.

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Reading posts here and on the official forums, it really makes me see clearly the different type of players in the game. There are many who are complaining about the expansion because their gear will become useless - and the Outland instances will become pointless. I'm more excited about the expansion because of the new content, new spells, new lore, etc. I play WoW to absorb the content and experience things from different sides (rerolling Horde and Alliance). Even though I do have one 70 I'm playing now, I'm not concerned about gear really. Having a lot of phat lewt would be nice but I'm more interested in having new places to level (there are many who hate questing in new zones just because they don't know the questing areas), seeing old zones revamped, etc.




More new content agogo!

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I know thats the same with me. As much as gameplay is good, I just like the content for what it is sometimes. When the PTR came out, and i got to try the lve 70, i spent atleast 2 hours exploring bits of every region. It was fun!




BTW, what site do you guys use for addons. I want some now.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Yeah.. So far I have to say, 1-10 as a Blood Elf is so fricking sweet.




For addons, I use:




AtlasLoot - check loot I will never have


Atlas - Instance maps (handy)


FastQuest Classic - As I said in a previous post, godly for quest freaks like me.


KLH Threat Meter


SWStats - Damage meters


Titan Panel


X-perl Unit Frames - drool







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Reading posts here and on the official forums, it really makes me see clearly the different type of players in the game. There are many who are complaining about the expansion because their gear will become useless - and the Outland instances will become pointless. I'm more excited about the expansion because of the new content, new spells, new lore, etc. I play WoW to absorb the content and experience things from different sides (rerolling Horde and Alliance). Even though I do have one 70 I'm playing now, I'm not concerned about gear really. Having a lot of phat lewt would be nice but I'm more interested in having new places to level (there are many who hate questing in new zones just because they don't know the questing areas), seeing old zones revamped, etc.




More new content agogo!




I'd like to think I fall under the latter category as well. My only grievance, albeit significant to me, is that the expansion and new content just looks like the same style as TBC. I don't know, maybe I was expecting more. :\

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50/50 about the new expansion at the moment. If it's released a year+ from now, I'll be happy. Just releasing one hero class though, I can see some problems.




The new profession Inscription sounds promising. Reducing the mana or increasing the crit of a primary shot sounds cool.




Levelling a druid atm, going to pissed if I don't get the epic flight form before the new expansion and I have to wait 500 years for a group.

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Can someone give me wow in a nutshell? The website is scary enough, and I still don't quite understand it. I have the disk and burning crusade sitting here in front of me, that I got as a birthday present. I don't want to install it on my laptop, but when I build my new pc, it should be more than enough for wow, and I'm wondering if it's something I should like jump straight into and just start playing, or is there more to it?

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Can someone give me wow in a nutshell? The website is scary enough, and I still don't quite understand it. I have the disk and burning crusade sitting here in front of me, that I got as a birthday present. I don't want to install it on my laptop, but when I build my new pc, it should be more than enough for wow, and I'm wondering if it's something I should like jump straight into and just start playing, or is there more to it?




Its an easy game, seriously.




It pretty much walks you through while holding your hand, you shouldn't have a problem -- just quest.

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All I can suggest is look at WoW as something totally different from RuneScape. Don't start grinding (killing monsters over and over) and make comparisons to RuneScape - it just isn't the same. The game has a built-in tutorial service. Take it easy, absorb the beautiful environment, and level at your own pace. There isn't a gigantic race to get to 70. You'll most likely dump your first character anyway after you've learned the mechanics.

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People who whine before they know the details REALLY annoy me because they're unable to think comprehensively and that is the basic "word" that people follow...the "Whiners" word. Because there are more whiners than there are smart people.




First off, the Death Knight isn't the "First" hero class in the sense that they'll release it and it'll be the ONLY one - nay, I say that that's the only one they're discussing AT THE MOMENT. If you think about it, Death Knight is only one classes hero option - a Paladin. Maybe an Orc Warrior, but that's just too "selective", so I'm going to go with Paladin. Blizzard had always said being a hero class would be hard, so it'll probably be kinda' powerful, so they can't just give it to ONLY 1/9 of the player-base. They JUST announced the new expansion...Did we know all the details of TBC right off the bat? No. Infact, I'm surprised we know so much already. New skill? New class (essentially)? Seige announcement?!




Over the next year, I'm sure they'll announce 8 more hero classes - one for each class.




Edit: I may have to disreguard my above post...



"Once certain criteria are met, players will be able to create a new death knight character, which will start at a high level."




I don't understand how that works entirely, but it seems that these classes aren't going to be upgrades of old classes like we thought before, they're going to be NEW classes entirely.




I really don't know how they're going to do this (what criteria to meet?) or how it'll balance out, but I'm looking forward to something fresh and new, especially such a cool class...A knight...That raises the dead. Pwn.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I don't understand how that works entirely, but it seems that these classes aren't going to be upgrades of old classes like we thought before, they're going to be NEW classes entirely.




I really don't know how they're going to do this (what criteria to meet?) or how it'll balance out, but I'm looking forward to something fresh and new, especially such a cool class...A knight...That raises the dead. Pwn.




From what I've heard. Once you have a level 80 character, you can go on a quest to be able to CREATE a death knight. The difficulty of the quest is around the same as the warlock dreadsteed quest. Once completed you can create your own death knight which starts out at level 60 or 70.




These are just what I've heard floating around guild chat but it appears others are hearing the same.

The problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard.

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"death knight will be the only hero class"




No. Blizzard said its going to be the first hero class.


If Blizzard had any major intention to include two hero classes in this expansion, sheer advertising logical suggests a banner along the lines of "INTRODUCING HERO CLASSES!" would better than "INTRODUCING; DEATH KNIGHT!". Ergo, we can already at this point be fairly sure we're not going to see more than one hero class in this expansion. They've stated they intend to field an expansion once every year. So assuming they don't go throwing hero classes into regular patches - which they might, but probably won't - we're talking a year of only one hero class. Even if they start patching it in, there'll likely be a gap.




Now, if "hero classes" are the same as basic classes balance-wise - and I cannot quite stress how much I hope that's the case - that's not really going to be an issue as such. But either way, it seems like quite a justified whine gived the information at hand.




Suck it up. Am I the only one who thinks that having more content is a good thing?


To a certain style of gamers "leveling" does not classify as content in this game; It's a timesink til you hit the Good Stuff. If I wanted to level, I could reroll. If I wanted quest-content, I can do the quests available - and I'd love to meet the guy who's done all the quests the game has to offer. If I want to instances, I have a few choices.




As long as you increase the leveling cap, new instances and whatnot will not be "additional content", it will be "new content". It does not add; It replaces.




"I've never seen X instance before and now they're making new ones!"




The expansion isn't going to be out for a while. The expansion has been out for 6 months and many guilds have already downed illidan and plenty more are in BT/Hyjal. Don't suck and you'll see the content. And even if why should everyone else wait for new content because you're slow at leveling/raiding?




"Many guilds?" Care to name a few/speculate as to how many players have actually done it? My server - which has been out for way more than year - has no guilds in Hyjal or BT. None, on either horde or alliance.




Where's the logic in essentially destroying old content for the purpose of "everyone else" - who are without any semblance of a doubt the minority? Keep in mind this [cabbage] isn't about providing entertainment to a few select individuals, it's about entertaining 9 million subscribers.






I'm not particularly impressed as of yet. It'll probably be nicer than this expansion was for me - military service seriously curbs my playtime, and with the essential restart of everyone gear wise that this expansion will undoubtly bring, I'll be in a much better starting position - but I really don't think it speaks well for the future development of the game at large.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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There was a tutorial? :-s




I was on a couple accounts and never noticed a tutorial. #-o




If you were using someones elses account, they may of had tutorials turned off. Its not like RS with tutorial island. Each time you do something new, or get close to doing something new, a little window will pop up at the bottom, and tell you all about it.




It really is a simple game. It looks overwhelming at first, but then you will realize it really is simple.




As for classes you wanna play, I suggest try them all. Just use your first character to learn the game mechanics. After you get the just of it, you can go and make new characters with different classes till you find one you like. Keep in mind though, you have to play it to about lve 15/20 to get the feel for it. Thats pretty much to the end of the starting area, so it shouldn't take more then a day to get there.




Regarding the expansion. I seriously think this is gonna be relesed before the end of the year, and if not, just after new years. If you look at the trailer, it looks like they have designed most areas already. I think they are just working on the hero classes. Heck, they might even try to release it with just the one hero class, and bring others out through patches (which will then be released over a year -.- ). I'm pretty sure they started this before BC came out, from what I've seen so far.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Can someone give me wow in a nutshell? The website is scary enough, and I still don't quite understand it. I have the disk and burning crusade sitting here in front of me, that I got as a birthday present. I don't want to install it on my laptop, but when I build my new pc, it should be more than enough for wow, and I'm wondering if it's something I should like jump straight into and just start playing, or is there more to it?


It doesn't matter if you nothing of the Warcraft history or lore either - you can jump straight in.


If you get a chance though, read some of it, for it's a good read.

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I've always had faith in Blizzard, but the release of this expansion seems like a 'panicky' "OMGZ! we have to release something so people don't get bored and go to WAR or something!" expansion. I mean, it's just a bit too soon to be announcing a new expansion. Them announcing it now means that it'll be coming out before next August, for sure.




I dunno', I was excited about it, but I thought about it and asked myself...Why the hell am I excited? I'll PROBABLY never fight Arthas even though I do raid, and I'll probably never do most of the content. I just won't be able to.




Maybe it's just time for a new game for me. :P I like WoW for how it plays and how it looks and stuff, but even though I'm iffy about how WAR looks visually, I'm thinkin' I might have to make a switch...I'm tired of the gear-grind, really.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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