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The bible


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It's a guideline. I don't care for religons; as they help people (generally!) act better, but when people fight over which religon is better, well its BS.




Anyhoo, i think the only reason why Christianity (+ the bible) are still followed is because Chirtistanity, and God, are too vague to disprove. It was easy to disprove some older relgions, like (uh, Norsism) or w/e: as Thor - God of thunder - Made thunder by throwing down his hammer. Which isn't true, obviously.





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I hate all of the religions. There's so much violence because of them it would be better if none of them existed. My 5 cents.


So you believe science has never caused violence? Ignorance must be bliss.

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I hate all of the religions. There's so much violence because of them it would be better if none of them existed. My 5 cents.


So you believe science has never caused violence? Ignorance must be bliss.




Show me a video of scientists slitting a throat of a religious believer for believing in creationism and I'll show you 10 videos of religious believers slitting people's throats for believing in a different God, or having a different idea about God.




I'm not saying believing in God is bad, I'm saying killing people because they believe in a different version of a God or no God at all is rather stupid.




It's like how they do in certain countries when voting is in progress. They stamp you with a different color depending on which you've voted for and then there are groups of people who check the stamps. If your stamp color is different from theirs, expect to have a few broken ribs in a minute or two.

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I hate all of the religions. There's so much violence because of them it would be better if none of them existed. My 5 cents.


So you believe science has never caused violence? Ignorance must be bliss.




Show me a video of scientists slitting a throat of a religious believer for believing in creationism and I'll show you 10 videos of religious believers slitting people's throats for believing in a different God, or having a different idea about God.




I'm not saying believing in God is bad, I'm saying killing people because they believe in a different version of a God or no God at all is rather stupid.




It's like how they do in certain countries when voting is in progress. They stamp you with a different color depending on which you've voted for and then there are groups of people who check the stamps. If your stamp color is different from theirs, expect to have a few broken ribs in a minute or two.


I apologize, I don't have a collection of murder videos. Quite odd that you have so many.


Killing people period is stupid. Death in the name of honor or justice, acceptable in my eyes. But cold-blooded murder for stupid reasons as science or religion are idiotic.




By the way, if you're speaking of killing people in the name of God, modern time religious warfare centers between Islam and Judaism.




Also, all I'm saying is don't get on a high horse saying that science has never caused violence. That's pure ignorance.

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Science doesn't cause violence, it's used as a tool for violent means, just as religion is. Well, let me qualify that by saying that most people don't use both for violent means but rather for good and constructive means.




The only way one of these things could cause violence is if violence is inherent in it's nature.

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I apologize, I don't have a collection of murder videos. Quite odd that you have so many.





I don't, way to avoid that part of an argument by the way. The point was is to demonstrate that religion has caused far, far more harm.





By the way, if you're speaking of killing people in the name of God, modern time religious warfare centers between Islam and Judaism.




I see you've excluded Christianity by concentrating on what gets media's attention. Ignorance must be bliss indeed.





Also, all I'm saying is don't get on a high horse saying that science has never caused violence. That's pure ignorance.




When did I say that? Read the first point.






The overall idea of the bible is good, what people make out of it is what I don't like.

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Can't continue quoting you Den, but how is that avoiding the debate?




And how is modern-day Christianity causing mass-scale killings?




I'm not sure whether that was an accidental err in your posting or whether you're changing my quote for reasons unknown to me, but point out how Christians are waging a holy war in the modern era? This is a topic on the Christian Bible (Some could say it could also be the Old Testament, but I believe this is more centered around Crhistianity. Correct me if I'm wrong), and these days Islamic and Judaic nation(s) are in the spotlight of religious warfare. You are the one deviating from the point there.




I apologize for saying that you believe science has never caused violence, but it is obvious you believe it is far less dangerous than religion. How so? I'm fairly certain terrorists search for weapons such as nuclear warheads. Not the Bible.

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Can't continue quoting you Den, but how is that avoiding the debate?




By focusing on how odd it is that I have videos of people dying stored on my PC (which I don't) instead of providing proof that the belief that there is no god causes death to the believers.




And how is modern-day Christianity causing mass-scale killings?




Look outside of America, they are not mass scale but homosexuals and followers of other religions ARE being killed. Heck, even extremists in America manage to generate a lot of hate. Remember "God hates [bleep]s" ? I also love how you insert modern into almost everything.




I'm not sure whether that was an accidental err in your posting or whether you're changing my quote for reasons unknown to me, but point out how Christians are waging a holy war in the modern era? This is a topic on the Christian Bible (Some could say it could also be the Old Testament, but I believe this is more centered around Crhistianity. Correct me if I'm wrong), and these days Islamic and Judaic nation(s) are in the spotlight of religious warfare. You are the one deviating from the point there.





What? I didn't alter anything you wrote. I see where you are going with "modern" this and that but I suggest you remember the time of Crusades. Here's a link for you.








I apologize for saying that you believe science has never caused violence, but it is obvious you believe it is far less dangerous than religion. How so? I'm fairly certain terrorists search for weapons such as nuclear warheads. Not the Bible.




Woah, woah, wait a second. You are confusing technological progress with beliefs on whether there is, or isn't any god. Using the word science I've referred to the big bang and Darwin's theory of evolution.

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Is this not a discussion on the modern, New Testament? I can understand bringing religion on a whole into it, but we are talking about something modern. I may have been avoiding a part of a debate that was thoroughly worthless and unnecessary, but that doesn't mean I believe that believing in God hasn't inspired death.




Of course religion spawns hate. But, unfortunately, everything does, not just religion. That's the point I'm trying to come across, but you seem to believe religion is the largest wrong in human history. Thanks for loving how I'm talking about the topic.




You'd already edited it - I'm assuming it was just an error in your posting - but your reply to me was inside my quote.




I know quite well about the Crusades. Sure, a horrible time, but Christianity isn't the only religion to cause massive holy wars - far from it. However, I suppose talking about other religions is, in fact, deviating from the topic.




Alright, thanks for clarifying that. If you use science in general, I'm going to use it as well.


I personally believe in the Big Bang and Darwin's Theory. I just believe God (or some sort of higher Authority) created it. It gives me a bit of a purpose in life, and makes me think, "Hey, maybe I don't need to try and make humanity better! Maybe I can just stop and enjoy this amazing world!" I'm sad if you don't have such a good feeling in your life, but happy for you if science and science alone fulfills this need to be needed.

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I hate all of the religions. There's so much violence because of them it would be better if none of them existed. My 5 cents.






I prefer to think of it as the cancer of modern society.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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I hate all of the religions. There's so much violence because of them it would be better if none of them existed. My 5 cents.






I prefer to think of it as the cancer of modern society.


And how is that? Because you can provide a laughing emoticon?


Well won. :roll:

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful."




-Seneca the Younger


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Religion can give people hope and courage, but is it really worth it after all the violence, wars and death it's caused? To name but a few, and to the guy who said something about scientists fighting among themselves too; the Crusades in the Middle Ages, the English Civil War, Al Qaeda, the Huguenots in France in the 17th century, the Spanish Inquisition, the Thirty Years War, not to mention innumerable smaller acts of religious intolerance.


No, I'm not trying to say science has never caused fights, but it's ridiculous to say that science has caused more than religion. If anyone can name a scientific clash-of-belief that's killed hundreds of thousands of people in one go, please do.

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I learned something from South Park. The religion itself is not what causes problems. Heck, the purpose of Christianity is to make people act more passive and Jesus-like. It's the people who take everything too literally that ruin it. This goes for both Atheists and Christians.




In my eyes, the Bible is supposed to be like a huge storybook of fables trying to guide us in the right direction. Like that little story of the boy who cried "wolf". It's not true, but it teaches some morality.




I don't believe there is a man in the sky, but I believe that if we acted more like Jesus then the world would be a better place. Do you have to believe that there was a real occurrence of a boy crying wolf in order to learn the lesson?

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That is an interesting way to view it Zierro, and I have to agree partly. A lot of the Bible is moral teachings, and we should try to follow those teachings. Yet, the Bible isn't only a story book, but in some cases contains factual information in it.


|Signature by Jason321|

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Before i give my 2 cents I'll get this out of the way. I'm a Christian. I'm Anglican.




The bible for the most part is true. You shouldn't take the Old Testament literally, as that's where, for the most part, violence stems out. Take a look at all those fights they had in the old testament. Now-a-days it should be taken figuratively (sp?). Try to look through it for the deeper meaning, and the morals that they show. I can't explain all the stories but I'll go on things like David and Goliath. The message behind that (I think) is bravery and self-sacrifice for the love of someone or something. It also shows how anyone of any size can beat bigger things.




Quite a few of older books have bible messages put through them.Take The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe for example. That depicts how Jesus died for us through Aslan, the Lion. There's others too. LOTR. I'm pretty sure you have all read that. Well, Frodo's struggle to get the Ring to Mount Doom is reminiscent of quite a few stories in the Bible. Even David and Goliath.




The Bible is a huge collection of peoples stories and encounters with God, and the morals which they have gained from that. The purpose of the bible is to tell us of God's word.




In amongst all that is how we should be good people, and how we should try and live our life. That's why is makes for a thumping good read.




I'm surprised if you read down to here. For the most part I agree with Zierro.




Now, before I leave, here's a little FUN FACT about the Bible:




It is the most stolen item around the world. Yet that's one of the things it tells you not too do. Steal. IT is most probably from all around in those hotel ;). Good ol' paradoxes.

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I hate all of the religions. There's so much violence because of them it would be better if none of them existed. My 5 cents.






I prefer to think of it as the cancer of modern society.


And how is that? Because you can provide a laughing emoticon?


Well won. :roll:




We don't have a cure for cancer we have treatments but no absolute cure.




We don't have a cure for religion but we have a treatment I like to call "Common Sense"


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Now, before I leave, here's a little FUN FACT about the Bible:




It is the most stolen item around the world. Yet that's one of the things it tells you not too do. Steal. IT is most probably from all around in those hotel ;). Good ol' paradoxes.






And DaN, really getting tired of your pointless, spammy posts. You're not making a point in the least, just making yourself look ignorant. :/

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I agree with the guy above. Dan, you're just asking for a flame war. I'm gonna quote one of those "you know your a fundamentalist atheist" things where you know you are one when:




"You consider common sense to be a belief held by less than a quarter of the population."




There's nothing about religion that makes it idiotic unless you're an extremist. I don't see how atheism contains any more common sense than a religion, seeing as there's no way to totally disprove god's existence, and it's rather hard to get true atheist to aknowledge god's existence. Believe it or not, it takes more than "common sense" to make people change their lifestyles totally and everything they've believed in.




and as for the bible being a "storybook": remember that there are dozens of different authors of the bible. For example, the author of Revelation (who calls himself John but may not be John the disciple or baptist) uses almost everything contained in the book as a symbol for something going on in the period written (A.D. 90). while, say, some of the gospel writers prefer to use a lot more facts and concrete writing. So some of the bible's books may be stories with a moral in it, while some are facts about the life of Christ and the people before him.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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And DaN, really getting tired of your pointless, spammy posts. You're not making a point in the least, just making yourself look ignorant. :/





And how is that? Because you can provide a laughing emoticon?


Well won. :roll:




Do I dare?


yes, :roll:


Since 27 Aug 2002

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You know the most damaging thing about Christianity?




The word "God" has two different meanings. Christian God, and general God. Because of this, Christians can easily tie in arguments for the existence of a general God, to their Christian God, as if they're the same thing.




We created morality, we decide for ourselves what is right or wrong. Popular opinion dictates that certain things are right/wrong, that's all there is to it. Christians argue for objective morality, the idea that somehow there are moral truths, inherent universally. Well, they must be arguing that, that is if they believe the Bible. If they don't believe that, then they're full of it. How can you possibly "interpret" the Bible as the Word of God if all your interpretations stem from your subconscious, which stems from experience and life, which means that you interpret it differently to everyone else who has ever lived. The only way you could argue that the Bible can be used as any justification for anything, is if you say that there are rights and wrongs, period. But obviously, you're not saying that, simply due to the amount of disagreement on the subject of homosexuality. Either all the Bible should be used, or none of it. You can't argue for subjective morality and STILL take the Bible to hold any sort of meaning, that is, if you ARENT an idiot.




And no, you can't just use the "good" bits, because the whole concept of "good" is made up. Get that idea into your heads. If you interpret it, EVEN FOR PERSONAL PRAYER, you're deluding yourself. Do you understand how the process of interpreting it works? If you don't realise that everything you've known/done/experienced influences what you think, then you ARE an idiot. And if you do understand this, and still talk about "interpreting the Bible's wisdom" without realising that all you've done is simply chosen something that you wanted to, hence the CHOICE aspect, then you're also an idiot.




Either all of it, or none of it. If it is the "Word of God," then take it all on board. And don't say "many men have changed it over time," because that's entirely irrelevent. If that's the case, it works both ways. How do you know that it was changed for the worse? Is it not possible that the Bible was even more barbaric, and the stories of "goodness" were added by men? For all you know, your God could be one mean SOB. But, of course, he isn't, because "he's good." And so is everything you think, because, how possibly can you be wrong. Hell, you're so right, that you can INTERPRET a book proclaimed as the "Word of God", openly use certain passages and discard other ones that you do not agree with, try and use it for justification when making laws/systems of education, and actually have the arrogance to ignore all of this, apparently in the effort to find "absolute truth."




Yeh, sure.


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