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Important Information Regarding Fletching


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i shorta agree with this.








Most high lvl people aren't ganna get 99 with yews if you ask me, i think they go with mage logs which really haven't changed. and the reason yews have gone up is people wanna buy yews for firemaking. yews are probaly the best thing for firemaking if you ask me.








so really i think its firemaking not fletching

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The thing is, there is too much money in runescape. If it was like back in RSC, people wouldnt just buy all of their skills. Just look at herblore and smithing.








Herblore: Everyone is buying harralanders and selling energy pots, never the other way around.








Smithing: Buying gold ore and selling bars.








The list goes on and all.




I've never met a 99 smith that's gotten 99 from buying gold ores and smelthing... NEVER!




Every 99 smith I know went the same way as me, and that's smelthing iron ores and making iron knifes :D

didn't oddfaery do gold ores till 99? like his last couple lvls or something








i did iron till 85 i didn't do knives i'd rather get it over with than wanna jump off a bridge lol.. I made plates.. Who cares if i lose GP, GP isn't what matters to me its exp

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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people who buy their way into fletching annoy me




im going for 99 fletching, but im doing it the hard way by cutting my own logs




i set myself up with a dwc and hack away those yews in seers








LMAO, they may annoy you buying the logs, but guess who will make it to 99, you or them? Second, woodcutting is boring.. i can't stand watching the screen do it as i don't even click, i have to be doing skills where your clicking and such. You have a different outtake on it, so keep cutting your yews, thats what you enjoy.


Shot at 2007-07-23

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I bought all my yews/strings to get 99 fletching, why, because i dont like wc (despite being lvl 84) fact is if i was to get 99 wcing, i would rather sell my logs, doesnt say in the rules that you have to train woodcutting to train fletching, it can help but then buying them all is easier if you want 99 fletching, not 99 woodcutting...

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Well it depends. Keep your thread bumped alot. If a seller is selling 1k and you're buying 1k, chances are you guys will exchange. As long as you keep your thread at the top, you'll be good to go.

we were given this privledge to get easy exp, everything has a cost.
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Yesterday i was trying to get 70 mage and i was gunna flech the yews myself and then i was like wtf yew logs are 375ea I remember 5 months ago were i thouhgt it was a bad deal to pay 280ea. So i tottaly agree with you

I dont have a sig anymore =[

But I did manage to get every skill in the highscores

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Here's something interesting:




10,741 people have 99 fletching.




10,417 have 99 cooking.




8,346 have 75 herblore.




6,591 have 75 runecraft.




5,650 have 75 agility.




It's kinda sad how cooking and fletching are stacked. There are now more people with a 99 cooking/fletching cape than the amount who can ID a torstol or use a giant pouch. Truthfully, when you see someone with one of these two capes, do you really think "Wow"? I am in no way saying this to bash the skillers, as I do not have the work ethic to reach the 99s, but now, I must agree, it is a bit overdone.


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i think people going for 99 fletch are stupid why go for an easy skill everyone does do something hard and worthy like fishing or thieving








Thieving is even easier..... PP has a max of 250k exp per hour at the higher levels.

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The whole idea has really made me rethink my strategy on getting to 99 fletching. I've decided that I may just go the whole way in fletching with maples.








While it may be slower, it can be done a whole lot cheaper. It can even still be done at a profit using maples (maybe).








If you start from level 70 at 737,627 XP (yew longs) it takes 13,034,431 XP to get to 99. This works out to be:








- 211,104 Unstrung Maple Longbows




- 182,175 Unstrung Yew Shortbows




- 163,958 Unstrung Yew Longbows








Using Managing Thy Kingdom, maples can be gotten for 56.1 gp each. Even if there was no change in the yew market, and yews stay at 300 gp each, there is a HUGE cost difference in getting there.








211,104 maples @ 56.1 gp = 11,842,934 gp




163,958 yews @ 300 gp = 49,187,400 gp








In more meaningful numbers, the additional work that needs to be done works out to be 1746 full inventories and 4 individual pieces of logs to longbows.








If you want to use MTK to gather flax and spin your own bowstrings, you can cut those numbers in half. You can also plan on 1,583,280 crafting XP for the 155,552 bowstrings you will spin making maple longs.








Of course, if you want to go the stringing and high alching route, these numbers are no where near as good. Unless you can get your nats for under 288 gp each, you can't make a profit on maple longs. Strung maple longs, using MTK, will cost 96.1 gp each (56.1 for a log, 40 per flax). They high alch for 348 each.








In the final analysis, I find that this could still be profitable because of the rest of the MTK results. If you use MTK to strictly supply your fletching needs it can easily pay for itself and your base cost would be 0.








Using MTK with 100% approval, full coffers, 10 workers on flax, and 5 workers on maples will net the following results per day:








- 1250 flax




- 445 maples




- 2 herb seeds




- 4 birds nests








(Results get better if you don't collect every day. See Sin81's MTK guide for optimum bonus results and number of days - http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=579970)








Sell off 750 flax per day to cover your MTK costs, and your maples and additional flax are free. Seeds and nests are daily profit. Now, even normal price nats result in some kind of profit from high alching because those would be your only costs. Paying 300 for nats will still net you 48 gp per strung maple long. A total profit of 7,466,496 gp.








I'm not a power skiller by any means, and I am in no particular hurry to get this done. I guess I may be unique in that I really don't care that this method would take 238 days to complete levels 70-99. In the mean time, I can chop yews as I please to supplement the plan and get small bursts of activity done to reduce the time needed. Not to mention that I can accomplish the goal far more reasonably in terms of funds needed to get going. In 10 day collection periods for MTK, I never need more that 1,500,000 gp in the kingdom coffers at any given time to keep going.








Yeah it's slow and methodical, but I've been called those things before.








::edited to fix a slight math miscalculation

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