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Skill Capes, or Rares? Your Opinions Here!


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for construction cape notice you need 217k to get from 1 to 99, considering planks are 550 ea, wearing the cape would cost more then 120m...








thats more then 60% of all the rares in runescape. some skill capes would be a better choice even if you are looking for a weathy outfit.

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Pros and cons to both. I have 99 fletching, 99 cooking, Quest Point cape, and a santa hat.








skillcape - good bonus in def and prayer, pride of mastering a skill, 100/99 when "operating" cape.




rare - display time and effort put into earning enough $ for it, investment where, if you wait long enough, you can earn millions easily












skillcape - a TON of noobs asking you what cape it is, for emote, how long it took you to get 99.




rare - noobs ask if you can give them $ or free stuff, how much you bought rare for, constantly follow you around, all that $ is locked up in an item - bad if you don't have back up cash, if you die rares are one of the cheapest items in the game (selling to store) and you will almost always lose them if you have any other items.
















Personally, I'd rather have firemaking, thieving, and magic skillcapes over any rare.

I remember when the Kalphite Queen dethroned the King Black Dragon.

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I'd chose a 99 cape like hunter or Farming > Any rare because anyone can have a rare but those capes need dedication




And what rare do you have since you said anyone can have a rare.








If that's the case everyone in rs should have a mask or phat.




I'd rather have a phat (like my white phat :D ) instead of a skill cape.








But if it's between a santa or green mask and a skill cape, I'll take the skill cape.

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I'd chose a 99 cape like hunter or Farming > Any rare because anyone can have a rare but those capes need dedication




And what rare do you have since you said anyone can have a rare.








If that's the case everyone in rs should have a mask or phat.




I'd rather have a phat (like my white phat :D ) instead of a skill cape.








But if it's between a santa or green mask and a skill cape, I'll take the skill cape.








Yeah, by the way, I like your avatar thingy. Your outfit is really cool. ::'

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I have both rares and a skillcape (hopefully a mage one too son if my mum unbans me grrr)








quite frankly even a fletch skillcape owns rares, but i wouldnt give my rares up either, red mask is so perty <3: soo well... me opinion is inconclusive, ill get back to you if I ever decide.

~the plumber of pain~

~currently - training range (when i'm online)~

[heres my 99 mage vid!

summoning charm guide: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?p=5641302#5641302

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I have both rares and a skillcape (hopefully a mage one too son if my mum unbans me grrr)








quite frankly even a fletch skillcape owns rares, but i wouldnt give my rares up either, red mask is so perty <3: soo well... me opinion is inconclusive, ill get back to you if I ever decide.








Your Mom banned you? how does that work. :mrgreen:

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