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PS3 Wii or 360 !!!!!!


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I go with the Wii. I own one, luckly and miraculously got one of thirty at a local Wal*Mart, and I love it. These are my testimonies for the X-box, PS3, and the Wii:








X-Box 360: 7/10: I dislike X-Box 360, although it has a pretty good looking library, the Wii will do better. My friends have told me it overheats and breaks too easily. They said it's really only good for the graphics.








PS3: 5/10: Erm...What? This system should die. It's, again, only good for the graphics. The Wii will do way better.








Wii: 9/10: It may not have flashy graphics or a current good library, but believe me, the Wii will blow the video game market away with great action packed games and fun for the family. My entire family loves it, and my friends and I have never had a better time playing a video game when laying Wii sports or Redsteel multiplayer. 9/10, though, because it's not perfect, but it's a very good system.








If you need any more justification, just check out some of the furture Wii games:








Mario Party 8








Prince of Persia: Rival Swords








Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII








The Godfather: Blackhand Edition








Medal of Honor Vanguard








Sims (Working Title)








Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07








Super Paper Mario








Mortal Kombat: Armageddon








Scarface: The World is Yours (Different version from the rest, cause it's for the Wii)








Manhunt 2








Madden NFL 08








Soulcalibur IV (May or may not be exclusive)








Pirates of the Caribbean 3








Super Smash Bros. Brawl








Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers








NBA Live








One Piece: Unlimited Adventure








Lost: The Game








Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn








Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen








Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party








Dewy's Adventure (May or may not be exclusive)








Brothers in Arms D-Day








Black [next-gen]








Metroid Prime 3: Corruption








Super Mario Galaxy








James Bond 007 (2008) [untitled]








Pokemon Battle Revolution








*All bold games are exclusives.*








This is just a fraction of the library! This is only a fraction of the '07 games for the Wii!








Also, Check this out! These are the future Wii channels they'll have. For those of you that don't know what a Wii channel is, it's when you connect live online, where you can shop for virtual console games and do other stuff. The Wii channels on the link are downloadable onto the Wii. Very cool.








This is why I like the Wii. Pwns the PS3 by a long shot, ties atm with X-Box, and, like many sites online say, the Wii might actually be the best console.








Whew, I'm glad I wrote that. Have a snow day today, it's kinda wierd because it's raining atm, and it barely snowed here in Massachusettes. Must have snowed more in New Hempshire.

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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The Wii will never "blow video games out of the water" because nintendo will NEVER be able to get any good exclusives that apply to the majority of gamers. The Wii right now has 2 ok games-Zelda and Wii sports, and Zelda is WAY overrated

The world would be a whole lot better if little green men in UFO's came down to earth to abduct rednecks.
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The Wii will never "blow video games out of the water" because nintendo will NEVER be able to get any good exclusives that apply to the majority of gamers. The Wii right now has 2 ok games-Zelda and Wii sports, and Zelda is WAY overrated








Um, did you look at the list I put up? Most of those games ARE exclusive exept a few...And one of those games is DDR, of course only idiots who like sitting on their butts all day and don't feel like dancing with DDR for the Wii and play Halo...Are lazy. And it porbably will own the X-Box and PS3 in no time.








Il go with ps3 it owns xbox anyday, most of you are saying xbox because it was released before ps3 and so you bought it. Without the chance of playing ps3 you think its better, im sorry but your wrong. Yeah some games are better but overall the machine kinda blows. Ps3 wins hands down i dont care how amny are sold, only little kids buy wii cuz its a waste and xbox was realesed like 16 months ago?








Dude, video game statistics say PS3 blows and Wii rocks. Your just saying PS3 rocks cause of the graphics. And they blow, anyway. To me, a PS3 is a PS2 with slightly imporved graphics. The Wii is not a kiddy system, it's actually awesome and cheap, unlike the PS3, which sucks (Donkey) and is expensive. Even if they lowered the price, I still wouldn't buy one. That's how bad PS3 is. I agree with the X-Box thing you said, though, the console is sucky, and they break easily. But I've played a PS3 and it blows more than anything I've played before.

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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Il go with ps3 it owns xbox anyday, most of you are saying xbox because it was released before ps3 and so you bought it. Without the chance of playing ps3 you think its better, im sorry but your wrong. Yeah some games are better but overall the machine kinda blows. Ps3 wins hands down i dont care how amny are sold, only little kids buy wii cuz its a waste and xbox was realesed like 16 months ago?








Typical sony fanboy...








I'm currently enjoying my 360 I got last week. Works really nice with my 22" widescreen monitor.

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The Wii will never "blow video games out of the water" because nintendo will NEVER be able to get any good exclusives that apply to the majority of gamers. The Wii right now has 2 ok games-Zelda and Wii sports, and Zelda is WAY overrated








Um, did you look at the list I put up? Most of those games ARE exclusive exept a few...And one of those games is DDR, of course only idiots who like sitting on their butts all day and don't feel like dancing with DDR for the Wii and play Halo...Are lazy. And it porbably will own the X-Box and PS3 in no time.








Il go with ps3 it owns xbox anyday, most of you are saying xbox because it was released before ps3 and so you bought it. Without the chance of playing ps3 you think its better, im sorry but your wrong. Yeah some games are better but overall the machine kinda blows. Ps3 wins hands down i dont care how amny are sold, only little kids buy wii cuz its a waste and xbox was realesed like 16 months ago?








Dude, video game statistics say PS3 blows and Wii rocks. Your just saying PS3 rocks cause of the graphics. And they blow, anyway. To me, a PS3 is a PS2 with slightly imporved graphics. The Wii is not a kiddy system, it's actually awesome and cheap, unlike the PS3, which sucks (Donkey) and is expensive. Even if they lowered the price, I still wouldn't buy one. That's how bad PS3 is. I agree with the X-Box thing you said, though, the console is sucky, and they break easily. But I've played a PS3 and it blows more than anything I've played before.









That is why what I say>what you say. The Wii has no -->GOOD<--- exclusives.








What my favorite part about you ignorant fanboys is that most of you dont know that the PS3 now has online almost identical to the 360, dashboard and everything








Unless the Wii gets good games, it will never be good

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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That is why what I say>what you say. The Wii has no -->GOOD<--- exclusives.








What my favorite part about you ignorant fanboys is that most of you dont know that the PS3 now has online almost identical to the 360, dashboard and everything








Unless the Wii gets good games, it will never be good








I tend to easily disagree. Seriously, the PS3 isn't good, no matter what you try to justify. X-Box 360 has a WAY better online gaming than the PS3; and soon, the Wii will too, and the Wii will obviously dominate the market with it's very godd exclusive games and games that are mulit systems. I don't care if you have 1 of the systems or all 3, I'd say atm PS3 has the weakest library compared to the X-Box 360 and Wii, and the worst graphics compared to X-Box 360. So I'd drop dead before I'd buy a PS3. Worse, if the Wii never existed, I'd jump for the X-Box, and I seriously dislike X-Box. So don't worry your pretty little head, the Wii is good with the games it has now.

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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Do you honestly think the PS3 has the worst graphics? Wow, you couldnt look like anymore of an idiot.








And the Wii has a horrible library that applies to all ages. It has games that have been made 100 times over(Zelda,Mario and Metroid) and little kids games

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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Do you honestly think the PS3 has the worst graphics? Wow, you couldnt look like anymore of an idiot.








And the Wii has a horrible library that applies to all ages. It has games that have been made 100 times over(Zelda,Mario and Metroid) and little kids games








:lol: Typical Sony fanboy. Listen, you need to chill out. And those games you claim to have been made 100 times are litterally 100 times better than the PS3 games. Not only that, but I said the PS3 had worse graphics than the X-Box 360, not the worst. And I'm sorry, but you and the other PS3 fans think flashy graphics are everything, and you let that consume you and then, soon, all you care about is graphics. Storyline with ok graphics like TP is just fine with me. But playing a boxing game on the PS3 with awesome realistic graphics but horrid play...Like it entering slow motion when you punch someone in the face hard...Is dumb. The best game I've seen out for the PS3 was Oblivion's remake.








And you are being a hypocrite. You say the Wii has a horrid library, but the PS3 has a horrid and weaker library. Jeeze.








Oh, and the highlighted parts of your quote...Stop making fun of yourself. It'll be okay, just take a couple of chill pills and take a long nap. You'll be fine then. And, Wii has a weak library, but at least better than the PS3. I couldn't expect less; they are, after all, new consoles, dumb (Bleep). Again, look at my long post with just a fraction of the games that are coming out. Don't worry, I'll try to dumb it down for you and bold the exclusive games, Ok? It's on the previous page.








For my last stand, Every game that you named that you've claimed they made over and over. They are new games with new storylines that don't apply to the old ones. So use a better choice of a sentance and words next time. Oh, again, hypocracy, the PS3 has a lot of games that have sequals and stuff. Don't say war games and sport games don't count, loser.








How 'bout checking this place out? You'll see how many people think PS3 is awesome.

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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Typical that my post is ignored and the topic changes before he posts again...








Keep in mind that these games you CLAIM have been made 1000 times over are actually much different games, just with the same characters.








I mean how exactly does Mario galaxies match up with Super Mario brothers? Or how does the new Metroid games the same as the the originals? The only things in common are the characters.








And, talk about hypocracy, how many times have the games they have for the PS3 been made? Unlike you, gameplay is the thing I look to to match games, and to tell you the truth, the PS3 doesn't have much variety, I mean, how many FPSs, fighting games, and racing games can you make before they are all the exact same thing over and over again with the only difference being graphics? I mean look at GTA, has the game EVER changed since the first one came out? Same with Virtual fighter, there are even games from seperate series that can be matched up perfectly, anything that actually seems like a change with the PS3 either is a horrible idea, or its on every other system.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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Typical idiot thinking is thinking that any PS3 supporter only cares about graphics. To be honest, I really dont care. I play my N64 more than I play all 3 of my 7th gen consoles combined. I am not a fanboy, just because I own a PS3 and can afford it doesnt make me a fanboy. I HAVE ALL 3 CONSOLES FOR CHRISTS SAKE, how can that make me a sony fanboy?








I will go look at a COMPLETE list of games for the wii, unconfirmed or confirmed and tell you how many the general public (gamers 13-25) will actually buy. Then I will do the same with the PS3 except confirmed only








* means exclusive












Cod 3




The Godfather Blackhand Edition




*GT Pro Series




Guitar hero 2
















NfS: Carbon




Resident Evil








*Tony hawk




*Wii sports








12 games












Assassins creed












Driver 5




Elder Scrolls








Fight Night












God of War 3




Grand Turismo 5








Half Life












Ratchet and Clank








Resident Evil




Ridge Racer




Saints row












Tom Clancy vegas




Tom clancy ghost recon




Tom Clancy splinter cell




Tony Hawk








26 for PS3, and that is for gamers 13-25, most of them arent going to buy most of the games for the wii. And if you want to count the list as a whole, the PS3 has more than the wii

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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Typical idiot thinking is thinking that any PS3 supporter only cares about graphics. To be honest, I really dont care. I play my N64 more than I play all 3 of my 7th gen consoles combined. I am not a fanboy, just because I own a PS3 and can afford it doesnt make me a fanboy. I HAVE ALL 3 CONSOLES FOR CHRISTS SAKE, how can that make me a sony fanboy?








I will go look at a COMPLETE list of games for the wii, unconfirmed or confirmed and tell you how many the general public (gamers 13-25) will actually buy. Then I will do the same with the PS3 except confirmed only








* means exclusive












Cod 3




The Godfather Blackhand Edition




*GT Pro Series




Guitar hero 2
















NfS: Carbon




Resident Evil








*Tony hawk




*Wii sports








12 games












Assassins creed












Driver 5




Elder Scrolls








Fight Night












God of War 3




Grand Turismo 5








Half Life












Ratchet and Clank








Resident Evil




Ridge Racer




Saints row












Tom Clancy vegas




Tom clancy ghost recon




Tom Clancy splinter cell




Tony Hawk








26 for PS3, and that is for gamers 13-25, most of them arent going to buy most of the games for the wii. And if you want to count the list as a whole, the PS3 has more than the wii








Lets see...








1. Thats not even 1/4th of the games for the Wii, and you know it.








2. Several of those PS3 games are unconfirmed, even if they were confirmed they are most assuredly not going to come out for more than half a year from now if even that. Other games are assuredly going to be complete remakes from older games, just because all the specific genres have gone in every direction they can possibly go. Several of the games are being made for at least one other system, thus, why buy a $600 consol when you can play the same games on a consol worth half that?








I do hold out some hope for some of those games, for Sony's sake, they had better be good, otherwise, the PS3 will more than assuredly bring Sony to its downfall.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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I took those from the lists on wikipedia, all the ps3 ones were confirmed, if they werent then i didnt add them

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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You guys have to think that the PS3 only has launch games at the moment give it a year or so and it should have some good ones.








I guess i cant say what i thinks better cause i own none of the next gen consoles.

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As already said, there's way more games for Wii than on that list, Blue.








Anyway, it seems to be getting a battle for the fan-boys again, and we've finally got someone to match up with Blue: Sephiroth King


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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As already said, there's way more games for Wii than on that list, Blue.








Anyway, it seems to be getting a battle for the fan-boys again, and we've finally got someone to match up with Blue: Sephiroth King








I would do an evil laugh, and I'm truly flattered.








Lets see, Blue...Guitar hero 2 isn't coming out for the Wii, its Dance Dance Revolution, which will come with a dance pad and the remotes will act as arm movement. If it is, cool, but that would be wierd. I will say this in red: Wikipedia sucks. Continuing...It's True, the list you put up for Wii games is very, very incomplete. That's, again, only a fraction of the games that are coming out in '07.








Tom clancy's splinter cell games will always be for Wii, PS3, and most likely X-Box; Assassins creed creators ditched PS3 for X-Box, because PS3 isn't doing good at all. Sony just isn't doing good at all, and the future looks very dim.








Blue, I hate to say it, but I don't give a rats [wagon] if you own all three systems, the fact is you focus on specifically one system, ignoring the other two, so you ARE a Sony fanboy if you think it is dominate over the other two consoles. Unfortunatly for you, the future of old PS2 exclusives might not even be exclusives for the PS3; Kingdom Hearts, for example. Because Sony loses $200 for every console sold, Square might not come out with it on the PS3---After all, they are starting to partner with Nintendo and are doing very well. And after many people saw the PS3 wasn't great, had bugs, and was quite defected, they pounced towards the Wii---Some going for the 360. Again, here is a list of games, again, only a damn fraction of the actual amount of games there will be:








*Bold means Exclusives*








*May or May not be exclusive simply means it might be for the Wii or not*








*Most likely means 90% chance of being exclusive*








*Different version simply means it's remade for the Wii and is somewhat improved*








Mario Party 8








Prince of Persia: Rival Swords (Most likely will be)








Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWI (May or may not be)








The Godfather: Blackhand Edition (Different version)








Medal of Honor Vanguard








Sims (Working Title)








Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07








Super Paper Mario








Mortal Kombat: Armageddon (Different version)








Scarface: The World is Yours (Different version)








Manhunt 2








Madden NFL 08








Soulcalibur IV (May or may not be exclusive)








Pirates of the Caribbean 3








Super Smash Bros. Brawl








Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers








NBA Live








One Piece: Unlimited Adventure








Lost: The Game








Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn








Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen








Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party








Dewy's Adventure (May or may not be exclusive)








Brothers in Arms D-Day








Black [next-gen]








Metroid Prime 3: Corruption








Super Mario Galaxy








James Bond 007 (2008) [untitled]








Pokemon Battle Revolution








As you can see, Square worked with Nintendo with Crystal Chronicles before, very fun game, and they're at it again. Hey, who knows, maybe KH3 will be for Wii or not. But the infamous Japenese forums say it will be.








Go ahead. Try and JUSTIFY the PS3 further.

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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I know, I only put that there because I need to justify for the Wii. They make too many, and yet they do good! It makes me angry!

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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You make me angry as well, but it's not like you're going back into your writers solitude.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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... :( ...I'm sorry...I like the Sims in some games, but they have made a lot of them...I'll respect you and the people that do like them from now on :wink: I'll keep my thoughts to myself. :D

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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That's not what it's about. It's your claims about the 360 and PS3 being bad consoles, and claiming that they are soley for the graphics. Which is a pretty hard claim. But you've got nothing to back those hard words up. Other than "The Wii will do better", but that's completely irrelevant. That's the kind of thing that annoys me.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Well, this is a post that asks which console you support, and I support Wii, so I don't have to back it up. You can like whatever system you like, I think Wii will do better and do not have to justify further. But if you want me to back up, here I go:








X-Box 360: A console that came out first, had good graphics, but had many bugs and, like the original, if you play this console too long, it will overheat and break. So it needs many repairs. Still better than the PS3, though. 7/10.








PS3: Horrid console; only good for graphics, has many bugs, freezes a lot, and has many defects. It's overpriced, too, on top of that. To me, the PS3 is a extremely poor excuse for a PS2 with better graphics. Although it doesn't need to be fixed like the X-Box, this is still a sorry excuse for a console. 5/10.








Wii: Doesn't have many problems or weaknesses, no bugs to be reported, and is very fun. The first system with a revolutionary motion sensor, and the first "Exercisable" console. With it's future cutting edge games, it will blow the game market out of the water. This is why I said it was better. 9/10,though, becuse it is not perfect.








Oh, I actually did justify all three on page 4, and never used the words X-BOX 360 IS A BAD CONSOLE. I did say, though, it was sucky and it's a system that overheats and breaks way too easily, just not as bad as the PS3. I kept saying it was better than the PS3, though, and if the Wii never came out, I would go with 360. I never actually said the X-Box is a horrid console, I said it was good, but the bugs and breaking problems I dislike, that's why I would say it's OK, not the greatest. And if you need more proof, I have plenty of justification for the PS3, I actually gave it the worst review and justified it so much. You must be overlooking something. There ya go. Full justification, like I wrote on page 4.

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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I used to dislike the PS3 for the reasons already mentioned (no good games, costs a lot). But man, I just checked some of the games that will be released for it, and I have to say it looks very impressive so far. Might have to buy one.


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