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What Is Your Stand On Rares?


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Right there, that's why people have rares. Too bad I can't wear my rare :|








why cant u wear it?




afraid you will lose it?








I might eat it? :P








oh so its a easter or pumpkin




thats smart if it was me i would prob get hit a 1 by a man and start spazzing and eat it




the luck i have :P








Isn't that a bit over-reactive? I never liked colorful eggs or a 3+ year old pumpkin in my tummy anyway ::'

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I view them as good investments. I bought my one rare when I had extra cash that wasn't going into anything else. However, investing in them now may not be a good idea. They currently only seem to drop in price.

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personally, if the economy is held together by paper hats and trick-or-treat face plants, then i say there junk. personally, i am spitefull as i once owned a red phat an odd 5 years ago now, 5 years i tried to make it past 3m. havent gave up for school instead of wasting time losing stuff continusly. but thats MY opinion, only use i see is to prove your loyalty to RSC and nothing else.


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My motto has always been: if it doesn't have stats it doesnt exists..




But like in rl - they are peeps out there who are possessed with status symbols (self-esteem problems etc..).








Items in RS can be judged for what you get from alching them...enough said :P




Not entirly true, some of the TT items does worth more then they Hi-alch for (BTW what the 3rd age kites Hi-Alch for,any1 know ? :D )

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Hell I love em. Gives me a goal in Runescape BESIDES Skillz. I have a partyhat myself.








See, not everything is about skills. You can make other goals too. Like...making mass amounts of money (via dangerous monster, merchanting, staking, etc.). Some people just have spare change and want to make an investment. Just because they aren't "skills" doesn't mean they are USELESS. Some people keep them as a symbol of wealth or a goal they achieved.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Hell I love em. Gives me a goal in Runescape BESIDES Skillz. I have a partyhat myself.








See, not everything is about skills. You can make other goals too. Like...making mass amounts of money (via dangerous monster, merchanting, staking, etc.). Some people just have spare change and want to make an investment. Just because they aren't "skills" doesn't mean they are USELESS. Some people keep them as a symbol of wealth or a goal they achieved.








so they r pretty much a skill cape for cash


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Why waste hundreds of millions of gp on a hat with no stat boosts..




I'd rather buy some useful pretty stuff like gilded armor




They're not a waste, nor are they not useful. There's no item in the game of runescape that's more useful than a party hat. I repeat. No item in runescape is more useful than a party hat or similar rare. I invested about 20million into rares in rsc, now I have a 1bil+ networth. How can you call that a waste? How can you call that useless?

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the only reason i have my santas is so that i can eventually work up to a phat :P








someday i will work up to that phat and will thank all the times i kept my santas instead of selling them.


Proud Retired Council of The Gladiatiorz

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how does everyone afford rares :oops:








Simple. Luck and know what to do.
























Dagganoth Kings




Any other dangerous monster








Plenty more.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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how does everyone afford rares :oops:








Simple. Luck and know what to do.
























Dagganoth Kings




Any other dangerous monster








Plenty more.








all it takes is time and patience


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I like them specifically for making more money, I've often had rares up to a full mask set (back when they were a lot less) in my bank, but I almost never wore them and I always sold them when they were at the amount of profit i wanted to make.


Dragon Drops: D spear x 2, D skirt, D half-shield, D axe, D 2h

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they are good and bad, good for goals of many many players, but bad since they dont actually do anything but show you have dosh.....in which you converted into a single item


click my sig for my blog!!!

Thanks everyone for the sigs they pwn!

No. Why should i give presents for someone in rs?

Most selfish thing I've ever heard

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I like rares, although it creates many problems for the game, it also does help in places. without rares, dragon armor and raw matereal prices would go through the roof. aside from that, its good to have an outragously expensive item in a game for people to dream about

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Rares used to be more important for the games economy in the past, but they still play a big role. They are a good and interesting addition to the games economy and have been great as an investement opportunity.

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I'd probably sell my party hat or santa hat if I had one, but I'd wear it around a while and show people the product of my hard work.








Right there, that's why people have rares. Too bad I can't wear my rare :|








why cant u wear it?




afraid you will lose it?








I might eat it? :P








same here :ohnoes:








as for the discussion, rares are a vital part of the rs economy, and provide a lot of motivation to play.


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Well i could care less about rares, the only time i would get one is if someone died or i got extremely rich off t trails maybe id buy a santa but thats it

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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Well, as for one who used to own a phat, I'd say it's a goal some people are obsessed with. But when you actually get the item on ur head, you realise it's useless and that after all, maybe you were overrating it.

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rares are an important part of the economy. if jagex decided to make rares untradable, that would EXTREMELY damage the community and then some less rare things, ie. treasure trail items would skyrocket to the prices of rares... There will always be something in the economy that costs alot of money. I dream to have a red phat one day. Thats my rs goal. lol.








Full dragon, red phat, oh god... =P~




Proud Runescaper Since 2003

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Gah, there are so many threads about this.




I think that they play a vital role in Runescape because of people's mindsets to get them. What is one of the ultiment goals in Runescape? To get a rare of course! Drive is what motivates the Runescaper to keep playing, and the "greedy" alure of a rare is very big.

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I wish I had one, or at least been back in the time when they were around.








I do, however, laugh in the face of people in complete denial claiming that they are just pixels, have no value or some other crap like that

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