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meh i dont have proof but i started playing in 2002 or late 2001 on my first account then i quit playing for a few years, forgot my pass and made a new guy in 2003 after Bunny Ears but before Scythe.








i didnt play the first account that much, me and friends played 2 time s a week at the computer lab.








if some one could tell me when they first added the chat filter it would help pinpoint the year i played the first account on. Also i remember the only kind of pickaxe you could get was in barbville. when mining you had to click on the pcik in your inv and then the rock everytime...you could switch off/on player killer mode...











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Started in the early years of 2001 =D>








I'll dig up some old pictures when I get home from school








Anyone remember the big red "Play Game" button? I'd give anything to find a picture of that again



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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im from 06-2004 but got hacked once (nopthing lost, just logged in changed pass and failed on my bank pin) so i dont hav e a pic from my recovery questions date...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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Anyone else still have proof of playing this game a long time ago? if so post it up! Mines in my sig.








Seems me and you started on the same day, and the guy in the 2nd post started a day after us. ;)




















That picture is off an old old pure, so my main (Metallica56) is a bit older.



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Anyone else still have proof of playing this game a long time ago? if so post it up! Mines in my sig.








Seems me and you started on the same day, and the guy in the 2nd post started a day after us. ;)




















That picture is off an old old pure, so my main (Metallica56) is a bit older.








You didn't start on the same day.. when rs2 was released (I think) everyone's Recovs were set to 27th of feb 2002, which I believe is the day they released members.








On topic: I started a couple days before the easter in which bunny ears were dropped. No pics of rsc, because I've went through numerous computers.

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Looks like I'm another 27th Feb person :P.
















Although I know my account was created earlier than that, I know for sure I played during the Classic BETA period.



To hell with humanity;

The more I see, the less I believe.

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I vaugly remember the phat drop.








I dont remember the day, and i never had pictures back then.








I was a straight nub, lost full addy (dont ask how long that took me), my mith 2h, and my green phat.








Quit and came back summer '04








I know im a vet, and only one person can vouch for me due to the fact i was a newb XD


^^Click For Monster Hunting Blog (180M+ in drops)^^

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I was the 50th person to create an account for RS.








Are you serious?

7,436th to 99 fishing on July 13, 2008


[hide=Quotes that I lol'd at]

the day the fantastic four come into runescape, i will eat my socks.

what kind of topic is this. ihaven't read it yet

but i now it must be stupid.

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I don't really have any proof that I've been playing as long as I have, except for a TON of old pictures I took over the years of RSC. I've been playing since 2000. :D












Ian (one of the RuneScape creators) trading me full Rune before it was even out (about a week before it came out in the Guild).












Lightning in Edge bank, with Thehate talking to her (I think, if I remember correctly).












This picture was taken the day Strength Potions became yellow. There was a bug that allowed one of my potions to stay purple, while all others were turned yellow. I thought the other person's was bugged until I found out that was how they were supposed to be. :lol:












If anybody is an old player, they will remember this guy. He was the only Jagex staff that lived in the United States (might not have been the ONLY one, but he was the only one I knew of). He was around 17 I believe and lived in Flordia, one of the coolest Moderators Runescape has EVER seen. :)












Now this guy WAS the coolest Moderator ever. The man known as "Moderator". I remember talking to him once at the Port Sarim Jail and he told me that he lived less than a mile away from Andrew Gower, but they never even met once. 8-)

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Moderator was not hired by Jagex. He was a very good friend of Andrews and other Gowers that helped out in the beginning of rs for a few years. He also Alpha tested the game before the game came out with along a few others.








Moderator also made a small quest in runescape, I wonder if you can work out which of those quests it was :) not that i will reveal which quest it is as i believe his name may still maybe on jagex website. That will be up to him if he wants to reveal that information ;)








As to thehate talking to me back then i have no clue, I do remeber though i use to think he was a woman back then :D I think i may of spoke to him one of two times back then, but then i spoke to alot of users back then as it was more friendly then and we kinda knew each other, as not many users use to be online.

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Moderator=Rab, and didnt he make the dorics quest? i know that he was the one who made the spot potion








And rsguide was very cool

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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Moderator=Rab, and didnt he make the dorics quest? i know that he was the one who made the spot potion








And rsguide was very cool












yep potion was his but the quest is wrong :)

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I don't really have any proof that I've been playing as long as I have, except for a TON of old pictures I took over the years of RSC. I've been playing since 2000. :D












Ian (one of the RuneScape creators) trading me full Rune before it was even out (about a week before it came out in the Guild).












Lightning in Edge bank, with Thehate talking to her (I think, if I remember correctly).












This picture was taken the day Strength Potions became yellow. There was a bug that allowed one of my potions to stay purple, while all others were turned yellow. I thought the other person's was bugged until I found out that was how they were supposed to be. :lol:












If anybody is an old player, they will remember this guy. He was the only Jagex staff that lived in the United States (might not have been the ONLY one, but he was the only one I knew of). He was around 17 I believe and lived in California, one of the coolest Moderators Runescape has EVER seen. :)












Now this guy WAS the coolest Moderator to ever be hired by Jagex. The man known as "Moderator". 8-)








Lol i have no idea what that pic is about :P whats its date?

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Moderator also made a small quest in runescape, I wonder if you can work out which of those quests it was :) not that i will reveal which quest it is as i believe his name may still maybe on jagex website. That will be up to him if he wants to reveal that information ;)











It was Romeo and Julia he made? atleast website said "thanks Rab" :P

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Moderator also made a small quest in runescape, I wonder if you can work out which of those quests it was :) not that i will reveal which quest it is as i believe his name may still maybe on jagex website. That will be up to him if he wants to reveal that information ;)











It was Romeo and Julia he made? atleast website said "thanks Rab" :P








As you can guess, that is only the note of support :P guess again

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i have played since sometime before legends.. but i don't have any proof =( i deleted all my rsc pics for like 2 years ago =((








only proof i got is my semi-main which got scythe


What are you smoking...? Can I buy some?
Hah Tip.It probaly knows more about Runescape then Jagex. :lol:


Watch my Vice city stunt vid -->

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Moderator also made a small quest in runescape, I wonder if you can work out which of those quests it was :) not that i will reveal which quest it is as i believe his name may still maybe on jagex website. That will be up to him if he wants to reveal that information ;)











It was Romeo and Julia he made? atleast website said "thanks Rab" :P








As you can guess, that is only the note of support :P guess again








Hehe Thehate :P








I messed up :)




He did do that quest but the one i was thinking of was abit later on. So it was two quests.




*note* to thehate, i told you my memory is bad :P

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I was the 50th person to create an account for RS.








Are you serious?












Yes completely serious. I am about 99.9% certain that I am the longest playing rs player on these forums besides lightning. I am in posession of a list of the first 2k players in which a few of my other friends who started playing at the time are also on.








This username was the first account I created for RS but a few days later I created the character which I still use today. However that username for this forum was taken quite long ago im afraid.








I was a senior in high school when I first started playing runescape. I have since been through 5 years of university, graduated and have been in the real world since June. I dont know specific dates of the first day I played, usually people dont keep records of those sort of things.

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Alright time to kick it oldschool!








These pictures are soo depressing, not because of the graphics or my stats, but that I use to have wealth












Once I figured out how to make shemales.. well yea, speaks for it's self








A shemale was a Female Charector with a beard
















Me finally getting 40 attack ([Caution: Jagex Rule Violation] + Green mask pwnage)
















Me being a noob. Somehow managed to go from Green to Red party hat in under 24 hours. Oh well. I finally got back to yellow somehow, and sold it
















Random picture :XD:












Last RSC Stat pic before I stared over again and got to level 72, then left RS for awhile, then came back and started on RS2



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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