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Best Country?

Guest XplsvBam

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It's not one country...you can go to so many different areas within the country and see COMPLETELY different life styles. You can live in (almost) every climate you can imagine with (almost) any culture you can think of! Honestly it's not all that bad. When people criticize the US, they criticize only a small portion of a much larger, more diverse picture!








I guess if you're old, Canada's socialized medicine might be nice...








Otherwise one of the Scandinavian countries...because they have some English there too. Britain's just too boring for me.

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I currently live in the USA, but I'd much rather live somewhere more liberal and isolated...and without needless wars...








So, I'm thinking either Australia or Jamaica. Or somewhere in Euopre that is socalist...I hear Switzerland isn't doing that bad right now...

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So, I'm thinking either Australia or Jamaica.








lol youd get shot in jamaica the gang culture is really bad (ive heared)

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Ireland, personally. Beautiful land. I'd live in Dunharrow as my ancestor was the Count about 600 years ago.








Aye, so would I.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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China i'd say, or south korea as well :thumbsup:








::' I have never thought that way before last year i went to China with my father, so large a country, numbers of beautiful and famous cities to visit. u will never feel that if u r not going to visit there








south korea, popular music, dance and clothing, another wonderful country in the new century \'

I just like it!

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i have to say




popular music or whatever doenst make a country amazing








America hands down is the best country to live in, I dont see why this is even an argument




best armed forces - safest




best college education in the world - smart




more immigrants come to america to stay than any other country in the world




theyre not stupid...they want to get the best life possible and thats here

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i have to say




popular music or whatever doenst make a country amazing








America hands down is the best country to live in, I dont see why this is even an argument




best armed forces - safest




best college education in the world - smart




more immigrants come to america to stay than any other country in the world




theyre not stupid...they want to get the best life possible and thats here








Again, I somehow have the urge to quote the comedian I did on the other topic. Do you have facts to back up your argument, or is America always number 1 in your mind?

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Sierra Leone. Growing Economy, low unemployment rate, stable inflation rate, friendly non-violent countrymen/woman and the government is only there to serve their people.







Sarcasm please? They're still war torn after the civil war ended in 2002, and they're one of the poorest countries around. And the Liberian Civil War and possible Guinean Civil War aren't helping much either. They only think the RUF is gone, and they've only begun to take away their power. And even though Britain pulled out its troops from Sierra Leone, it hasn't improved much since.








Oh For God Sake Yes! Thanks for picking it up so quickly. <.< :wall: Its the most screwed up country on Earth and was voted the worst country to live in by the UN a year or two back.








I hope that answers your question as well Warri0r. :wink:

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i have to say




popular music or whatever doenst make a country amazing








America hands down is the best country to live in, I dont see why this is even an argument




best armed forces - safest




best college education in the world - smart




more immigrants come to america to stay than any other country in the world




theyre not stupid...they want to get the best life possible and thats here








Again, I somehow have the urge to quote the comedian I did on the other topic. Do you have facts to back up your argument, or is America always number 1 in your mind?








In overall, it is the best. Great military, powerful economy, growing population and extremely diverse.








Countries like Finland and Sweden beat the US in things like health and economy but thats it, and its not by very much

485th person to ever play RuneScape

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i have to say




popular music or whatever doenst make a country amazing








America hands down is the best country to live in, I dont see why this is even an argument




best armed forces - safest




best college education in the world - smart




more immigrants come to america to stay than any other country in the world




theyre not stupid...they want to get the best life possible and thats here








Again, I somehow have the urge to quote the comedian I did on the other topic. Do you have facts to back up your argument, or is America always number 1 in your mind?








In overall, it is the best. Great military, powerful economy, growing population and extremely diverse.








Countries like Finland and Sweden beat the US in things like health and economy but thats it, and its not by very much








The first three things there don't mean much in my opinion. Our country's (Australia) treasurer continually harps on about how great our economy is yet all we do is sit on our hands when there is actuall progress to be made. It seems more evidant to me that politicians use that tactic as a vote grabber. A strong economy means people in your contry recognise it's a great place for capitalism and exploit it and capitalism breeds greed (just to reassure you, of course, a strong economy is better than a weak one). On the issue of military, of course, the USA's is killer, but when's the next world war going to be? We are all to interested in making money, only sectarian violence prevails in the world today. I hardly see that having a huge military makes your standards of living better unless you actually need that big of a military. Growing population makes a country better? China must be great, they're growing by the entire population of Australia (20 million) every x months.








A good country to me means the very best chance for education, the very best healthcare, geographical beuty, low crime, friendly people, little drug problems etc. America may have many of these features, they may not (take the ice epidemic for example).








If we really want to argue country 'x' has the best feature 'y' then we should really come up with some facts and thier sources. If we don't I won't be able to believe past everyone's bias, mine included. :P

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China i'd say, or south korea as well :thumbsup:








::' I have never thought that way before last year i went to China with my father, so large a country, numbers of beautiful and famous cities to visit. u will never feel that if u r not going to visit there








south korea, popular music, dance and clothing, another wonderful country in the new century \'












China's terrible to live in. Like I said in the other thread, horrible human rights they have..








And I wouldn't live in South Korea as long as North Korea has crazy leaders.

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the united states has quite a few troops in South Korea, and although north korea would be pretty far into the country by the time any re inforcments got there, the probability of a perminent invasion of South Korea is fairly low, unless North Korea decideds they are willing to lose 1/2 of their population for it. also, the reason I would never live in some northern european countries, for example is because Denmark has a 44-62% income tax rate for middle class earners. also, sales tax is 25%

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The USA is probably the best place to live in the world.








Notice how almost noone said they wouldn't want to live in the USA on that "Places you'd never live in because" thread? The people who did said they wouldn't live here because there are fat people...As if there aren't in every country.








The USA is probably best overall, but for places of beauty and stuff, it'd probably be Netherlands/Finland/Tropical places...Stuff like that.








Personally, if I won the lottery and could pick anywhere to live, I'd probably live in Colorado or something.








your country has the mopst powerful bombs in the world, your country has been atacked by terrorists, you are at war, a vast majority of you country dont like their leader, you have the power ot end the world. Yep thats a good mix.




That country is far from perfect, 1/3 americans is obese, you can't even educate your people well enough to teach them, when your full up stop eating! =D>

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The USA is probably the best place to live in the world.








Notice how almost noone said they wouldn't want to live in the USA on that "Places you'd never live in because" thread? The people who did said they wouldn't live here because there are fat people...As if there aren't in every country.








The USA is probably best overall, but for places of beauty and stuff, it'd probably be Netherlands/Finland/Tropical places...Stuff like that.








Personally, if I won the lottery and could pick anywhere to live, I'd probably live in Colorado or something.








your country has the mopst powerful bombs in the world, your country has been atacked by terrorists, you are at war, a vast majority of you country dont like their leader, you have the power ot end the world. Yep thats a good mix.




That country is far from perfect, 1/3 americans is obese, you can't even educate your people well enough to teach them, when your full up stop eating! =D>
















Less than 5% of Americans are considered to be Obese. Actually at the moment, Russia has more nuclear weapons than us (less than a hundred, and it can change at any time). We have been attacked by terrorists once, and all subsequent attacks by a number of groups have been twarted. We are at war, but to be honest, you could never tell. People don't even care that there is a war on. By vast majority you mean 58%. Around these parts, vast means landslide. Not to mention in less than a year, we will have a new leader. And there are over 50 nations that have the power to end the world, including one as small as Pakistan.








Stop making gross generalizations based on what your friends say about a country they have never been to.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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The USA is probably the best place to live in the world.








Notice how almost noone said they wouldn't want to live in the USA on that "Places you'd never live in because" thread? The people who did said they wouldn't live here because there are fat people...As if there aren't in every country.








The USA is probably best overall, but for places of beauty and stuff, it'd probably be Netherlands/Finland/Tropical places...Stuff like that.








Personally, if I won the lottery and could pick anywhere to live, I'd probably live in Colorado or something.








your country has the mopst powerful bombs in the world, your country has been atacked by terrorists, you are at war, a vast majority of you country dont like their leader, you have the power ot end the world. Yep thats a good mix.




That country is far from perfect, 1/3 americans is obese, you can't even educate your people well enough to teach them, when your full up stop eating! =D>
















Less than 5% of Americans are considered to be Obese. Actually at the moment, Russia has more nuclear weapons than us (less than a hundred, and it can change at any time). We have been attacked by terrorists once, and all subsequent attacks by a number of groups have been twarted. We are at war, but to be honest, you could never tell. People don't even care that there is a war on. By vast majority you mean 58%. Around these parts, vast means landslide. Not to mention in less than a year, we will have a new leader. And there are over 50 nations that have the power to end the world, including one as small as Pakistan.








Stop making gross generalizations based on what your friends say about a country they have never been to.








get your fact right it is 1/3.




you are still the biggest super power and can single handidly destroy the world.




it doesn't change the fact that you have been tacked by terrorist. no other coutry just britian and america.




doesn't change the fact that you are indeed at war,








OVER HALF OF YOUR COUNTRY HATE YOUR LEADER!! thats a ridiculously large number that not even half of the country like what your leader is doing!








'And there are over 50 nations that have the power to end the world, including one as small as Pakistan.'








fact 1: there are not 50 countries that have nuculeur weapons.








there are less than 10 coutries with enough nukes to destory the world, and big enough nukes.








now compare your country to finland. i wonder if they have anby problems like a war going on, or over 50% of their country hateing their leader,








not to mention you are one of the biggest causes of pollution. <.<

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Less than 5% of Americans are considered to be Obese.








The United States has the highest rates of obesity in the developed world. From 1980 to 2002, obesity has doubled in adults and overweight prevalence has tripled in children and adolescents. From 2003-2004, "children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 years, 17.1% were overweight...and 32.2% of adults aged 20 years or older were obese."
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Less than 5% of Americans are considered to be Obese.








The United States has the highest rates of obesity in the developed world. From 1980 to 2002, obesity has doubled in adults and overweight prevalence has tripled in children and adolescents. From 2003-2004, "children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 years, 17.1% were overweight...and 32.2% of adults aged 20 years or older were obese."








owned =D>

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As long as I have plenty of money. Anywhere.








With plenty of money you'll get: A nice place to live. All the material possessions to make your life comfortable. Good looking gold diggers, aka, women.








Basically, if you have lots of money, all the countries are the best.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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Less than 5% of Americans are considered to be Obese.








The United States has the highest rates of obesity in the developed world. From 1980 to 2002, obesity has doubled in adults and overweight prevalence has tripled in children and adolescents. From 2003-2004, "children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 years, 17.1% were overweight...and 32.2% of adults aged 20 years or older were obese."








Hah, wikipedia. Apparently the person who quoted that survey has no idea what OBESE means.








American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source




oÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷bese (ÃÆââ¬Â¦ÃâÃ


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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