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New Nightwish singer/music


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Released on May 30, 2007, ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅEvaÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
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I bet her name is Eva. But I couldn't care less. They suck.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I hope its available on iTunes, id like to hear it.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Only heard a few of theirs: I wish I had an angel (awesome song), symphony of destruction (better than the megadeth version by far) and Where were you last night (meh, it's ok).








I dunno if you have ever seen the stage show Phantom of the Opera but their music kinda reminds me of that.








Anyways, I will be sure to check it out :-)

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Nightwish did a version of Phantom of the Opera :D



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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new voice better be good - i'd hate for Nightwish's image to be tarnished








oh, wait...

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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Nightwish did a version of Phantom of the Opera :D








Seriously?! I am gonna have to google that!








Not the best, IMO. I like a bit of their stuff, so I'll probably try and give this a listen, see if it works out.

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I dunno if you have ever seen the stage show Phantom of the Opera but their music kinda reminds me of that.








Anyways, I will be sure to check it out :-)








That's because their old singer had a backround in Opera :)




also, I heard that they wanted their new singer to also have some backround in Opera

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  • 5 weeks later...

I totally agree. Tarja was perfect vocal and the main reason I was listening them for many years. I was one of the gratest Nightwish fans and I will never forget them loosing her and I think many other fans agree with me. They should give up and scatter because they are just a bunch of stupid loosers without Tarja.




PS. I forgot to mention they have fired her because of some stupid fight, but they also signed their downfall by doing that. Stupid fools.

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When a singer refuses to travel with the rest of the band and continuously threatens to walk out on them, there's not much else they can do... All the music was written by the rest of the band, and I'm pretty sure they'll make sure her replacement is good enough.

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Nightwish did a version of Phantom of the Opera :D




Seriously?! I am gonna have to google that!








Well,they did.But I personally like their version of over the hills and far away.


so i herd u liek devarts?

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[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

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That's impossible.


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  • 1 month later...

k, finally got a chance to listen to it, and the three short samples of the new album that came with it. The voice is a pretty big change, and I really doubt if it's for the better. It's pretty weak. The song itself was a balad that was, all things considered, pretty average for their standards.




The other samples (Amaranth, Seven Days to the Wolves, Master Passion Greed) were pretty interesting, but nothing as mindblowing as the Once samples. One thing I noticed is that they were using a lot more male vocals, although that may have just been the samples they have picked. Not sold on the new album though.




The audio samples can be found here.





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Ok, here I go *cracks knuckles*




First of, Tarja was Nightwish's heart, soul and body. Nightwish wont be the same without her, period. But that doesn't mean Nightwish wont be successful anymore. She continuously threatened to leave the band, and would never fly with the band on tour flights. She once cancelled a sold out concert because she had to work on her solo concerts, go out to eat dinner, and watch a movie with her friends. She also said that this upcoming album would be her last with Nightwish no matter what, so it was going to happen anyway, better now then never.




Anette has a completely different voice the Tarja, much less powerful. At first glance, the death of Nightwish, they need a powerful voices for some songs like Wishmaster, Planet Hell, Romanticide and so on. But all of this is based on Eva most likely.




The band probably put out Eva first because it would show how versatile Anettes voice is. It has a few low parts, a few moderately high parts, one part where her voice goes slightly powerful, a few high parts, and a melodic chorus. However, this might not of been the best choice for the band and they realized this and put out three more samples of songs from the new CD, with more powerful vocals.




In Amaranth, the chorus (which is awesome by the way) Anette sings almost poppy, but at the end her voice changes completely and shows just how versatile her voice is. Comparing to Tarja, she could only really do one type of music (as shown in Once [White Night Fantasy, Planet Hell, Kuolema Tekee Taitelijan anyone?])




In Seven Days To The Wolves it showed how her voice mixed with Marco's. With Tarja, Marco had to strain his voice to be heard while playing live, with Anette their voices seem to go together nicely without any powertripping per se.




The older Nightwish songs were made with and for Tarja's voice, and obviously Anette wont sing some of the powerful songs quite as well as Tarja, but I think she'll fare very nicely as the new Nightwish singer.




I bet her name is Eva. But I couldn't care less. They suck.




I have a large amount of respect for you, but come on. Tuomas rights deep meaningful lyrics, he wouldn't write a song about the new singers name. Plus, he wrote the songs long before they chose the new singer.

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  • 1 month later...

I left a blank cd under my pillow for the filesharing fairy :-$




One of the songs she left me was 'Bye Bye Beautiful' from the upcoming album. It had the same voiceovers that plagued the leaked songs from Once, but other than that the quality was quite good. The song itself was a little underwhelming though...

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Has she also left you 'The Poet and the Pendulum'? :P That's the only new NW song I like so far. BBB is nice cause of its underlying meaning. It's obviously written for Tarja and maybe for the fans that started to bash NW after they fired her.

"Metal isn't about violence or faggy whiny lyrics. It isn't even about who plays the heaviest and fastest. It is about invoking a sense of wonder and magnitude that no other genre can depict."


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What about Amaranth lol. I'm not a huge fan of TPaTP, it bores me a lot and it's taking some getting used to to like it. I do love the chorus in it though. I LOVE Amaranth, it's truly beautiful. Altho I just think it's Dark Passion Play's Nemo. It'll fizzle out about two or three months after the single's released.




WHole thing about Anette though... Her voice is going to take a LOT of getting used to. It's completely different frmo Tarja's and much more poppier then Tarja's. Her range isn't all the good either; she can scream, but she can't sing high. For example, in Amaranth at the end she's screaming and it sounds like she's singing high but they just toned it down. Don't get me wrong it sounds awesome but still.




In The Poet and The Pendulum. it shows her range in it. At the very beginning they use a male sopranist, maybe for effect, maybe because Anette couldn't handle it, maybe both. The chorus is really quite low compared to all the other Nightwish songs, and the chorus is similar to Sleeping Sun, note wise anyway. The chorus meets the end of her range without going in to her soprano voice. When the sopranist comes back in Anette sings along... Just a few octaves below, pretty much proving she can't go that high.




The Poet and The Pendulum hasn't had the same effect as all their other "epic" songs. Beauty and the Beast, was just wow. I fell in love with it the moment I heard it. Beautiful melodic singing at the beginning going in to smooth chorus, then switching in to the next part of the song. A more mysterious sound, provoking hope along with the lyrics and then smoothing in to a harder styler of singing turning in to almost anger and at the end just overwhelming astonishment. It just SOUNDS epic.




And then Ghost Love Score. Once again starts off with nice soft moderately high singing, catching your attention right away, then flowing in to the chorus with a choir singing in the foreground and Tarja in the background. The chorus displays a lot of emotions like love and sorrow. The next part is a lower simpler sound to it with a lot of slurs, but sounds great with the orchestra behind it. The song the switches to a harder sound, crisp and stacatto. Then into the last few lines which are the most "epic" lines in the song. The make you feel pity and sorrow and astonishment. And then they play the chorus a few times over again and fade away in to nothing. Two epic songs how about a third?




Ok, Tuomas stated 13 minute song, their longest yet! In the shadow of Beauty of the Beast and Ghost Love Score they have to be good. The sopranist starts, it got my attention. But mostly because I saw it in their video blog. Orchestra hit, WOW, now THAT'S good. And then Anette comes... She starts off nice and soft... Almost yawnable. I figure, ahh it'll get better. It goes in to the chorus, AWESOME. Still no poetic feelings to report, but ok. Back in to yawnable singing again. Ok, Long Lost Love in Beauty of the Beast, they did that, that must be what they're doing. Chorus again, and end of that part of the song. Ok, here comes the good parts! Hopefully. Ok, Nightwish's mascot, the Dead Boy, comes in "In our lord 2005, Tuomas blah blah blah." Sounds pretty cool. Should set the mood for Anette. Anette starts whispering. I figure "Ok... Maybe she'll start singing in a bit." "I'm afraid, so afraid. Being raped again and again. Blah blah blah." OKAY! This is getting old! She finally stops and the cookie monster comes in. I mean Marco. Does ANYONE understand what he's saying there? Don't get me wrong, I like it (at least the best thing out of the song) but it's a bit... Over powering? Then Anette comes in, once again boringly. Ok, it's like nine minutes in. I'm giving up hope! Then the chorus again. Ok, it's good and all but can't make all the rest as good. And then they turn like Lacuna Coily... And Anette sings some more boringness. I MIGHT like it more once I get lyrics to it, but I doubt it for some reason.




The only thing that was REALLY good on the track was the instrumentals. Now I hope Anette really comes through and puts some power on the other tracks. She desperately needs it.

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Here are the lyrics to TPATP as I understand them (not all of them and not necessarily correct :P)








(.....I can't make out the beginning part to save my life )






The dreamer and the wine


Poet without a rhyme.


A widow writer, torn apart by chains of hell


One last perfect verse,


Yet still the same old song


Oh Christ, how I hate what I have become


Take me home




Get away, run away, fly away


Lead me astray, to dreamer's hideaway


I cannot cry 'cause this whole world cries more,


I cannot die, I'm a w.hore for this cold world


Forgive me, I have but two faces,


One for the world,


One for God, save me,


I cannot cry 'cause this whole world cries more,


I cannot die, I'm a w.hore for the cold world




My home was there at last, these meadows of heaven


Adventure filled days more with every smilling face


Please no more words


Those from the seventh hell


No more, please tell me once my heart goes by


Take me home




Get away, run away, fly away


Lead me astray, to dreamer's hideaway


I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more,


I cannot die, I'm a w.hore for this cold world


Forgive me, I have but two faces,


One for the world,


One for God, save me,


I cannot cry 'cause this whole world cries more,


I cannot die, I'm a w.hore for the cold world










Sparkle, a scenery


With childish words I fall,


With beauty underneath


In the end, IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m free


Tuck me in,


Beneath the blue


Beneath the great


Beneath the rain


One night reigns a dawn in time


See then, the light




On the shore he sat and hoped


Under the same ?


Blue skyline shows you


Shows you more










I'm afraid, so afraid of being raped again and again and again


I know I will die alone, but loved


You live long enough to hear the sounds of ?


Long enough to find yourself screaming


And if you want, you live long enough to see your friends betray you


For years stripped under this altar


I just wish the tide would catch me first


And give me death


As I've always hoped for








(I can't really make out Marco's growls here : P)




The morning dawn upon this altar


The mass of the dark passion play


Performed by his friends without shame


Screaming on his innocence they came




Get away, run away, fly away


Lead me astray, to dreamer's hideaway


I cannot cry 'cause this whole world cries more,


I cannot die, I'm a w.hore for this cold world


Forgive me, I have but two faces,


One for the world,


One for God, save me,


I cannot cry 'cause this whole world cries more,


I cannot die, I'm a w.hore for the cold world




Today, in the year of our Lord, 2005


Tuomas was called from the cares of the world.


He stopped crying at the end of each beautiful day


The music he wrote, through long pain, about silence


He was found,one day, dead with a smile on his face


And one thousand people were raised to the test


Save me








They steal my soul, your own


Oh when did you become so cold?


The blade will keep on descending


All you need is to feel my love


Search for beauty, find your shore,


Try to save them all, bleed no more,


You have such oceans within


In the end I will always love you.








The second part appeals to me most both melodically and lyrically.


Well, of course it's not as good as Beauty of the Beast and Ghost Love Score. And I don't like Anette either. However, I think it's much better than Amaranth. Imho.

"Metal isn't about violence or faggy whiny lyrics. It isn't even about who plays the heaviest and fastest. It is about invoking a sense of wonder and magnitude that no other genre can depict."


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