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Tip.It Times Presents: The Good, The Bad and the...


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So, your saying if people weren't so stupid, JaGeX, wouldn't have to make luring legal? Is that what you said? I just want to make sure I didn't misunderstand you.








Oh no, if people weren't so pathetically helpless (not stupid) then they wouldn't have to focus so much on babying people that refuse to learn for themselves.








Sorry if I came on like I was making excuses for Jagex.








EDIT: I would like to ask you how you thought I was saying because people are stupid that Jagex should keep luring legal?

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I won't quote all the things I'd like to in this excellent discussion because its very early in the morning where I am but I feel I have to post.








First of all thanks for saying I had strong points even if you aren't in agreement with them at least I know I justified myself.








I think I have been slightly misinterpreted however, I was only stating how the situation is, I really didn't mean to put across the viewpoint that that is how I believe it should be. If there was a way in which we could truly work with Jagex and help aid the game we all know and love I would be the first to sign up; after all the game's the thing.








I suppose its just pessimism on my part, I've grown up seeing companies entirely disregard their consumer base time and time again and get away with it because of the dependency of their customers - they never change; provided the profit margins are big enough there is no incentive to. I'm entirely on your side in terms of how it could and indeed should change (230+ quests points on my lvl89 and yet to struggle) , just I don't ever see it happening unfortunately.








So to summarise: 1) I completely agree on how Jagex should listen to fan sites/long time customers, 2) maybe raise the challenge level on updates, 3) Give notice to those they make illegal (I was unaware of the strider/swiftswitch issue, if true that was downright rude). I just don't see it happening anytime soon, and am intensely irritated by players who whine (not argue legitimately like yourselves) about how Jagex is obligated to them.








P.S. no, protests will do nothing but get you banned as will spamming the forums its counter-productive and generally pointless. Also, apologies if this post is all jangly and non-lucid, its getting on for 12.30 am here...

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So, your saying if people weren't so stupid, JaGeX, wouldn't have to make luring legal? Is that what you said? I just want to make sure I didn't misunderstand you.








Oh no, if people weren't so pathetically helpless (not stupid) then they wouldn't have to focus so much on babying people that refuse to learn for themselves.








Sorry if I came on like I was making excuses for Jagex.








EDIT: I would like to ask you how you thought I was saying because people are stupid that Jagex should keep luring legal?








A misunderstanding. Thank you for clearing that up.








I can never find a replacement for Runescape. Never, there are so many more skills there than on other games. I guess we just play other games until they start making the right decisions.

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I agree with most points in this article, so good job :P








I just have to say that new players only stay new for a short time, but experienced players stay experienced...also most players are experienced so it makes no sence to target the new comers.








About the World switchers....although i love being able to go straight to my world without the annoying "detail select" and "pick a world" i can see why Jagex doesn't like Worldswitchers.








Although swiftswitch and other popular world switchers have an added featre that disallows you to go straight to world 2 when its full, not all switchers have this. meaning if you are not using a switcher its very very difficult for other players to get in using the conventanal world select page. Thus giving an "unfair" advantage to certain players.









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Interesting article this week, however that is mainly because I disagree with most things you say. :shock:








First of all the NPC conversation. I believe that these somewhat boring and repetitive conversations are an almost essential part of runescape. In my not-so professional opinion runescape is a game where you can live out an otherwordly life (hence the reason it is an RPG). These dull conversations make the game more realistic.








Everytime your parents nag at you to do your homework or clean your room you can't just take the "skip to end of" option, you have to sit there and pretend to listen to every last word. :wall:








As for all the preference screens I belive this is a minor inconvenience. After all the main reason Jagex makes runescape is so they can make money, and sometimes we (the players) have to look at things from their point of veiw, if they take away all of these screens and therefore advertisments they will be losing serious profit. And lets face it: if Jagex is'nt making profit Jagex isn't going to continue with runescape. :ohnoes:








So overall I think Jagex is doing wonderful. =D>








P.S I like to boogie \'

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All the game needs is more risk (if I should that to jagex they would go make a quest lol) but i'm sure you know what I meen, there were less rules before, less memebrs as well but everyone got on better.








Maybe it's just our high level communitys breaking away from the newer player, them breaking rules and then jagex not listening to anyone?








I've been hanging out on there website feedback forum for a while, there not very active but there area lot of mods there that you can talk to and i've been told that they have been suprised by recent polls and that they will set about making skill right away (before it was quests).




So jagex is listening to some of us but does not like any sort of negative feedback.















mypet.jpg Click the image to pat my pet!

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i will agree with the annoying dialogues i mean you think we can remember after the first time, so we should have a choice to skip it... it's just plain annoying giving us disclaimers for everything; i highly doubt that someone is going to quit because "ZOMG, the kalfite killed me, i wasn't told it was strong enough to do that" :roll:








However i respect Jagex's decision to stop players skipping the world select proccess as, for the players who do not have the software, it is unfair and to have the advantage given to people who download an extra program is never going to make people happy, and after all jagex is a bussiness and will be run like a business, so the more views for their adds, the more they are worth, the more money they get, the better it is for us... thats the way i see it

-= weasel =- rsname: moosewalker ~ top 10000 player :D

newscape300x50qz7.giffull qp - always willing to chat add me...

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"Instead of cooperating with the fansites and third-party developers, Jagex has once again apparently decided to go it alone.








I have no idea what's behind these rule changes, but I think there's some wrong-headed thinking going on at Jagex Towers. I suspect they saw the loss in revenue caused by the bandwidth demand of the dynamic sig servers, and the potential loss in revenue caused by third-party users not clicking on all the advertising-bearing pages and came up with a "solution" that covered all the bases."












I just want to say 2 things:
























2:Jagex needs to make money just like any other company, they probably do make a lot more by forcing you to click on pages with advertisements to switch worlds, but what would you rather they do? up the cost of membership? you have to realise they only pull in 5 bucks a month from maybe a million people TOPS. Look at WoW they pull in 25 bucks a month from 7 million people....You have no buisness sense whatso-ever

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Guest Toshiba23

I love how someone pointed this out, because this will get read by JaGeX. I think if they want to keep me interested, they need to put more challenges in.








They've created a online economy in a GAME. Hardly any game companies can say they've achieved that. But here's the thing... that economy is dropping.








They've started to care more about keeping the bad out then keeping the good in. And that has lead to imbalance.

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Great article =D>








One thing that has occurred to me is that I have no idea how Jagex is going to enforce all those new rules. Start suing people? I can make do without SS, the only thing I liked it for was screenies and quick access to W2, the navigation through the website is a bit annoying, but it doesn't kill me. Now, lots of other people can't stand life without it. Are they going to stop using it? No... so what is Jagex going to do? The same applies to stat-sigs - you can't stop people from putting them in their signatures. Can Jagex detect when people request the hiscores, or jump straight to a world? I'll assume not, which means the only solution is to have the websites that provide them remove them. Of course, SS doesn't require a website to run (I think...), so all the people that already have it can continue to use it. I don't particulary mind losing dynamic sigs - I could care less about what stats somebody is showing off to make people respect him/her more. I already said losing SS won't be a death blow to me either. The thing is, Jagex has banned things that they can't control as far as I can see....








I also agree about those annoying dialogues - realism be damned, they are soooooooooooo boring to deal with...








Most of Jagex's money comes from members. If they keep up going the way they are now, they will soon have driven off all the mature people who play their game. It has started already. When only 10 year olds are left, sure they be playing the game, paying Jagex money, hell, Jagex might even be making more money than they are not - the world has plenty of immature 10 year olds. However, what happens when you lock a bunch of monkeys together in one cage? They sure don't fall in love with each other. Eventually, the game will degrade to the point that even Miniclippers won't go near it.








Jagex needs to start worrying about their high-leveled players, and focusing updates and policies towards them. I don't mind if they totally cut out younger players. The game is supposed to be for 13+ people, I think I would like such a game much more than I like the current Runescape. Put a huge "WARNING - SOME CONTENT MAY BE UNSUITABLE FOR PERSONS BELOW AGE 13" below the create new account button. Something. If not, immature people will be the death of this game.

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[hide=Click to see non-useful beginning of quote...]Great article =D>








One thing that has occurred to me is that I have no idea how Jagex is going to enforce all those new rules. Start suing people? I can make do without SS, the only thing I liked it for was screenies and quick access to W2, the navigation through the website is a bit annoying, but it doesn't kill me. Now, lots of other people can't stand life without it. Are they going to stop using it? No... so what is Jagex going to do? The same applies to stat-sigs - you can't stop people from putting them in their signatures. Can Jagex detect when people request the hiscores, or jump straight to a world? I'll assume not, which means the only solution is to have the websites that provide them remove them. Of course, SS doesn't require a website to run (I think...), so all the people that already have it can continue to use it. I don't particulary mind losing dynamic sigs - I could care less about what stats somebody is showing off to make people respect him/her more. I already said losing SS won't be a death blow to me either. The thing is, Jagex has banned things that they can't control as far as I can see....








I also agree about those annoying dialogues - realism be damned, they are soooooooooooo boring to deal with...








Most of Jagex's money comes from members. If they keep up going the way they are now, they will soon have driven off all the mature people who play their game. It has started already. When only 10 year olds are left, sure they be playing the game, paying Jagex money, hell, Jagex might even be making more money than they are not - the world has plenty of immature 10 year olds. However, what happens when you lock a bunch of monkeys together in one cage? They sure don't fall in love with each other. Eventually, the game will degrade to the point that even Miniclippers won't go near it.








Jagex needs to start worrying about their high-leveled players, and focusing updates and policies towards them. I don't mind if they totally cut out younger players. The game is supposed to be for 13+ people, I think I would like such a game much more than I like the current Runescape. Put a huge "WARNING - SOME CONTENT MAY BE UNSUITABLE FOR PERSONS BELOW AGE 13" below the create new account button. Something. If not,[/hide] immature people will be the death of this game.




Now if only Jagex would understand such... :roll: ...I think RS will die before they fix their mistakes! :cry:








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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2:Jagex needs to make money just like any other company, they probably do make a lot more by forcing you to click on pages with advertisements to switch worlds, but what would you rather they do? up the cost of membership? you have to realise they only pull in 5 bucks a month from maybe a million people TOPS. Look at WoW they pull in 25 bucks a month from 7 million people....You have no buisness sense whatso-ever








Uhh you only pay 15 bucks a month for WoW, but i see your point on how we do pay a very small amount to play.








Now my point. Jagex keeps releasing quests for lower levels. This makes it so lower levels dont really have to workd for anything to get rewards. Now when they make higher lvl quest lower levels will try to get up to the requirements to finish that quest.








Before you know it you have more higher lvls and a overall better game.

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2:Jagex needs to make money just like any other company, they probably do make a lot more by forcing you to click on pages with advertisements to switch worlds, but what would you rather they do? up the cost of membership? you have to realise they only pull in 5 bucks a month from maybe a million people TOPS. Look at WoW they pull in 25 bucks a month from 7 million people....You have no buisness sense whatso-ever








It also doesn't make business sense to alienate your customers, which is exactly what Jagex is doing, and has been for quite some time. #-o












Your comparison of Runescape to World of Warcraft is one I have been noticing as well (even though I don't play WoW.) I think Jagex is trying to push Runescape in that direction, but many loyal players want to keep Runescape as the game with the quirky graphics that won us all over a long time ago. :|

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2:Jagex needs to make money just like any other company, they probably do make a lot more by forcing you to click on pages with advertisements to switch worlds, but what would you rather they do? up the cost of membership? you have to realise they only pull in 5 bucks a month from maybe a million people TOPS. Look at WoW they pull in 25 bucks a month from 7 million people....You have no buisness sense whatso-ever








Uhh you only pay 15 bucks a month for WoW, but i see your point on how we do pay a very small amount to play.








Now my point. Jagex keeps releasing quests for lower levels. This makes it so lower levels dont really have to workd for anything to get rewards. Now when they make higher lvl quest lower levels will try to get up to the requirements to finish that quest.








Before you know it you have more higher lvls and a overall better game.








Yeah, 10 year olds don't think like that. They only think of making everything easier.

I would put a cool link here but I don't know how.

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First of all I want to say thanks to you for making an article about this because we know that it will be read by jagex.








Jagex has slowly begun to head in the wrong direction as of late and its a disturbing trend. They are dumbing down the game and ruining the in-game experience for the sake of a certain demographic of players, when they should be improving the game for the other demographic.








They say the game is for 13+ yet have a ridiculous amount of things censored and toned down and they flat out refuse to put in any sort of adult servers. So many things are getting frustrating and I'm glad jagex will be forced to read them.








I was getting a bit depressed at how jagex seemed to have influence over tip.it when they requested that article removed once. Im glad this new article takes a stand for our rights as players to have fun playing a game, and our right to speak out when we dont like what we are getting for our money.








For all those people who are always replying "if you dont like it dont play" bla bla bla you can all shut up. The reason we complain about updates and problems in the game is because we want to play, we see room for improvement and we want our game to get better and not worse.

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They didn't announce it because they didn't want another 1-2-07.








So because they didnt want to deal with that kind of strain on thier servers they didnt anownce it?








I think this gives a strong argument to anyone that is bann for using a 3rd party client, you could just say "i didn't know, it wasn't on the front page"








and if they reject that then RS is truly done for.








I dont agree with JaGeX selling themselfs out with stocks but a buisnesses are supposed too listen to their customers, and for them to do that they need to hire more people for "Costomer Suport". But at the same time they need to get rid of the people that are im-mature (like people that send "IMPORTANT" messages that are about "cAn YoU mAkE mE fReE sT00f Pl0x!!11!1one").








I think for the game to be more sucessful is for RS to be filled with more mature people.








Dont ever take advantage of somthing because thats how the automated messages where formed, they used to have a very small amount of people sending messages about actualy important matters (wrongful banning).








I think thats the biggest way to help anything, NEVER TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ANYTHING it will make the world a better place and make it easyer on JaGeX's behalf.








If they are happy, maybe they will start listening to us.









Well, I hope you enjoy RL as much as I soon will. Gl in RL to you man, and you never let me wear the peehat set. :cry:
thank god for him not letting you wear his phat set you friggin nub. :roll:
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this article voiced many of my own concerns




and i, at one point, got so frustrated with rs that i remembered that i saw rsc on the homepage and i wanted to go there where there wernt so many bad updates




apperently i didnt get the memo that now not even members can go on rsc unless they have been on it recently so now im stuck with rs2 whether i like it or not :wall:








but ive also noticed that even though JaGex is concerned about bandwidth and speed the games new updates have been slowing down a lot of places. i notice this a lot when i go to a friends house and they have an even slower connection than i do








(btw great article =D> :thumbsup: )

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You just stated everything I was thinking to myself. I always take change hard, especially when its bad change and not good change. If world switchers and all of this crap was banned from the start then maybe I would have no problem with it. It's when you ban it after it's been allowed for so long that is the problem. I'm sure with the hundreds of thousands of players all paying $5 each, and the free players clicking on the ads they aren't having to get their food from a mission. Making this game a good game and have the players love what your doing is better than making harsh changes and having people quit. More positive feedback will result in less customer support. This would mean less staff needed to hire and less people quitting equals more revenue in the long run. The game is intended now to be for thirteen and older. I think if someone can see a PG-13 film then they should be able to accept minor language as well.








When playing Dragon Warrior I would die all of the time. Failure and misfortune is part of games and it is how you learn. Don't take the experience away and just say we can't have the opportunity to even risk our accounts being stolen. It is Jagex's "property" of course, but we are playing it. Jagex can get it back.








I think they are going about it the wrong way. Some new moderators are acting fishy and are putting a bad influence on the Gower lol.

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