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Obtaining a Wii. An adventurer 's tale.


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Lol, alright there are already half a dozen random Wii topics but this one is more of a personal story then a post on the system.








Righto, so me and my 3 room mates (who I will refer to as Jon, Ryan, and Nick) have been trying to get a Wii since launch. Unfortunately, we had been out of luck so far. Lately we have been getting desperate and had a whole system worked out. Thanks to Firefox extensions all of our laptops have had Firefox open with a thing that made a new window that shows you a mini image of all your tabs that are open. Then we combined that with a extension meant for eBay auctions that refreshes every page every 5 seconds. For the past 3 days we have had four laptops each with a window that shows 6 online retailer's pages saying the Wii's are "currently out of stock" in that particular store. All these pages (some 15 different stores, we have the big ones like Amazon and Wal-Mart shown on more then one computer) are all auto-refreshing every 5 seconds.








Meanwhile our entire college campus has a sort of underground intelligence network bent on acquiring Wiis and a PS3s. It stated when my roommate, "Ryan" checked online to see when shipments are expected. A forum said Gamestop will have them on the 1st of December at 10am. I mentioned this at lunch to a guy I rarely know, "Zack", and he said "Hmmm, I heard that too, I'll confirm it in a bit... I'll keep you notified." The next day I leave a building and see him standing outside. He says to me as he lights a cigarette in a very Jame Bond-esque manner "Word on the street says be at Wal-Mart at 8am on the 6th if your interested in a purchase..." He then flicks his Zippo closed and walks away. The next day at dinner I guy I have never seen before drops off a folded piece of paper on my table as I'm eating dinner with some friends. I open it and scribbled in it is a list of 9 national chains and the dates that the next shipments are rumored to come in. Some have stars next to them and on the bottom it says "stared ones have been personally confirmed and can be trusted. -Zack" I scan the list and it looks like Friday's Gamestop is the best choice followed by WalMart's Wednesday launch. I might have to skip class and follow through with one of those... hmm...








Fastforward to 3am this morning. I'm still awake reading a book for a paper I need to write and my roommate "Jon" is still up studying over at his desk. The online sites are still refreshing on my computer, while all the other laptops are in sleep. I lazily look up in between pages every so often. I look up tiredly and stare off into space while looking at the picture of Amazon's site. The screen refreshes and I blink to see "Availability: In Stock." I blinked again and literally dropped the book I was reading and as it rolled off my lap I scream "holy...GUYS!!!!" and I leap out of my chair. Jon snaps to attention as he realizes what that could only mean. He's like "I'm on it!" and snaps open his laptop then and flies over to the others on his swivel chair doing the same.




I hear a "You're kidding!" from another room as Nick runs in grabbing his wallet off his desk and frisbee's it over to Jon who was just arriving at my computer. Jon catches it in one hand and with amazing speed and skill flips it open and pulls out a credit card with that hand as the other arm grabs the mouse and goes to work. I run over open the door of the bedroom, and fling it open, as I do I see my friend, Ryan in the top bunk. Okay he literally woke up like 5 seconds ago, but before I can even speak he grabs the railing of his top bunk and just jumps over the railing into a 4 foot drop that goes into a roll. The roll smoothly transitions into him standing up and going strait into a sprint to the next room. I call after him "Wow, I didn't even know you could do that!!" he yells back as he runs "either did I!" lol








I run back to the other room and see all the lights on, and Jon typing in his Amazon password at a speed that would make Mavis Becon jealous ;). All the other computer's all up and running displaying a myraid of data that me and Nick pour over. Oddly most of the ones showing Amazon show that they don't have any in stock, however one of them said they had them... We later learned that the mini sale was only shown to like "Amazon Prime" members or whatever. It was less then 20 seconds after I first saw the thing and everything started. Jon had all the forms filled out and slammed his finger down on the enter button. We all held our collective breath and we waited for the next page to load. Finally the screen read "One Wii $249.99 - Purchase complete!!". We all started yelling and someone hit play on a laptop as Three Dog Night's 'Joy to the World' started blaring. Countless high fives were exchanged and I look to see Ryan in the door frame holding our 4 bottles of non-alcoholic bottles of Champagne that we bought and were planning on saving to celebrate the end of finals week.








So picture this, its 3am and about 12 degrees outside. Suddenly the door of our balcony opens up and "Joy to the World pierces the night sky and 4 people come out shaking champagne bottles then popping them open as tops fly off and foam starts gushing out falling 5 stories down to the pavement.








It was a good night.

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Hehe, that was a good story. Nintendo announced that their will be 4 million Wiis by Christmas, so I'm not to worried about getting one. Every Circuit City is getting some for this Sunday, and Best Buy should be getting their normal 12 a week per store. Circuit City is getting between 14-125 per store for this Sunday.



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Worse, it's the only one this generation that you can't just plug in to a USB port to recharge. You're either going to have to buy a battery charger, or stockpile an assload of AAs. Whee.








Nothing to do with the topic but it does have to do with the wii and it makes me laugh ::'

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Worse, it's the only one this generation that you can't just plug in to a USB port to recharge. You're either going to have to buy a battery charger, or stockpile an assload of AAs. Whee.








Nothing to do with the topic but it does have to do with the wii and it makes me laugh ::'








i don't get it :( :-s

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Great story. With people like you doing that stuff to try and get a Wii I should just give up hope. All I do is have a few gamestops and Wal-mart numbers in my phone and call everyday.




Naw, don't give up hope, literally tens of thousands are being restocked everyday. Oh and those Wal-Mart numbers I gave I believe are nation wide. Be sure to call Wal-Mart Wednesday early morning :wink:

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Great story. With people like you doing that stuff to try and get a Wii I should just give up hope. All I do is have a few gamestops and Wal-mart numbers in my phone and call everyday.








Read my post above. Anyone who wants one will be able to get one before Christmas. They will have 4 million by that time.



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Great story. With people like you doing that stuff to try and get a Wii I should just give up hope. All I do is have a few gamestops and Wal-mart numbers in my phone and call everyday.








Read my post above. Anyone who wants one will be able to get one before Christmas. They will have 4 million by that time.








I meant give up hope of getting one soon. I'm sure that Nintendo isn't going to let their customers miss out on the chance to but one before christmas.

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Holy, wow...








I wasn't the only one who bought a Wii in the past 24 hours.
























The Wii's numbers just doubled :shock:








:shock: wow.








They really are doing good on sales. :thumbsup:

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Guest GhostRanger

Anyone else find it funny that the Wii stands a chance of selling more than half as many units by Christmas than the XBox has sold in a year?

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Anyone else find it funny that the Wii stands a chance of selling more than half as many units by Christmas than the XBox has sold in a year?








Well, Christmas is where it is at for consoles.


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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You're the only person I know who can take something as boring as buying a game console and turn it into a story interesting enough for me to waste 10 minutes reading it.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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Anyone else find it funny that the Wii stands a chance of selling more than half as many units by Christmas than the XBox has sold in a year?








Nearly funny as your new sig, Ghost.

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Heh, thanks guys. Unfortunately this wasn't fiction, it was a narration so it's not easy to just make up more of them. I'll keep an eye out for the next time something cool happens though :wink:








Put a donations link up so we can fund the PS3 version of this story :P


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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