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Weekly Poll: What do you think of the Tip.It website's...


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This week's poll, What do you think of the Tip.It website's layout? is up on the main Tip.It website, please be sure to vote before the poll closes. If you'd like to discuss the poll topic, or talk about the poll results so far, this is the place to do it.









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First, the poll doesnt appear to be up (as of 1/22/06 1:43 EST), but even without the poll, there are a couple of things that can be improved on the website. mostly small updates. The World Atlas hasnt been updated in quite some time - the lava is still orange (compared to its now yellowish hue), The city of Burgh De Rott doesnt even exist along with Picatoris Fishing Colony, or Mos' Le Harmless or the other side of Tirannwn.








Some of the guides are ancient, for example the fishing guide, which hasnt been updated since May 4, 2006 - doesnt include the barbed-tail harpoon, or rainbow fish, and possibly some other items/updates.








Now that the bad is out of the way - the overall site is great, the main page layout is perfect, everything is easy to find, clean-cut and orderly.












edit: if i completely missed the point of this topic, just disregard this post.

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I put excellent as I find it's easier to use than all the other helpsites i've used. Then again that has totaled to about one other, RuneHQ and that's pretty annoying as I don't like the colours they use. I don't really use most guides as I like to figure things out for myself but the ones I have used have been top notch.

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For those of you that couldn't see the poll before, please try again. There was a code error with apostrophes that's now been fixed.








where can i post a suggestion for a future poll?




Poll suggestions should be posted here:





Remember, the SEARCH button is your friend. Use it!

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For those of you that couldn't see the poll before, please try again. There was a code error with apostrophes that's now been fixed.








where can i post a suggestion for a future poll?




Poll suggestions should be posted here:




















not that i cant see the poll, its like my computer thinks i already voted in it :( (my brain hurts #-o )





Click Here!

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I always have loved tip.it's layout. :)




[spoiler=Stats:]Updated December 22, 2011:


Total level - 1442 - 170M+ XP , Combat level - 115

Combat skills: Attack - 90, Defence - 99 (24.45m+ XP), Strength - 90, Constitution - 99 (16.42M+ XP) Ranged - 99 (13.32M+ XP), Prayer - 60, Magic - 99 (13.25M+ XP)

Non-Combat skills: Cooking - 99 (13.80M+ XP), Woodcutting - 99 (31.95M+ XP), Fishing - 90, Firemaking - 99 (24.82M+), Crafting - 90, Smithing - 90, Mining - 85, Runecrafting - 60, Dungeoneering - 85


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Again, I voted excellent because of the layout and style of Tip.It.




However, the poll does not seem to appear on my computer either (on the main page). If, on the other hand, I go to certain Skill Planners (ie. Ancient Magicks or Hunter) I am able to see and vote in the poll. I find this vaguely annoying but i don't really mind. It's just something that could be fixed.








BTW - This has happened for several months now, I'm not sure whether it's a setting on my web browser or just a fault with the page.



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I voted good.




For the most part, the site is excellent.




For example, moving the coordinates tool and list to the main page, was very helpful. And the saving of which quests you have done is awesome.




I like having the databases section on the sidebar, thats helpful.








But there is some stuff that has irritated me.




One thing is the complete dissociation between skill calculators and planners. There is no way to get from the planner to the calculator, except by going out to the main calculator menu and finding the skill you want again.




The two tools are similar enough that they could even be included on the same page with a radio button to switch between the two. But at least add a link to the other.








Also I liked the "Smithing planner" that was used to compare the smithing and alching of iron and steel plate armors based on different variables. I personally used that a lot and when it fell into disrepair I made a version in excel for myself. But I would like to have a pretty version on tip.it to use. :) I think it could be improved on and I suggest it have a feature that you can compare the iron and steel plates with any other smithed item based on how many bars it takes and its alch value.












Moving on to the items database. It is an awesome tool, but its user interface could use some work, particularly in the compare items feature.




Compare items is really helpful, but it is annoying to compare two items and then if you want to replace an item you have to go and start the compare program again and find the item you want to keep again and the new item. So basically chose a new item to compare from the comparison screen. Also, when you select an item to compare, it pops up a new window. If it could be integrated into the page it would be simpler to use.




Then a bit more complicated, comparing two whole sets of armor instead of individual pieces. So that you can see the whole armor value and then mix and match pieces. Or not even compare 2, just have an adding feature, similar to the way the barrows sets are displayed in the barrows guide, but have it dynamically generated.








Finally, the smithing and construction tables don't have the sidebar next to them. Which is understandable because of the need for the extra space, but the smithing table just has a button to go back to the main site, the construction table at least has the pretty rune tips icon. And maybe add a link to the smithing guide at the top of the table.












So overall, very good, but a couple of non-interconnected areas.

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I voted excellent.




Tipit just seems more 'calm' then all the other Runescape fan sites. The writing is nice and clear etc.




And now that we have an items database, what more could you want?




Its great


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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I concur with the Excellent rating. Because of the excellent info and layout I use Tip-It 98% of the time for my RS needs.








The only feedback I would give is possible additions and slight updates.








1. As mentioned previously, I'd love to see the World map updated to contain current areas








2. The fairy ring map (with is AWESOME) to include Piscatoris








3.City Guides. I really miss not having a city guide. I use these to determine specifically, what items are carried in city general stores and specialty shops.








Thanks for the great work Tip-It!

Its always befuzling



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I voted excellent. tip it ftw. I don't know how anyone would vote terrible.








But the only thing that I see can be improved on is your interactive world map. It's excellent already but it hasn't been updated for like a year.

I would put a cool link here but I don't know how.

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I like the layout, but I'm very used to it, since I use it a lot. I think if you made it more "different screen resilution" friendly, then it would be better. I use the screen resilution 800-600, so I kinda have to scroll a lot to use some things. If the links on the main page were a bit bigger, thatd be awesome too. they're so small that its pretty easy to mis-click.








I like how its organized, theres not random links on the front page, only links to the guides and links to highly used guides.








Sorry cause I rushed this and its a bit jumbled.













Whats your average lv? viewtopic.php?t=615571&start=0&pos

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In terms of design, the layout is very clean. The side contents bar is well organised, and the colour combination works well - not too hard on the eyes and not provoking either. Extra functions such as the google tip.it search bar are very useful - it saves having to search around for information. The pages are always quick to load, which is great.

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I find the site in general very good, great for quest info and such like. I do though seem to find it hard to get info on some rarer things like stats for capes, how to poison Dragon Dagger, how to make a mith grapple.








Is there anyway there could be a good search for the whole site for example a search on Obby Cape or mith grapple giving you all info associated with it.








If this functionality is there then let me know I may just be thick LOL.

























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I find the site in general very good, great for quest info and such like. I do though seem to find it hard to get info on some rarer things like stats for capes, how to poison Dragon Dagger, how to make a mith grapple.








Is there anyway there could be a good search for the whole site for example a search on Obby Cape or mith grapple giving you all info associated with it.








If this functionality is there then let me know I may just be thick LOL.
































Have you tried the Google Tip.It search tool? It's in the top right hand corner of the home page.

Remember, the SEARCH button is your friend. Use it!

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