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Everything posted by nutter1988

  1. Yea very nice guide! as said before tho i recamend lobby pot, also not bringing all the weps mentioned (up to u tho0 and wud def bring a str pot or 2, and no. of nats depending on how long u wana stay for!
  2. when u tick the quests that u have completed, how can u see them ?
  3. Skills, def skills. The only thing i like bout money is using it to raise my skills, thats wot its all about like!
  4. Dont think any1 wud agree that 50/50/50 is gud to melee with, and its def not true that u shouldnt pk b4 that! Havent mentioned pures at all. Need to actually add in some real tactics and locations for pking. U tryin to combine all 3 wasnt much of an idea, if anything combine 2, but not at same time, say have ur mage gear on and ranger in inventry then switch when u c a mage. when using prayer for mage or ranged dont just use hawk eye or wotever use steel skin as well. Anti drag shield def the best shield to wear when f2p mage pking! Also dont say stuff like 'leave me alone, its my first guide' that just makes u look like a little baby! I have never made a guide but could do better than this, im not going to make a guide because although i cud prob make a pretty decent guide i cudnt make a great guide, and unless i was goin to make one better than any guides there already is i dont c y any1 wud make a guide. Going by the amount of typos id say u put in very little effort into this. Also u keep saying help me 2 finish the guide and stuff, we are! lots of ppl have given u loads of info here, put that in the guide and u gud prob bring it from about a 1/10 to around 6/10 or mayb more if u added pics and other info.
  5. Yea free free to add me as well. Not big into the friends that wana just kinda wana walk about and talk and not really achieve very much, if i wana talk to some1 i do it on pm when im doin smething i want to do. But yea its nice to have some1 to talk to. Cant say i actually have any rl friends that play this, and theres no1 i truely trust, my mate used to play but he quit. RSN: nutter1988
  6. well say if ur about lvl 70 that wud make all ur combat stats bout 55, 55 att def str and that prob ur prayer a gud bit lower. So if ur combat stats are 55 and the rest of ur stats are similar then... f2p 14 skills * 55 = 770 p2p 22 skills * 55 = 1210 Im combat lvl 70 and my total lvl is 1025, i've bn a member for about 2 weeks so aint sure if thats gud or not lol, but i was like 850-900 b4 i became p2p so i was doin well then i suppose. However the same rules dont apply to pures and stuff, any1 anythots on this am i rite or wot?
  7. Fish shouold be pretty much what they are now, quick easy and good for pking, however it is rediculus that they get all that and the best xp in cookin in the game! Slight reductions should b made in the xp given for cookin fish, the reward should b that its so good for pkin and easy to sell. As for the rest of the foods, they should be there almost entirely for xp, for having to do so much work just for a pie or something that is clearly inferier to most fish is crazy! The ingredients should b more easily accessable, mainly by improving the cooking guild, which i think we can all agree is what needs to b done. More ingredient respawns perhaps wheat outside it? and a basement or something with a higher lvl restriction. More new foods with other benifeits apart from just hp, mayb something heals 25hp and boosts ur magic lvl, but must b ate in 5 bites, making it perfect for training ur magic with but not for pking. As for sliting the skill in 2? I cant c this as being a good option. Fish for pking The rest for xp and training The way it should be!
  8. I think your lookin at this the wrong way, the rares in this game aren't like the stock market where u invest some money and hope the prices go up. Its like rares in the rl, if u get some sort of ancient egyption artefact and keep it perfectly preserved, which is what happens in this game, then the value of it will forever rise.
  9. Lol brilliant way to think about it, its not the pkers fault its the fools that get pked.
  10. Nah cant see them ever doing that jagex introduced holiday drops for a bit of fun not for them to continusly go up in price, therefore i cant c them ever acknologing that u'd rather keep ur little 'worthless'p hat over a d long or anything else.
  11. JAGEX WILL NEVER PLACE RUNEITE OUTSIDE THE WILD!!! Unless theres some major major drawbacks to it, doing so wud have serious implications to the price of armour, comsidering rune is the best f2p armour, and they stats required is only lvl 40 att/def, the main limitation for most ppl is the price, if they introduced runeite into the minin guild the price wud drop so much and every1 from lvl 40-45 up wud have it, this wud have huge implications to the game, especially in the wild way more ppl wud b wearin rune armour in the wild! But yes i do agree that currently the guid isnt good enough, also y is the addy currently outside the guild? mining it without goin tho the guild wudnt b practical, and its not like u cud mine the addy without being able to go into the guild! I personally wud b more in favour of havin a furnace down there in a seperate smithin guild, but putting a bank wud make it much to easy.
  12. Yea great idea! really is, only read the first few pages of posts and the last, the main problem that every1 one seems to b pointing out is the limitation i really cant c wot the problem is? Doesnt take alot of effort for them to change the max number of items you can put in, they'll prob just put it at what ever it is now. And i dont c y each slot has to have an individual max amount of items, surely the total max would b the only thing that mattered? Also i hear some ppl saying that its to complicated, it really isnt much more complicated than the current bank, the only proper new things is the lock, which is pure genus! I currently try to have at least 2 of every item in my bank to keep it organised, but thats not always possible expecially for some of the more expensive items, im at a finacial streach here wit my 2 full runes. And the different slots isnt complicated, if u didnt want to use them u dont have to and have everything sitting in the bin slot which is basically what the current bank system is, one big bin slot!
  13. Yea im heading into the last year of grammar skol, from ireland, think it works dif in the US, but im coming 18 next month if that helps u get an idea... Anyway the point is last year i didnt try any where near hard enough at school, went out alot wit my mates, am working 2 part time jobs, playing hurling and runescape! I was pretty much alot better at physics than every1 else bar 1 girl, but when my results came in there a few weeks ago they were terrible! Dont no wot im gonna do this year, but for a start im asking for a reduction in shifts from both jobs, prob should quit one, but like the 2 at holiday times. Most my mates are going to uni, so ill not really c them that much, and the hurling session will b over in a few months unless we get tho in championship which cud make it last a bit longer. And the other main dif is that im dropping technology which eliminates a huge amount of coursework! So really this year it should b easier but gonna cut down the amount of runescape played, wot ill b doing and wot i suggest u do is dont quit but simply play when u've finished ur homework. Its been said alot but thats prety much all u gotta remember! Also dont play at all coming up to exams u can never study too much!!!
  14. Think he's %100 right bout the prayers i've always thot that. They put the protect prayers way too low when they first made this game, protect prayers make u near invincible its rediculus, should b like lvl 70-80 b4 u can use them, but changing them now would cause an up roar! I wud like to c the whole thing reshuffled personally and have pretty much the same prayers but thick skin lvl 1 and 3 lvls between each one, so smite ends up at lvl 72, then perhaps some other prayers beyond that at a later date. Even tho this would b a major disadvantage to me as i am lvl 49 prayer currently and can do almost all prayers currently, wud still love to c it in the game!
  15. Where will i b able to get a candle? Ill try to b there never down at mole b4.
  16. Should mention what each special actually does instead of just saying its special is good or bad. I no this information can be found elsewhere on tip.it but so can alot of this info and would be nice to have it all put together.
  17. Theres a good point about the ess change, but i dont really c y jagex wud want p2p to get there own stuff, mayb to stop ppl staying f2p to build up on resources like what im doing, got enough resources for 15k steel arrows, otherwise i prob wudda got member ship bout a month ago if i cuddnt have done that. But there def should b somethings, like unicorn horn! we have unicorns and i can see there horns, but wot does it drop bones! nothing but bones! maybe more stuff, but not drag bones.
  18. I think that jagex does it on purpose to b honest. To make it that all three are exactly equal is pretty much inpossible. So what they seem to do is release an update for one of them that slightly over powers the other 2, then release an update for one of the others and so on, that way over all they can try and keep it even. also it means that when they make magic too strong, (ancient magiks) then that encourages ppl to use magic, then when say the crossbow update comes encourages ppl to use ranged. They seem to do this wit most skills, means ppl r more likely to train all there skills which is good for jagex as ppl wont get bored and quit the game as quickly, as theres more to keep them here.
  19. OK so i have decided that i want to become a member, im only gonna try it out for a month cause im only doin it to aid me in f2p really, i've prepared enough resources to make 15k steel arrows, and 1k currys, except for the spices of course. Now i no that spices can b got from that chest after the recipe for disaster quest, however it doesnt tell me in the guide at which point can i get spices out of it. So my question is, would it be worth me doin the quest simply to get access to the spices or should i just buy them? And how much do they cost? Also i no they can b got tho thieving, but they require 60 theif. so thats not an option, ill need 1k spices. thank you
  20. If they were making it a movie to hit the cinema it wudnt b these graphics, they'd have actors and such. The style would b something like lord of the rings i wud imagine. the story would most likely b something to do with, the evil armies of zammy invade the lands of runescape, and our might band of heros must save the day sorta thing. Im pretty sure that jagex would hold the rights to all our characters and there names, so i wouldnt b surprised if some of the more famous people would b in it, or even just metioned, well the ones wit better movie names any way. At some point they mite be battleing the KBD or wotever. Think it could b done well, but doubt i would go and c it, unless it became real big, like harry potter or the lord of the rings did.
  21. Alot of u guys are sayin all this stuff isnt karma. Well wot is karma? I thot it was pretty much just that good things happen to good people???
  22. i wudnt say im a high lvl smith like my smithin is only 56, but even if any of my low lvl friends ask for full steel or iron or some mith bits, i normally tell them get me the bars and ill do it. Otherwise its just not worth my time.
  23. yea it is used completely to offend others. But dont think jagex would appreciate the amount of ppl u would b reporting for using this 'offensive language' the report centre would b flooded with reports. Personally being called a noob offends me considerably more than pretty much any other insults, including all of those that are censored. Yea i dont have a very high combat lvl my total lvl is great and im not rich, but i feel i have a pretty gud knowledge of the game, more so than pretty much everyother f2p player and more than alot of the p2p one's even tho i have never bn a member. i have learnt a great deal from these forums about the p2p world i dont appreciate people calling me a noob when they no practically nothing about me!!! :evil:
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