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Everything posted by Omegaham

  1. Great pair of articles. Clans have always been an integral part of MMORPGs. Player interaction is always richer when done on a huge scale, and belonging to an organization is a great way to fulfill such interaction. This article summed up many facts about clans, as well as echoing my opinions on the subject. Turtle's letter to Jagex struck a chord with me, but I felt that she underrepresented Jagex's reasons for taking such drastic measures. It's not like Jagex felt like taking away gift-giving for fun or because they're cruel and heartless; they had to do it to preserve the future of Runescape. Which would feel worse, this loss of some of the things that made Runescape great, or the complete and utter destruction of the game? All I know is that the latter would cause the former, and I'd certainly rather have the former rather than both happen to Runescape.
  2. Let's face it, PvP combat just got turned from an integral part of the game into a minigame. You have three choices: 1. Find something else in Runescape to do. 2. Get good at the minigame. 3. Get a new game with PvP that you like. The first option is simple - try different skills, and see what you like. The second is harder, and will probably involve lots of humiliation as you learn the new ropes. The third is pretty easy, as Guild Wars is free and is great for PvP. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  3. Find a skill you like, then grind the [cabbage] out of it. For me it was runecrafting, (and agility, but let's not talk about that) you'll have to find something that works for you. Success in Runescape is gotten by getting very good in a skill; you don't get anything by being mediocre. Try out every skill, and find out which one you could stand getting to 80 or 85. Do so, and you're well on your way to becoming successful.
  4. From 52 to around 65, the wilderness course is the fastest. After that, do Ape Atoll until you hate it. Brimhaven is only good from 40 to 52. Before that, you're falling too much. After that, the wilderness will eat that course for lunch. Agility is slow, no matter how you slice it.
  5. Depends on whether you want lots of clues or good clues. Jellies are easy to kill, plus they drop lots of clues. Hellhounds take longer to kill, so you won't get as many. I'd go with hellhounds, though.
  6. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=565722 Cheers!
  7. Already been done. :) http://tip.it/runescape/index.php?times=33
  8. There are a few people who hire out their altars to people. Otherwise, get a good friend who will level up prayer with you or level up your Construction to level 69. Good luck!
  9. Looks cooler, that's pretty much it. The difference is minimal and part of personal preference.
  10. Jagex, of course, hands out an online connection to the Runescape server for free to random people, right? Didn't think so. Private servers are a scam to get your password. Avoid them like the plague.
  11. Buy one that you're going to actually use. For example, if you're not going to range, don't buy an archer helm. Same thing with Farseer and magic. My personal preference is to the Berserker helm, but the difference between the Warrior and the Berserker helms is minimal.
  12. If they got permission from Rune Tips, then it's fine. Otherwise, no, it's bad.
  13. I'm not really a range freak, so I wouldn't know. (agility is my stat :)) Still, it's great to see that Jagex is certainly taking action against these guys. I didn't realize that so many high levels did it, though.
  14. There's pretty much nothing you can do. Just report them and hope they get banned soon.
  15. Zombies are good to train on. Low defense, low strength, and they're numerous.
  16. An autoer gestapo would actually be a pretty good idea. It's pretty easy to find bots, and banning them would be pretty easy if you just gave the job to the players.
  17. Do it with your main. I don't know what you're going to do, though. Range in f2p is one serious hassle.
  18. Just wondering.. What's your combat level? You look like one dangerous [cabbage]. I wear dragonhide armor generally for the abyss itself, as the guardians still tool on me. Dry runs and vigilance are my weapons against PKers. I honestly couldn't care less about losing my dragonhide. Losing my pouches is what I hate.
  19. Nothing wrong with pking, even pking runecrafters. It's our choice to come to the wilderness. That doesn't keep us from being intelligent to minimize our losses, though.
  20. Super energies are only practical if you have 91 runecrafting. They're just too expensive.
  21. Take a look at EverQuest. That's called a dead economy. Why? Inflation caused by gold farmers.
  22. The wilderness is inherently dangerous. The best way to keep yourself safe is to do a dry run before you start crafting, and to be vigilant about the people who go into the wilderness and who is in the Edgeville bank. Wear dragonhide, and DON'T FORGET YOUR ECTOPHIAL. Many people use ancients on runecrafters. If someone teleblocks you, your dragonhide should protect you. Immediately switch worlds, and do another dry run.
  23. I'd train the two separately. Train your strength on flesh crawlers, and train your prayer in the level 30 boneyard.
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