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Everything posted by Unknown_Warrior

  1. I looked her up on google. Her artwork drastically improved over a few years: [hide=2006][/hide] [hide=New][/hide] Sources: [*:2r5r4x48]@Epilogue.net [*:2r5r4x48]Her own site/portfolio Warning: Artistic boobies and pen0rs included!
  2. Well considering her field is only RuneScape and not MechScape (which still requires a lot of concept to be completed) and she is basically limited to designing stuff in the early fases (after which the modelling team takes over), it seems quite feasible.
  3. If it doesn't ring a bell, she's the person that draws basically all Official Artwork and the Duel cards. Source Added images: [hide=Images] [/hide] Interesting stuff regarding the Dragon crossbow and impending Vampire update (yay Myreque quest). PS: Lol at writing Zamorak wrong too.
  4. Quoting this because none of it has been answered. The first two questions revolve solely around Rings of Wealth, to be honest. I just wanted to generalise it.
  5. Few questions: Can imbued rings be enchanted? Can enchanted rings be imbued? Can the Ring of Charos(a) be imbued? Can the Ring of Charos(i) be activated? Can the Lunar ring(i) still be stored normally with the rest of the set in a POH? Any rewards after 400? Thanks.
  6. *wipes sweat off forehead* Phew. I was thinking I might have had to go kick some jagex booty if we didn't get better booty. =-p Oh damn, commander is the Rank 100 reward. Yeah, it seems this is the end of the line. Sorry. :(
  7. Quickchat revealed there is still a Commander outfit. So we're not done. I'm excited what the additional rewards will be. Rank 300 already looks ace with its rings, who knows what booty we get at rank 400.
  8. Natures went up about 8 GP since the inflation (as did most runes, save those merched), pure essence went up by ~30GP I don't see how that's beneficial.
  9. They've risen >30% in the last week. That is no small amount in economics.
  10. I'd rather not mine my own essence, considering I'd like to get 100K rc xp a day...
  11. Even for inflation, their prices are whack.
  12. If you haven't noticed, they are soaring. Moreso than the runes made out of them. Tell me, is this due to inflation, a clan or simply summer holidays? I'd like to know before I restock another 25K.
  13. I have, so far, only been priveleged to play Conflict. And the waiting periods in the official worlds kill me. Also, it's verdict (amongst other things). ;)
  14. I'm sorry if you don't condone this, Carl, but I'll add some stuff. When death dotting, I suggest you use this spot: Individually select your team members from the list and use the walk option to the dot. It's easily recognisable. Also, pile anyone who has heavies or holds back a squad for the sake of an easy win.
  15. Nice update, tad bit sad though considering the decent upgrades only come at 300+ (?) rank. Nothing really to waste several days over. I hope the costumes can be stored in my POH soon enough.
  16. The other day, some guy tried rushing me with a DDS (thinking I was AFK whilst I was just getting EP), I retaliated with a Piety DDS and was owning him. The he runs out, calls me a nerd and a safer (even though he ate 5 times before I ever took my first bite) and tells me to go to F2P PvP because I suck at PKing. So yes, there is no honour in PvP. PS: I hate when people call out to me to stop using Prayer. It's 9 level of my combat level, and I got it to use it, not to let some guy that invested his combat levels in Strength to own me.
  17. Bake pie spell. It's what I did. About 800k-ish experience. Admiral pies.
  18. Even then: if you double the value, Graahks are still 2.5x more gold. And that is a stupid idea. In the time you take to make Imp statues, I can do larders and the switch to RC for money, probably making back 4x what I spent.
  19. The reason people abandoned General store running was the abyss update. The reason people abandoned Abyss-running was the Summon update and the ZMI update. Seriously, people didn't just decide to do a different method with it being slower or less profitable, everything has its reasons. Believeme , I've done all 4 methods, I know what I'm talking about. If that won't convince you: You say 450 nature runes in an hour? We say 2200 nature runes in an hour with Graahks. Let's compare (we'll assume one Abyss pouch recharge for the Store-run method, and 4 for the Graahks, let's also assume you have only one Glory and you recharge them with a Games Necklace): Store running (w/ pouches?): 450*225 - [450*(137+2) + 1/4*1/8*1224] = 38,661.75 Didn't actually use pouches (I dunno, ages since I done it) Store running (w/o pouches?): 450*225 - 450*(137+2) = 38,700.00 Now, Graahking. Let's make it easier and say you only make 2000, using a traditional 3 pouch set-up (Big, large and small), you use Duel rings to bank: 2000*225 - [2000*137 + 1/8*1224 + 60/49*8540 + 2000/(49*8)*1613] = 157,160.26 Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think you've rediscovered an ingenious method with the store-running.
  20. Unnoting at the general store? Whoa, did my time machine to 2005 work? Seriously, Graahk-ing (as the act is commonly referred to) is way easy and I don't see how you even find it complex (if you said ZMI though, I'd agree, it is quite complex). Bank (usually at Castle Wars), fill 3 pouches, click on Graahk and teleport, go east, enter the altar and craft the Natures, rub the ring. Rince and repeat.
  21. I think we're all jumping the gun here. What we know so far is that there will be a ranger-based bar with wall decorations. Period. We have no clue as to whether that decoration is supposed to represent an actual item. Ever gone to the taxidermist (or better yet: Tutorial Island) and saw a mounted Unicorn head or a mounted red/black Dragon head? If that's supposed to be a teaser as well, they sure are teasing for a long period of time. And even IF it's a Dragon crossbow, that won't mean they'll release it any time soon. Remember the Granite boots Dondakan from 'Between a Rock...' has? That's from 2006. He still hasn't allowed us to buy his boots. I think you lot are bound to face a lot of disappointment. The thing is, rangers arent supposed to equal mellee, they are supposed to miss on melee'rs, melee>range>mage>melee etc etc, remember the combat tirangle. The only one atm that isn't doing its job is mage i think, but that's only barely. Yes... just like Magic armour is so incredibly resistant to Melee... oh wait! The combat system has been broken for years now. A Dragon Crossbow won't make a difference.
  22. I think a fairly recent update allows you to reobtain a Bull-roarer in exchange for an Oomlie wrap. You can't reobtain the dagger.
  23. Looks interesting. Wonder what the rewards will be.
  24. He was a musical genius. And we all know the best of the best are always a bit weird. RIP Michael Jackson, may you find your peace.
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