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Everything posted by compfreak847

  1. Duradel is the best for XP, period. Longer, harder tasks are better as less time is wasted obtaining them. And he's much easier to get to then Fairy rings; another important time factor. Yes, some are more enjoyable, but in the end it's raw efficiency we are arguing about. What are you talking about? All number from this thread have come from my fastest slaying times, and I'm one of the most efficient testers. I managed to obtain the second fastest (next to zarfot) abyss run I've seen from anyone, and my ZMI times are far above what I've seen from others; I beat Zarfot's best timing by 3 seconds for one of my full-banking runs. I have an ultra low lag internet connection (6ms ping time to a nearby server), a very high quality Logitech mouse at 2,000 DPI and very low lag time all adding up to very, very fast rates - my Avansie rates are as-yet unmatched by ANYONE, and I am very efficient at bandos KC - when fighting someone for KC, I generally beat them by at least 10-1. Basically, I'm not bragging, I'm just saying that when I test I am very, very fast and efficient. Yes, I enjoy laid-back slaying, but those numbers are not being used in the debate and therefore are irrelevant.
  2. Even reading instructions really doesn't make it clear enough. Everyone's new at some point; when I first came to BA, I was a helpless newb. Same for GWD or any hard, first-time event. There's always going to be new people trying to learn the ropes.
  3. What are you talking about? 1m an hour would have killed RWT? I'm sorry, but that's simply ludicrous. But the forum overall was more mature. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average I'm going to list all points relevant to my debate, regardless of how that makes you feel. You can take offense to me saying crime rates are higher in African-American neighborhoods, but I'm still going to use that as a relevant fact in a discussion. Point being? How does that affect the fact that 'average length to immature posts' was much greater several years ago? I haven't seen a single recent rants thread, and it's not as if I don't read most of them. Perhaps you could point one out for me.
  4. Could you point out the line where I said that? I'll point out the line where I said quite the opposite, you even quoted it: "I enjoy updates more then I dislike them". In general, I enjoy updates more then I dislike them. Yeah, some inconvenience me, but the good ones more then balance it out, and in general I derive enjoyment from updates. Be back tomorrow to continue this.
  5. That would quite effectively explain why we've been having communication problems :-w Are you talking about the limit itself, or that it was so low? I'll respond to both: Limit itself: Hellooo, welcome to RWT world. It was a choice of either change the gameplay of a very tiny fraction of their userbase or shut down the game. That it was so low: Very smart move. Even at 60k\h, the current max, a high level dueler would never find a max of 240k\h a decent income. Staking for money was completely killed irregardless of the limit, and they had to make sure no one was going to do the "limit every 15 minutes" type of trade. So what? I'm biased towards smart people, because I believe their responses are generally better thought out then the village idiot. You can't go calling every fact that points out some groups of people are different bad because it's "biased"; bias is bad when taken to extremes, but it's also a fact of life. Sorry, but you'll have to live with that. It's also condescending to say that Nigerians have a lower average income then USA households. I'm here to prove myself correct, not to make you feel good about yourself. You weren't an active poster. When your posts were count, not how long you've been lurking. So what? I'm saying that this discussion strayed to immature flaming in 45 posts, something the old TIF was able to manage for far longer. It's a fact, not an opinion, about a group of people. Time for bed, church tomorrow. I'll be on later to continue this.
  6. It spans viewtopic.php?f=66&t=765267&start=1340 to present, I don't blame you a bit for not wanting to read it. I can only imagine how boring it must be to anyone other then me and ydraisle :lol: Been working on it, but I gotta go soon :lol:
  7. But I enjoy debating more then play RS at the moment, so I'm making the choice to do this instead. Again, completely under my control. No, because the faster we go the more enjoyment we derive. I'm saying "I get more enjoyment from the game when there are more updates I enjoy". There is no logical way to disprove that, and it's a corollary to "Because I enjoy updates more then I dislike them, increasing update frequency means increase enjoyment". It's very simple and very indisputable logic.
  8. Really? Someone must have hacked your account and posted it :| Start providing examples. Hindsight is 20\20; without impossibly long Q&A testing, some bugs simply cannot be spotted. See the DD on spam clicking the dance emote while attacking the KQ with a rubber chicken. http://www.runescape.com/kbase/viewarti ... cle_id=635 No, the simplest explanation is that clearly bad ideas were not thought to be so until a massive amount of gameplay time revealed a tiny flaw that no reasonable amount of Q&A could reveal. Take, for example, the recent Wildy bug: It took nearly 7 months of gameplay, at an average of 125,000 hours logged per physical hour - a total of 87,000,000 hours of gameplay - to reveal it. It was sealed by Jagex in a couple of hours. At the current minimum wage in the UK, it would take 739,500,000 USD to find that - and that's minimum wage, not skilled gaming professional wage.
  9. Well under 10%, see my argument on 10% being the maximum variation over an hour period of time, and we should be obtaining much less then that as our numbers come from significantly over an hour. Also, your technically higher then 1337 already, as you used to mention in your sig the rollback stole posts. I lost over 850 posts, including one evening with a competition between me and Inushakent. I managed to get the 'last posted by' for every single thread on the front page of the H&A forum save one, and he constantly posted on one of them just as I was about to finish it off. The 1 minute limit killed me, it went on for almost a half hour until he finally had to leave :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. It's controlled by you? Go without sleep for two weeks. Go ahead, try it. That would reduce my enjoyment, further proving my point. It's currently controlled so that I obtain the optimum enjoyment from it overall, but reducing update frequency is dropping that.
  11. viewtopic.php?f=66&t=791116&start=40#p6598867 *sigh* Why? Why is it I can't say that the old TIF stayed on topic longer and give examples to back it up? See above; simplest and most probable explanation wins with lack of other evidence.
  12. Less value for your money is all the time you spend not playing the game -- you paid for a month's membership. Every hour you spend sleeping is less time you can spend playing and therefore less value for your money. Why not complain about the need for sleep? Because all of those are natural factors controlled by me, not Jagex. It's my personal choice to balance those to suit my playing style and decided how much enjoyment I derive from them. It's also my personal choice to disagree when Jagex does something to change that and reduce my enjoyment.
  13. Then you are not using a hally correctly. I have NEVER gotten to 4 knockdowns with a hally, 3 is uncommon, 2 is the most common, and I've gotten quite a few with a SINGLE knockdown. You just have to be fast with switching. Don't forget you are maxed out just about. Just like the players I'm advocating this for #-o
  14. Holy friggin crap. Your suggestion that FTP get a level 40 armor that costs 100k and beats every single armor currently in the game. Why don't we make GWD available to FTP, make all of the bosses level 2, and make hilt drops 100%? What about scaling up weapons so they always hit whatever the HP of the thing your attacking is? I mean, that'd be so ubierly leet rite? We do need updates to melee to make it match up to mage and range, but not level 40 FTP armor greater then anything members has at the moment #-o GF, TIF. GF.
  15. That depends who you listen to ;) We were in agreement earlier, but apparently he made up all his rates for the first 50 or so pages so the agreement was false. (cues deep announcer voice) He's back. And this time he's got REAL proof. That being said (I love that line :lol: ), there should NOT be a significant difference in the rates two high level slayers are obtaining using the same methods. Once we figure that out and end up back where we were several dozen pages ago, we can begin running numbers and tweaking methods again.
  16. But I'm getting fewer of them, resulting in less value for my money - something I don't like, and something which I have every right to disagree with.
  17. Because my entire point was that you based an argument on a logical fallacy. Therefore, anything you said about "providing updates proving it" was invalid and didn't contribute to your argument. And therein ends the 'mature post' streak. 45 posts before the thread degenerated. Better then what I expected, but the old TIF did so much better. Disappointing to see what we've turned into. I'd give a lot for a mature debate with someone like Muggi. I argued for over a year with him without a single insult. In response to your post: Sorry, but you need to separate opinions from facts. I posted a statement, namely that Jagex decisions are the best for the current information - they launch the updates that appear to be the best choice for the game. That is an opinion, but it marks the best possible alternative given the complete lack of evidence for the subject at hand.
  18. And I'm paying for both the game and continued updates. http://www.runescape.com/members/members.ws Notice the FIRST item on that list. Anything that deprives me of that is reducing the bang for my buck, something I dislike that prompted me to write a single, mature post on the general discussion about.
  19. They can't discriminate against players based on how skilled they are, and therein lies the problem. Basically, anything that balances it out for high level players makes it absurdly expensive for everyone else. I can make almost 3m an hour through merchanting + TDs; my time is worth 15x what a newb who doesn't know how to earn money's time. If we're charged the same fee, either I benefit enormously or he is totally screwed. There is simply no way to balance it.
  20. I see it as a path to salvation that results in a division between men. Any time there is a conflict of beliefs, sparks fly (See "the internetz" for examples). Everyone thinks they are right and anyone who differs when them is wrong. When it's something where no one can be proven right or wrong, major problems occur (See "holy wars", otherwise known as "most of history" for examples).
  21. Exactly. Therefore, simplest explanation wins. That was my entire point. I'm glad it's clear now, I could have explained it better :P May I ask what that has to do with ANYTHING? You appear to have either completely misread my posts or totally misunderstood what I've been trying to say. What I am saying is that Jagex decisions are the best for the current information - they launch the updates that appear to be the best choice for the game. It's quite obvious that this would be done as a buisness, and I'm not sure why it's so hotly contested.
  22. I can see from your point of view - that the game is good enough for you, and you don't care what happens to improve or detract from it. However, from a logical standpoint your view simply does not hold water. We are all welcome to our own opinions, but they can also be wrong. Recognizing when our opinions are incorrect is a necessary but difficult to learn skill.
  23. You can't be serious.... I can be. See other posts for further proof. I don't generally joke during debates, deadpan humor is too easy to miss and leads to flame wars.
  24. I banish thee to 4chan from whence thou camest. [hide=]I've lost once.[/hide]
  25. But it affects you. More people enjoying updates = more money from the game, for the game = more updates overall = more updates you enjoy. So what? I'll try to put it into mathmatics for you. X is how much you enjoy the game. If you add to X (updates you enjoy) it grows larger. If you subtact from X (updates you dislike) it grows smaller. It doesn't matter what X is. So do you or don't you like updates as a whole? Your still not communicating that. If you like updates, then less of a good thing is bad, more of it is good. Don't even try and pull the "too much of a good thing" argument, as we're not discussing an overabundance of updates thanks to steep learning curves.
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