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Everything posted by goldphishies

  1. Dimensions-350x150 Font-Font Here Font Color- Whatever works best with the render Render-Render Here Text-The Trooper SubText- Iron Maiden fan for life. Border- No thanks. Other- Make it sort of grayish or brownish... Thanks! Whenever you get around to doing it is great!
  2. I generally keep an open mind about any kind of rock music... but MCR... well... like on page one, you may as well listen to a pig being tortured for all the enjoyment you'll get out of it. That or quite possibly a cat having its fur pulled out one hair by one... In other words, they're posers who enjoy wearing razorblade braclets and trying to kill themselves. Or maybe we have it wrong. They may be trying to kill us with their pathetic lyrics and music... I'm not ignorant, I can get by with any Punk or Emo band except them. I just don't like them. Hope that doesn't sound as bad as I think it does...
  3. The Trooper. Well, that sells it for me. You guys rock. Up The Irons!! Your Trooper cover sounded almost exactly like Children of Bodom's... your vocalist has some serious talent if he can sound almost exactly like Alexi Laiho.Alexi=God I need to get a band together... I know people for everything...
  4. Wow... so how many more cases of AIDS is there gonna be? Cuz if I was a guy in Russia, I'd sleep around a bit on Sex Day, for that car... :-$
  5. It's Disney. They feel the need to get back at someone after whats-her-name posted porn of herself on the web.
  6. 454 displayed.(455 after this). But it says I've only posted 375 times... :?
  7. I work with this kid's brother, who is a total spaz. But he's not half as bad as the kid. Imagine the ugliest dog in the world, except 5' 6" and so drop dead idiotic that you want to beat the living crap out of him. But, since I work with his brother, they both feel the need to sit with us at lunch. So, when we don't save them "their" seat, they get all blech about it and tell a teacher. And since they're "special", the teacher makes us move to let them sit. We've tried hinting we don't like them. And when that didn't work, we told them we didn't like them. Which still didn't work. And, if that wasn't enough, the youngest feels the need to play soccer for the school with us. I mean, you'd think that there would be a law against letting a kid like him be born, let alone play a sport. But even though this is America, there isn't. Anywho, when he football tackled me from behind(it's soccer. SOCCER!!) when he wasn't even supposed to be practicing yet, as he didn't have a physical, laughed like a cat being stabbed to death, and pointed at me, I nailed him in the face. I'm benched for 3 games, with an after school detention, but it was worth it... :twisted: But, for some reason, him and his brother still sit with us. Evidentally, we aren't in God's good books... seeing as Satan's sons won't leave... :XD: Emos. Hate em. Cutting your wrist isn't cool. Dying you hair blonde and green isn't cool. If you're gonna try and kill yourself, guns work better. Don't get our hopes up for nothing. Trust me, a bullet to the head will take you out of it a lot faster than a razor blade. Then there was the lesbian girl's gym teacher. Lesbian. Girl's. Gym. Teacher. She'd sit in the locker room and watch them get changed. A few of my friends complained to the school about it, but they didn't do anything... That and the little f*cktard that thinks he can beat everyone up. 3/4 of the kids in the school have put his face in the wall at least twice. I've avoided hurting him, as I actually feel remotely sorry for him, but it's only a matter of time till he picks a fight with the wrong person... There's my stories.
  8. Ur p4r3nt2 4r3 g0nn4 ki11 u!!1! For anyone who doesn't speak 1337... You should get wasted, wake up early, ignore the hangover, and run the f*ck away! But have fun first... :wink:
  9. C'mon... if you're gonna post nude pics of yourself, please shave first... :-w Evidentally, Disney wasn't letting her be herself...
  10. So... lets have an arousing talk about the economy... shouldn't be to personal... Any suggestions?
  11. How many people need to tell him to go to hell before he realizes we don't want him around anymore? Maybe he'll take a hint this time and find out that yes, the world would be a better place without him, and just kill himself...Behold! Ignorant statement! Muwhahaha!
  12. Final Fantasy Games... I absolutlely hate all of them. Dragon Ball Z games... hate em. The Thing... sooooo boring, and about as scary as Viva Pinata. But the worst would be a tie between Power Drome(what the hell is a Drome? Typo on game case?) and Croc 2. Never got past the first level on Croc 2, and Power Drome is basically a ripoff of XIII Extreme G Racing, adding in "Damnit", "Show me your moves", and "Yeah haha!" every time you hit the wall or another racer. I took a penknife to it, muwahaha. :twisted: It almost made me stop crying.
  13. 4/10, it's cool it shows your personality and all, but it's not that original. I have 6 sigs, please tell me which one you rate.
  14. Wish I could go :( The Police are the only Classic Rock(if I'm wrong, correct me, don't listen to it much) band I can stand...
  15. Intelligence... when you are making millions off of all your inventions, pay for plastic surgery. Plastic(and duct tape) fix everything.
  16. You aren't alone, been a Maiden fanatic since... well... forever.
  17. I'm sorry... nothing personal, but I feel a need to say it... If your were an atheist, wouldn't you of known how to spell it? :-s
  18. Okay... now this is getting kinda old... can a Mod lock, please?
  20. "Breaking the Law" and "Grinder" by Judas Priest supposedly do...
  21. Exactly what I was thinking. :-s I'm really getting tired of this religion stuff that keeps popping up... =; let's talk about something else for a while, shall we?
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