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Everything posted by mememe513

  1. I've been ranging lessers, and my QuickChat always says I'm training Attack. :wall:
  2. You can't write a review about RuneScape unless you play it for fun, and play some of the minigames/skills that make the game enjoyable. If you play RuneScape for a week, unless you're no-lifing, you'll be a noob who is slowing going up in the RS community. If you don't like the F2P worlds, get membership (as you said in the review) The whole game is getting a graphics update soon...(I hope) Also, the F2P version is not much of demo, rather a second-hand version of the P2P version. It has a lot of the key parts, but it lacks much of the content members get. Also, there are several errors in it: -The economy is volatile or unstable, not exactly the same as fragile -How do the skills tease you about members? -You won't understand the game unless you get membership (in my view) -RuneScape was developed by Andrew and Paul, not Jagex...Jagex bought the game AFTER it was created.
  3. Updating old content, they've removed most goldtrading related rulebreakers. Also, new quests and content have no interest for me as a non-member. Graphics have no purpose.
  4. Most of my friends are friends at school irl, but I rarely see them in the game.
  5. I got 24hr mute from doing that in FoG. If people find it offensive, ignore/turn chat off. It is considered rulebreaking because it "prevents others from enjoying the game to its full extent"
  6. Title is irrelevant to topic. The new graphics is irrelevant to RWT. And your post makes no sense. The reason Jagex does not sell gold on its website is to create a sort of fairness. Selling gold on the website does not seem like discriminating against the poor, it seems like the company is corrupt or mentally challenged in some way.
  7. I would quit in a second. The only reason I play is because you can achieve things, and the fact that the game is multiplayer. Jagex removed some of the aspects of multipleplayer interaction about 7 months ago, and look how many people (not macroers) quit.
  8. Oooh, I wanna be a guest! Now to find a great random F2P costume....
  9. -SHIVER- It'd be a person with a rare's foe. It'd be a who with a what now? Do you Mind elaborating? Person with a rare = subject 's foe = shows that the item lending is the foe. In other words, he meant that Item Lending would be bad for anyone who has a rare.
  10. It got removed because of Real World Trading (RWT). When the messed up trading system was still in development, they realized people could just walk into the wildy with 1bil and die to the person buying gold. The person buying the gold would kill the goldfarmer/macroer and get 999,999,997 coins.
  11. QuickChat puts whatever you're doing, so it'll either be a minigame or the last skill you got exp in.
  12. Honestly, does anyone ever think of the nonmembers when they suggest making the revs stronger? Yes, members can go out and kill a rev 10 levels above them, but F2Pers have to run from them if they're about 15 levels below them. Level 70 revs can hit constant 20s, you can't really see what attack type it is, you have (comparitively) pathetic armor, and they freeze/teleblock you. For nonmembers, seeing a rev that can attack them is virtually a death sentence.
  13. I could live without firemaking. If I were a member, farming would be first to go.
  14. Why in the world would they lump RuneScape in with Club Penguin and those other little kid games? Also, their description of the game sounds like the writer of the article looked at the game description on the website, took out all the positive bits and replaced them with quotes from "children as young as five." On top of that, their article is filled with errors. I almost laugh at thinking of this. RuneScape IS designed for children, whether you like it or not. Let's think of a few updates targeted at noobs: Skill Tutors, Stronghold of Player Safety, and the trade limit. All of these updates were created in order to educate and protect the endangered animal that we call a noob, or by their scientific name: Homo Sapiens (infant).
  15. You don't have to repair a gravestone, but there's no point in not doing it. You can't loot from a death, so if you can, repair it. I haven't died yet, so I don't what it's like.
  16. #1, why does it say combat level instead of skill level? #5, pures often used treasure trail items as a sort of bait to get other pkers I support though, because the idea is good
  17. Macroers would return by the thousands. :ohnoes: Very scary thought :ohnoes:
  18. Miniclip doesn't have RS news A lot of F2Pers (myself included) are unhappy, hoping Jagex might be nice and do something right to start out the new year
  19. short, but interesting. I fail to see how one's avatar can be considered "art", however
  20. They can manipulate the economy any way they want it, even if the player population will riot. All they have to do is create a shop that sells phats for hundreds of millions.
  21. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 It would be nice, but it would take out the humor of stupid posts
  22. You should add the fact the higher leveled player has to keep the window open. This makes it quite inconvenient, even if it's only for 20 seconds
  23. Would never work... Why would a high level allow you to exploit the skills they worked hard on?
  24. Granted, the magic pencils fly up and stab you. They then doodle all over your body. I wish that WoW would die
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