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Everything posted by Flyingjj

  1. Ya know, cutting the hand off a thief sounds like an apt punishment to me. Don't [bleep] steal from me! As for the 9 and 10 year old boys, I've known some that age in harsh conditions who would know exactly what rape was. Assuming that these children were worse off than those ones, I could definitely see them being conscious and decisive in their actions, even if they were led to them by the older children. Sure, they might not have done it by themselves, but with some prodding from the older boys, I wouldn't doubt that they knew enough to make their own decisions. Our culture too often underestimates the capabilities and capacities of our youth.
  2. Flyingjj


    Ya, I saw it too. Half the theater was cheering and half was booing, then there was this one guy who at the end of the trailer shouts, "Oh my God it's a werewolf!" and everyone starts laughing, myself included. 'Twas quite hilarious.
  3. Man, that's heavy. Summer after high school can be such a transitional period in so many ways. I guess my basic advice is to take a step back from dating/relationships. It's rough not having the comfort of a partner, but mostly because it's hard not to dwell on how good it feels. To take this step back, I reccommend trying something new and exciting, possibly random. From what I gather, you've just graduated high school. This is the perfect time to try something new. Start something you've always wanted to do, get a new hobby, etc. In time, new relationships may start to form, but in your emotional state, any relationship you get into is not likely to go anywhere. This is one of the hardest things I can tell someone to do, but don't go out into the world looking for a relationship. Eventually, a relationship will likely come to you, most likely (or even hopefully) when you least expect it and are not looking for it. That's my two cents. Other people will offer different advice, saying you'll never get anywhere unless you go for it full force, but I disagree.
  4. Well, look on the brightside, we're more than halfway through this fixer upper year. :D :lol: :P Personally, I'm well past my peak runescape playing time, I only play a little bit for new content, occasional levels/goals, but I don't put near as much time into it as I did when I first started playing back in the original RS. So, tweaks and bug fixes aren't that big of a deal to me. These quests are okay fillers, because fillers are needed to build up to something big. Jagex has to introduce storylines bit by bit, coming at it from different angles, so that in the big coming together quest there are multiple angles/parts to do. You can only go so far with a linear questline. By breaking this up into multiple portions we gradually learn more and more about all the different mahjarrot.
  5. Generally, I don't fight. No, wait, scratch that. I never fight. Never been in one in my life. I am in Tae kwon do, however, actually just started that this summer. Martial arts can be helpful in a fight, maybe not the exact moves, but the general knowledge of how and where to block, and how to put the most power behind kicks and where to aim to do the most damage, is very useful.
  6. Go for the mystery machine look, it's ftw! :P [hide=Groovy!][/hide] This is on my list of stuff I want to have/do before I die. Other such things include building a castle, having a library the size of the ones in fairy tales, becoming a master in a form of martial arts, and being able to do handspring flips like they do in gymnastics... :?
  7. Oh, that's just Iamdan, we mostly just ignore him... :P Dan, you know I'm kidding :) ... Sort of... On a slightly more serious note, that is some of Iamdan's advice on how to become a smooth operator who picks up as many "chicks" as possible. I personally would be highly offended if anyone approached me with those tactics, but some people may find them useful.
  8. Tbh i think he is a mahjarrat, but again, it's just me. It's not just you, I had the same thought about him when I completed the quest. But then he would already know most of the stuff about the other mahjarrat, unless he was a new mahjarrat...
  9. Blasphemy :o I wouldn't use the word ugly, but her face is so... emotionless. As for the movie, I thought it was excellent, but the ending was horrible. What's funny is from the reviews I've read, a lot of people love the movie, hate the ending, or love the ending, don't like the rest of the movie.
  10. That...is...AWESOME! I'm just speechless. I love it! I know this is a little enthusiastic for a Runescape video, but I'm a sucker for River dance music.
  11. Reading this makes me want to shout amen, so, AMEN! [hide=A note on amen]For those who don't know, amen means something along the lines of so shall it be. By shouting amen, I am indicating my utter agreement with the above statement.[/hide]
  12. The majority of men don't play video games or do sports... Also, one source I found, here, states that 40% of all game players are women.
  13. Flyingjj


    Boo. That story needed more explosions and goldfish named bob. Okay, fine. She told me about this family she's house sitting for that has 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 hamsters, some fish, 2 geckos, and a couple other animals I can't remember. I'm sure one of the fish happened to be a goldfish named bob. Let's see...explosions... There was also this story about a time in high school where she had to run a mile outside after a rainstorm and there were tons of worms on the ground which exploded onto the back of her legs as she ran. Also, she told me of an epiphany she had while picking raspberries about how angels in the Bible always start by saying "Do not be afraid!", by which she concludes that angels must have been these hideous creatures because why would anyone be afraid if angels looked like the beautiful modern interpretations we have today.
  14. Flyingjj


    Today my friend from college called and told me all about her summer. Doesn't sound like much, but she's awesome and amazing and just made my day by calling, she makes me smile so much, and I felt the need to tell someone about it, so I'm posting it here. The end. :D
  15. Am I the only one who thinks this might cause price increases? Think about it, supply of items like godswords, Dh, d-claws goes down as those who risk it lose them, while money entering the economy through artifacts continues to do so, causing inflation overall.
  16. Try using your logs on the beacon, that should work, I think.
  17. Now that one I can help you with... [hide=location]http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=795115You probably missed it cause it's page 2 general discussion.[/hide]
  18. Ya, well, if it isn't obvious from my last two posts, I had the whole thing finished, but got it in too late :cry: . I've got an idea of the piece y'all are missing, PM me if you want to hear my idea/location of the one you're missing. EDIT: Well, maybe I can't be of as much service as I thought I could be... Y'all are missing different pieces. I'd of thought one piece would be harder than all the rest since everyone seemed to only be missing one.
  19. So stinking close! Aw shucks... Stupid brother and his swim lessons... :P
  20. :pray: :ohnoes: Take this post to mean whatever you want it to, but know that I have been searching...
  21. Ya know, playing this game with a mouse pad is fail. Too bad my wireless optical gave out on me last week and I'm too poor at the moment to replace it. I've still won a couple games though.
  22. The only problem I had with the new font was that it is too hard to tell the difference between 0 and 8.
  23. The tutorial said something about average level of your troops, did you try having like 4 lvl 2s and 6 lvl 1s? That would make your average lvl 1.4 or, rounded down, 1. You can't mix troop levels. They have to all be the same level. Well that's just plain silly. :P And what's the point of leveling up your troops then? Better explore rewards than a cabbage seed? :lol:
  24. The tutorial said something about average level of your troops, did you try having like 4 lvl 2s and 6 lvl 1s? That would make your average lvl 1.4 or, rounded down, 1.
  25. Ya know, I really should try this PvP stuff... Brawlers sound fun, not to mention I'm sure I'm falling behind the inflation curve...
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