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Everything posted by Pkmastachaos

  1. (Just going to bump this after nearly a month of inactivity :smile: ) Well, I'm weighing the pros and cons of going part time at my work. Setting aside the lower paychecks I can't really find any other downside.. I'm able to budget my expenses well, and at the moment don't have my own car and am living at home; so my expenses are pretty much down to food/social/entertainment needs. Although I'll be looking to get a car soon. I'm also looking to going back to school after some time off, although I'm not sure how fast that will eat away at my savings. I was thinking about going from 40+ hours a week to ~25. At the end of August I'll have been with this job for two years, but I don't see myself going anywhere with it. I intended to go part-time, go back to school and start to look for a better job/career elsewhere. I'm hoping to have everything in order and a decision made within a month or two (or sooner). Anyone go through something similar, or have any advice?
  2. Pkmastachaos


    Weighing the pros and cons of going part time at my work. Setting aside the lower paychecks I can't really find any other downside.. I'm able to budget my expenses well, and at the moment don't have my own car and am living at home; so my expenses are pretty much down to food/social/entertainment needs. :thumbup: Looking to going back to school though after some time off, although I'm not sure how fast that will eat away at my savings. Anyone go through something similar, or have any advice?
  3. Man, damn censorship. I can understand this to an extent, but when you even have to censor his name, come on.
  4. It's a three parter. Three scenario's in the one campaign (the passing) can't think of the names off hand. You travel through alleyways, sewers, buildings, and collect ten fuel tanks at the finale while the original survivors help cover you. Only one of them didn't make it. This level seems to take place between Dead Center and the Dark Carnival campaigns. There's ten new achievements for the xbox 360 which are all quite easy to obtain (3/10 my first playthrough). Honestly otherwise there isn't much of a story... I won't post spoilers but like Valve's usual style we have more questions then answers.
  5. Hey there, saw your post regarding invites to lockerz in the advertise your thing here thread and well; I'm interested in an invite!

    Email address is [email protected], hit me up if you could and good luck getting that free shirt. :D

  6. Man, glad to see i'm not the only one thinking that. Unfortunately I already purchased it for the 360, but it's still alright, the $7 isn't too much I suppose. Still though, damn.
  7. [hide] So if I'm playing a PC game, I'm expected to alt + tab out of it (which I've found in some cases doesn't work too well) then go online to look for it? If I'm playing Console games I need to be within range of my computer at all times. That's silly. Look for what online? Sorry if I missed your point, but I never said you should have to go online to find something you need. Nor did I say you should have a computer nearby at all times. What I am saying is that the computer is there, should you need it, for additional information. What I was suggesting, is to cut down the size of the manuals to things of just necessity. Controls, small backstory, legal stuff etc on a single page "manual" just for reference sake. Sort of like a cheat-sheet if you get what I mean. These days manuals are often not needed, as most games will offer some sort of tutorial, an in-game control scheme, and (well I would hope..) a story. Most people will breeze through the manuals in a matter of minutes, and may refer to them once or twice in their first couple hours of gameplay and then what? Nothing. [/hide]I think some games still really need a manual, for example the Oblivion manual had a ton of stuff about character creation that I would have been [bleep]ed without. I agree completely, there are exceptions of course that can go either way. Oblivion might be one, and as others have already said COD: MW2 might be another. It's a matter of finding that sweet spot.
  8. [/hide] So if I'm playing a PC game, I'm expected to alt + tab out of it (which I've found in some cases doesn't work too well) then go online to look for it? If I'm playing Console games I need to be within range of my computer at all times. That's silly. Look for what online? Sorry if I missed your point, but I never said you should have to go online to find something you need. Nor did I say you should have a computer nearby at all times. What I am saying is that the computer is there, should you need it, for additional information. What I was suggesting, is to cut down the size of the manuals to things of just necessity. Controls, small backstory, legal stuff etc on a single page "manual" just for reference sake. Sort of like a cheat-sheet if you get what I mean. These days manuals are often not needed, as most games will offer some sort of tutorial, an in-game control scheme, and (well I would hope..) a story. Most people will breeze through the manuals in a matter of minutes, and may refer to them once or twice in their first couple hours of gameplay and then what? Nothing.
  9. Personally I don't see much use for manuals anymore, most of the things you need to know are covered in the game some way or another. Or can be easily accessible via the internet. I wouldn't want to see them go entirely though, not for the "new-game" smell, but rather just for the how-to-play ordeal. But then there's a simple solution, rather then printing off a small brochure style manual, developers could simply make a one page guide. On one side the controls for the game, and on the other the legal crap. Saves paper, costs down for developers, and keeps the gamers relatively happy. Just my .02
  10. Recently got back into Halo 3 a little bit, purchased the Mythic Map pack II and can say I quite like it. Played one vs one with my brother to learn the map layouts and where everything spawns and then got into some real matchmaking. I remember the reason I stopped playing.. First game was a big team battle 8 vs. 6 Avalanche heavy (two of my allies left right away). My team had no one higher ranking then a brigadier while the enemy team had at least FOUR grade 4 generals, brigadier generals, and force colonels. 100/37 was the final score.. God. I. HATE. THESE. UNEVEN. MATCHUPS. At least all of the games I've played weren't like that, some were actually close. :rolleyes:
  11. Pkmastachaos


    On vacation for a week. Going to see my doctor in a couple hours, then the rest of the day will be dedicated to playing video games, reading and socializing. It's nice not having to wake up at 5:30am to get ready for work. :thumbup:
  12. V for Vendetta and Enemy at the Gates. Both are good movies and would definitely recommend either of them. :thumbup: Not sure what I'll watch next though. Hopefully something that continues the "good" cycle.
  13. Haven't posted in this forum for ages now, thought I'd keep it that way but this thread merits a post. [OMG Sterotypical person who left Runescape post] I can honestly say I fell into this category at some point in time, like you, I also came to the same realization which hopefully everyone will at some point. Runescape is a video game, and should be treated as such. Not an escape from real life, not somewhere to gloat and show off; but just to have fun. I used to play hours on end, sometimes up to sixteen hours... Just grinding, doing things I didn't enjoy just for the sake of getting an Achievement cape at the end of the day. Needless to say when the goal(s) were completed I was back to square one, moving towards a different skill, and starting the infinite loop again. Yeah, sad isn't it? Unfortunately many people continue doing the same thing; although not all people. For those who play for all the right reasons, good job. Sadly this goes on for most games, hopefully in time people will realize their mistakes, like I did. [/OMG Sterotypical person who left Runescape post] Good post by the way, although nothing new to me, it should help out those in need of change. :thumbup:
  14. Pkmastachaos


    It's only March 31st here. So, when I logged on I'm thinking what the hell.. Interesting prank. Not a big fan of all the bright colors though. :mellow:
  15. When I was younger, mostly asking parents for money, birthdays/holidays & chores around home. These days I have my own job, working full time in a warehouse. Pay is pretty good, hours are steady and work well with my social life (7am-3:30pm), and I love the people I work with. Lots of benefits too. Grossing about $2700CAN(~£1,962) a month, not too shabby for a first job. Love having the freedom to do what I want with my own money. B)
  16. Pkmastachaos


    I'll be watching it later tonight, sounds like an interesting series. Might edit this post later on after I watch it to share my thoughts.
  17. Started my second play through last night, still just as fun as the first time. Wish I had more time to play though: you do a dossier mission, go through a bunch of dialogue and maybe mine a planet or two and woah. There goes an hour or two. Still love the game though. :mrgreen:
  18. I'm from Canada, but can't say it was the same back when I was in school. I didn't start learning French until grade 7 (6 years ago now), as far as I can recall that's the only year I had to take it as it was mandatory. Once I got into high school we had the option to take a second/third language such as French, Spanish or Italian. But that's about it. Never do see much people speak French though.. I've tried to learn a different language, but it's tough when your surrounded by people who just speak English all the time.
  19. Just beat the game today, didn't get a "perfect" ending though; regardless it was pretty awesome. I can't wait for ME3 now, going to be great.
  20. Last game bought and played would be Mass Effect II. Great game, love the improvements made in regards to the first game. Missions are a hell of a lot more enjoyable to do this time around, I feel compelled to do them all, really. Highly recommend.
  21. I usually find myself picking up at least one of the new consoles at some point or another. So yes, I will. Although like others have already said, I don't expect to see them coming out for at least a few more years still, as there is only so much you can really build upon. Well, hopefully their not too expensive.. :unsure:
  22. I feel your pain. Except im in elementry school in Canada, in the 8th grade. It sucks. I hate younger kids. And I'm learning nothing at the time. Where about in Canada do you live? I'm from Alberta and our school system goes something like this: Grades 1-6 = Elementary school 7-9 = Jr. High school 10-12 = High school I never knew that it was any other way around here, that's gotta be hard to deal with all those little kids. Looks like you learn something new everyday. :P
  23. Playing through the original Mass Effect. I received the game for my birthday two, maybe three(?) years ago but never actually played it too much until recently. Logged around 8 hours over three days so far, probably only 10-20% of the game done too. Well, looks like I'll be picking up ME2 soon enough. Man it's a nice change of pace, rather then always getting PO'ed while playing L4D2 or CoD all the time.. Should play more RPG's. :grin:
  24. Pkmastachaos


    Finally got around to upgrading from an 19" cube tv to a 40" lcd tv, hell yeah. :thumbup: Watched Avatar for the third time as well. :thumbup: Couple of my favorite movies/tv shows won golden globes. :thumbup: All in all, a great weekend. Back to work tomorrow.. Inventory coming up..(1-2 hours overtime) on friday as well. Sigh. :thumbdown:
  25. http://cyri.systemrequirementslab.com/srtest/ ^Use this to test your system, chances are you'll be fine though. Also, if you can get both, but the majority of people will be playing #2 and it'll be tough to get a versus game in the first L4D.
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