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Everything posted by Pkmastachaos

  1. Pkmastachaos


    Just went to see it today in 3d, it was brilliant. I've never seen a movie in 3d before so it was quite an experience in itself. I'm already thinking about seeing it again next week. :grin: Despite being out for a couple weeks now, the theater was still jam-packed as well. Now I can see why.
  2. Upwards of three thousand without a doubt.
  3. (360 version..) Holding down the X button for a few seconds will make him grab loose soil and throw it at enemies; if you have the pc or ps3 version just hold down the button to attack. To sweep guards with a long weapon you need to purchase it in Montergionni training arena, I think it's around 5k florins just ask for special training.
  4. Very enjoyable to play and a huge improvement over the first game. Found it to be a bit buggy in places though (stuck under a dock; had to reload game, an AI I had to assassinate would stop in place because there was a dead body in front of him) but those are small annoyances really. The great selection of weapons, scenery, music and storyline are pretty awesome. Something I didn't do in the first game was visit all the high points, the view is well worth the time and effort. [hide=Possible spoiler]I'm looking forward to playing the third game. Anyone know how long the series might go on for?[/hide]
  5. Inglorious Basterds. I don't know about this one... I can't say I've never seen a Tarintino movie before (I know.. I know..) so I didn't know what to expect, I gave it a shot but honestly didn't care for it at all. Comedy was good in parts, but I thought it was way too predictable, unnecessarily gruesome at times and a bit too long. Next on the list is "The Hangover" here's hoping for a good laugh or two.
  6. Pkmastachaos


    This season was played out extremely well, I enjoyed it quite a bit more then last season. The finale this season had quite the twist on it as well I almost couldn't believe it at first, I hope they'll be able to out do themselves with next years storyline/antagonist; John Lithgow played the part perfectly. :thumbup: :thumbup:
  7. Pkmastachaos


    Pretty much snowed in, waist high snow mounds all around the city. Our alleyway is pretty much unusable until someone plows through the snow, which means we can't go anywhere. So glad I don't have to work today. Shame though, I was going to do some Christmas shopping today.
  8. Just started watching Full Metal Alchemist about three days ago, already 26 episodes in.. I always get addicted when I don't have to wait a week for the next episode. Really good so far, but I'm not a fan of season 3's intro/ending theme. :-|
  9. Try tapping it against the bowl of the sink. You don't have to do it too hard, but it may take a bit more then a "tap" to dislodge the hairs.
  10. Half life 2 episode 3 is still something I'm looking forward too. Diablo III and Starcraft II are contenders as well, although I'm not sure what else I'm waiting for at this point.
  11. Hit M. It will let you switch to the team with an open spot. Actually I own the 360 version, so unfortunately there isn't an "M". <_< I've tried hitting every button as well, weird part is my guest can play normally, but it doesn't even recognize me as part of the game after it happens. Bummer.
  12. Man, I hope Valve gets to releasing some patches soon, there is quite a few things that need it and badly. When I'm playing split-screen (in versus) with my friend sometimes the game will put me into spectating mode and there is no way to get out of it that I know of. So rather then playing, I have to sit back until we leave, round ends, or something to that effect. Not to mention the Survivor AI, seriously... half the time Rochelle can't even pick up a damn med-kit, or will heal at ~70 life. I'll constantly get charged/smoked and will probably end up being incapped before someone even notices. Or they'll try meleeing Chargers.. AND THE LAG!!!11!!!11! I miss the old survivors.. /Rant
  13. Left 4 Dead 2. Pre-ordered that and Assassin's Creed, but went on in release day and only received L4D2 (apparently BestBuy didn't have any ACII in stock...ugh) didn't have time today so I'm going in tomorrow to pick it up.
  14. Yeah, it actually is. I started an advanced campaign on The Parish, just me and the AI. It went well for awhile but I had to actually turn down the difficultly by the time I reached the finale. Soooo many zombies.. Damn chargers can actually insta-kill just like the smoker if they do it right. One charged me on the finale of the Parish as I was walking along side the bridge on the scaffolding, myself, the charger and Rochelle went for a little swim. Oh, and if anyone is wondering Infected AI > Survivor AI, gather up some friends if you can your going to need it. :thumbup:
  15. The game looks quite interesting, just a question though if one never played through Baldur's Gate would I be completely lost in the storyline? That and I'm assuming it'd be much better to pick this up for the PC rather then the 360 right?
  16. Pkmastachaos


    Pre-ordered Left 4 Dead 2 and Assassin's Creed II ($30 discount). Took advantage of a promotion a bank is having (going to recieve $150 for opening a chequing account and putting my direct deposit from work in there.) And only one more day of working then I get a week's vacation. Hell yeah. All in all, a good day. :thumbup:
  17. After playing the L4D2 demo I've noticed you have to improvise a fair amount more then the first game. Ammo is quite a bit more limited, I found myself switching guns almost every chance I had in order to just make it through a level. I'm use to using the shotgun, so when it comes down to having a 2/3rds less ammo, makes it a bit more tougher. Lucky for having melee weapons. Expert is a bit much with AI though.
  18. Not too sure if there is anything really life-threatening, but my father's side is well known for migraines, seriously hate getting one of those.
  19. Yeah, it's coming out for the 360 as well as the PC. Freaky comic by the way.
  20. I won't lie to you and say it was a miracle overnight solution that magically changed my life for the better. And unfortunately my "habit" hasn't still subsided. No, it was nothing amazing, nor was it some "sure-fire" way of becoming Mr. Popular. It might've been luck, but I've never believed in it. I won't bore you with a long drawn out story, but the simple reason is I saw a chance, a risk, an opportunity; and took it. I always enjoyed helping people, and in school you'll always come across one person who doesn't know something. Chances are your school has some kids that are seeking help, maybe you can offer it. It doesn't have to be tutoring, it can be anything. One of the things you said is that nobody has ever approached you for anything; stupid question, but have you ever considered approaching them? I was never good at this either, if you want to try this without any real humilitation I'd suggest trying to start and continue a conversation on Omegle. Small risk but there's a great reward if you ask me. *I sat here for twenty minutes trying to think of something amazing to say to continue the flow of this message, but it's not coming to me...* :wall: Bottom line: Listen, your going to F*** up at some point getting out of that comfort zone, and the sooner you can accept that the better off you'll be. (I screwed up pretty bad at times and how you get out of the comfort zone do it is completely up to you, I can't answer it for you) But have fun doing it, getting out of that comfort zone I mean. As long as you fail foward (learning from it all) you'll just laugh at off later telling those friends of yours what you did to get where you are today. (Boy, 5 posts in one day... I better get back to lurking soon.)
  21. I haven't a damn clue what I want to do with my life, setting aside short-term goals.
  22. Vague indeed, I'll take a shot at this one.. Like you I'd consider myself pretty "socially awkward" I'd rather stay home most of the time by myself doing my own thing rather then outside with others. Although I've made an honest effort to go outside the comfort zone I still haven't broken the habit entirely. It's something I've done over a period of time. I guess what I'm getting at is we have our reasons for being this way, what's yours? Better yet, why do you want to/need to change? Introvert -> Extrovert is pretty damn tough lemme tell you. Find a strong reason why you want to change rather then your tired of playing Runescape 24/7 and chances are you'll have the motivation to start somewhere. The best advice I could give you is to take it in strides, and that small talk here and there can work wonders. If your invited to go see a movie, give it a shot; it's one of those places you can enjoy yourself and also work on these sort of things. I understand not having no form of transportation so consider getting a job. Maybe not one that will put you in the spotlight at all times but something minor, it could even be part-time. You'd gain a little social experience, money, and eventually some mode of transportation. Chances are you'll make some good friends working there too. All around a win if you ask me. I stumbled upon this link awhile back, give it a read; it might help you out some: http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2005/09/risk-vs-reward-in-human-relationships/ *Here's hoping I helped a bit.* :smile:
  23. How's the demo so far? I haven't pre-ordered it so I'll have to wait until it becomes available to everybody, counting down those days. <_< But I'm working on finishing up the last of the L4D achievements, only two left; 20-Car pileup and nothing special. :cool:
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