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Everything posted by Pkmastachaos

  1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, great film with a sad yet happy ending.
  2. Saw V, might go see VI as well for halloween.
  3. Pkmastachaos


    I'm on vacation for a week, it's nice to have some time off from work. :^_^:
  4. Simply awesome. I'm so happy I get to take my week's vacation the week L4D2 is coming out. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  5. Pretty much just the same in real life, not much if any difference at all.
  6. Se7en, it was a fantastic film. A bit gruesome at times, but well worth a watch. Definitely made me think.
  7. I've only ever really judged people by their post count when trying to get a first impression what the person might be like. I figured the more posts, the more respected/well known they would be, and vice-versa; but over the years I've come to realize that's not really the case at all. Post counts are meaningless, just like most things in life Quality > Quantity, and you shouldn't base an opinion of somebody on a mere number. As for me, a couple posts here and there is all I do. I'd rather lurk around TIF and give a decent post once in awhile then give a one-worded response and create a massive quote chain anyday. [/preaching]
  8. The Silence of the Lambs, as well as Hannibal and Hannibal Rising. Shame the sequel and prequel weren't as good as the original; but few rarely are... Still made for a good watch regardless. Making an effort to watch more of IMDB's top 250 list, 'fraid I'm one to judge a book by it's cover so to speak so it's a slow process.
  9. Pkmastachaos


    Purchased a new monitor, it makes one hell of a difference going from an old 19" CRT to a 23" LCD. Dare I say it almost seems too big for everyday use... But I love it for movies so far, still need to tweak the settings though. Just need to get a better computer now. :thumbup:
  10. Knowing at the end of the day you gave it your all; exhausted you can't do anything else but sleep. Walking through the rain or a light snow is always enjoyable as well. Star-gazing So many to list, a look at the previous pages sums up most of the most enjoyable things about life though. :grin:
  11. Kinda miss the old X-men style theme, it was a lot darker then deflection which made it perfect for lurking. Nice to see the forums back online for real now, I got quite the surprise taking a look at the bright and shiny boards at first, but it's better now. Couple nice new features here and there, still testing everything out. :thumbup: :thumbup: So far. *Two posts in one day, think I've done enough posting for awhile..*
  12. Can't see my avatar for some reason, testing this out until I can fix it.
  13. Bed: 9-11pm, depending on how tired I am. Wake up: 5:30-6am
  14. I'll admit, I am a bit biased towards Microsoft related products. But, I own all sorts of Nintendo consoles, and a playstation 2 as well. I don't really care which brand I buy personally, which ever I believe will keep me entertained for at least a couple years gets my money. I don't consider myself a "fanboy" though.
  15. Only played a few, not really a big fan of them. But I found Need for Speed: Carbon was alright. (I still to this day play Mario Kart on my N64, which is probably the funnest racing game I've ever played, or ever will.)
  16. Pkmastachaos


    I personally cannot wait, been a fan since the beginning and have watched through all three seasons twice. The first episode has been leaked? It's almost tempting to find it, but I think I'll be patient and watch it when it's supposed to premiere. Counting down the days. :geek:
  17. Going to see it this weekend, I've heard some good things about it. Can't wait. :)
  18. Pkmastachaos


    ...Is my birthday! :mrgreen: Unfortunately I couldn't take the day off from work, but nonetheless I'm still making the best of it. Work tomorrow as well.. So the drinking will have to wait until after work. (I love reading this thread, and thought it's time to make a post. Will have to make more in the near future as well)
  19. I own a 360 right now, but since it's disk tray is acting up and is now MIA for awhile, I've seriously considered buying a PS3; especially with the recent $100 price drop + PS3 Slim. But I'm not too sure about the exclusives. There's some games on the Wii I've wanted also, Metroid Prime III, SSMB, Animal Crossing; among others as well. But I don't really want to buy it for less than six games. :| Time to do some thinking.. :
  20. Work mostly. Earned a fair amount of money which will be going towards purchasing my first car.
  21. Alright, I appreciate all the help laura, I'll probably pick it up Wednesday when they get some more in stock. Futureshop has a two-week return policy on laptops, so I figure I'll give it a try for a week or so and than decide if I want to keep it or not. Thanks again. :thumbup:
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