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Everything posted by Mistymaple

  1. Non combat all the way! Far more interesting!
  2. Probably. I'm not a sad no lifer and anyone who says that I am doesn't know me well. Christmas for my family is a fantastic occasion but also a time of relaxation and fun. I doubt I'll get on until the afternoon because the morning is full of stockings, presents, food, excitement, phone calls etc. But after you've opened your presents you can't just sit around all day! I'm not five or six anymore, I don't get loads of toys and games. My presents are most likely going to be clothes, CDs, books and other useful objects which aren't things that you can 'Do' on Christmas day; they have a lasting effect and not an immediate one. OK, enough blab, what I'm trying to say is, I won't be getting any new games or whatnot so I'll probably spend an hour in the afternoon on RS to relax, do what I enjoy doing, and say Hello to some of my great friends :)
  3. It would be tricky to match everything up. Not only because some things don't exist but because there are different currencies in the world. A loaf of break might cost 2 whatevers in one country, but different in another. Its hard to judge the equivalent 'worth' of a gold piece.
  4. CABBAGEPALOOZA! I've bargained with my parents, and should be there if not at the beginning, very close to the beginning. Should be awesome fun! Come on everyone, celebrate and have fun!
  5. Exactly the same. Its hard to get into university to study Medicine here, but I'm determined. I love science, how things work, especially people, and I find everything about genetics etc fascinating. And it can save lives and make a whole lot of people happy, what more could you want?
  6. Mainly the OoC forums, I used to be a keen user of the RsBandB forums too, that was a nice little community but I got distracted by tip.it. I wouldn't call myself an active member here either though.
  7. I like the first one!! Its like watching clouds, isn't it? Finding things in the landscape.
  8. Right lets have a go at this then,. I used to be able to type without looking., and it seems like I still can except those nifty little comma full stop thingys! I normally look at the keyboard but by the looks of it, I don't need to. Thanks for helping me realise that :)
  9. I first became a member back in February last year. I did a few quests, enjoyed exploring the world, and levelled Slayer to 20. Where it's stayed ever since! Then I cancelled my members before and during my exams and had my Recruit/Early Acolyte life in the OoC back in F2P. I rejoined in June and was like 'Omg, PoHs!!!' so my construction whizzed to 22, and stayed there ever since! Teehee. I became addicted to pest Control for a month or so but always spent half my time back at World 7. I think that bank space is almost worth the money, though I've seriously got to tidy it out sometime... I love the quests and hugeness of the world in P2P. There's always something new to try, which I like. :D
  10. Probably about 25 seconds, but it always seems longer than that...
  11. I love Introduction topics, they make me laugh at myself in the future: I'm Misty most commonly, or Maply if you really want. Or Mistymaple... Anyways, I've been playing Runescape for over a year and a half now, and am only level 72 thanks to The Order of Cabbage, the wackiest RS cult alive. I'd have never suited a clan! I'm a member and enjoy Pest Control, doing quests and levelling up things like agility and hunting. My Private Chat's always ON so feel free to give me a 'Hyt!' or 'Kah Bah Gee!' In reality I live in Wales, the western part of the UK, so GMT timezone. I know that reality>runescape but that doesn't stop me from playing in my free time almost every night :
  12. I love looking at these! The top letter was just cool but my personal favourite was the hero slumped on a dragon. For something Christmassy, there weren't that many winterry ones though.
  13. Inventive name? Not coolest name? As far as inventiveness goes, I like names with an adjective then noun, like mine, but more random. Two favourites which follow this pattern: Creepybacon Rustyonion Now that's being creative :D
  14. Its not over yet, but still, this is a bit of fun. My year's been great! I think... the positives have definately outweighed the negatives: Good points: Got awesome results in my exams Left school, started A-Levels at college Met up with Stine, a Norwegian friend since I was 9 And Marlon, whom I and a friend knew from Runescape Went camping in Holland and had an awesome time Got a job, and thus, money! And my own computer Finished with my boyfriend just because it wasn't right Joined the OoC! Best decision of my Internetting life Who cares about the bad points? Live life positively!! I'm gonna keep editing this as I remember more things...
  15. This is an awesome idea! A santa hat would've looked rubbish, so I added some snowflakes instead.
  16. My mobile phone has this really nice... calm... slowly-waking-up style music. I don't think I could wake up to anything different now :? I usually wake up within the first 2 seconds too because I'm so used to it.
  17. It would make sense. There would be so many people trying to get clue scrolls that if the same old fast rate was kept, the prizes would lose their value.
  18. If generally: Hi there. If they say 'Hi' back, I'll ask if they're OK. I'm usually quite nice to them unless they begin to harass me. If at the Patch: Kah Bah Gee! A 'Lol' normally follows from them ;)
  19. Scammers... grow up. We're all here to enjoy Runescape, not ruin peoples' lives.
  20. Mm, stick to what you are in reality in my opinion. But then again, its the Internet, you could easily tell people you're a female whilst dressed as a female character and they wouldn't know any difference. Female character female player forever! My friend once asked me to change, just for 3 seconds but there was no point.
  21. Attack, but not for long I hope! Its boring having attack as your highest skill.
  22. I like this idea actually, and strongly believe that noob callers are worse than noobs. Mainly because I don't believe that Runescape has many noobs in the first place. Its an overused phrase like 'LoL'. How many people are actually laughng out loud when they type that? If you get LoL from me, I actually am. But following this pattern, though many people call people noobs, it doesn't actually mean that they are. Its a debatable topic! :P
  23. Tip.It out of default. But I think lots of newer players will use the Knowledge Base, its good for newly released skills like the Hunting when there wasn't a guide here yet.
  24. I know about 20 with accounts. I know about... 3 who play it regularly!
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