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Everything posted by Zeddude

  1. Ooooo.. whats littlebig planning? Whats in his memo4545454 mind? What shall he do. to know all this and more tune into Littlebig's adventures everyday, everytime
  2. Firstly, hawt work den, nice to see your a human Secondly, rofl. Thirdly, a demon-changing to a human event sounds pretty cool!
  3. Wow, so many air runes! lol thats so awesome! Great work and i hope you continue! Great blog and i hope to get to know you soon.. Zeddy.. Check out my blog if you like and ill add you ingame. :
  4. lol nice clue and guthix stole! Lol i sound like such a narb in there. wait i am one! \
  5. Like zomg? a weirdo blog! I mean, very intersting lol.. So whos the leader out of you guys? Good luck with this! it sounds good! I support all of you in ur takeover of rs! I support echofish as shes the uber-weirdo. bffl! rofl. :XD:
  6. Gratz with all the firemaking and levels so far! Keep up the great work! Zaid.
  7. rofl at memos pic! and gratz on the whip heph! 27 ftw!
  8. Whats the matter with you? Why sleep now?
  9. Whats Eve trinity? well they all come and shoot you? press button that says if you are confused, please press
  10. Dirty little secret--The all american rejects
  11. Im so stuck right now with this bellum dude. He's like the king of ds bosses.. Very hard atm. keep tyring= keep dying, any tips? :ohnoes: First phase or second phase? Since it's probably the second phase (that's what took me the longest anyway), here's the short version of it:[hide]Once your fairy has been caught, try luring it into a corner and slashing at it while dodging its blows. Eventually you'll get the screen-rub thing you also got while dueling the female pirate. Beat that and quickly strike him, the fairy should release another orb. Look at the top screen for the eye to open, then quickly activate it and hack at the eye. Repeat until dead.[/hide] Awesome! Ill have a go later! thanks very much!
  12. Zeddude

    Logo PL0X

    Awesome, i like the logos uve made so far. Err, id like to request one. sort of the same size as a (msn display icon) is that possible? If so, Lots of colour! A good font! Splatters, mess anything at all lol. Saying: Zaid Thanks.. :
  13. Thanks wouter and shot! Well ii had to take a break from revising and i decided to do it in the form of metal drags and behold trip 8! [hide=MDG TRIP 8] it was alot of fun, thanks to wouter. drop wise, it was 69k all together, but nothing too eyecatching.. i missed the pic of drops and i put them all to bank. -.- anyway. it was good![/hide]
  14. "We always knew you were a whoopsy" Rofl! great film.!
  15. ROFL this is the best show ever! My dad told me about it in his time (lol) so i checked it out and it was awesome. And its been about 4 months now and im still watching it,... Tbh, American>Uk version.. Colin is ftw! Fave games: Lets make a date Hoedown Props [songstyles and Irish Drinking song [/b] alot more tooo...
  16. Im so stuck right now with this bellum dude. He's like the king of ds bosses.. Very hard atm. keep tyring= keep dying, any tips? :ohnoes:
  17. Well lets have a look back then. Ive complted my first cooking goal! ive completed my magic goal!! <3 So ive set myself, a new magic goal.- going for 80 atm! and a slayer goal! to get myself to slayer dart to go barrows! and of course cooking is still there to work on! so from now til about the end of jan. thse are my top 3 priority goals. and just for a little comparison... not bad i guess.. lol at old icons.. So this is farewell from me for real this time and i wont check the forums again until the 18th, i wont login either. Gooodbye all! Please buump this.
  18. Aww, bad news on the mute. it wasnt me. :-w no seriously it wasnt Well.. gratz on 64 mining tbh ur still hawt!
  19. Thanks everyone for the posts and bumps! @@@@Vold.---- Ya, exams are stupid. love ur magic cape tbh. hope i have the glory too! @@@@Memo- Like tbh i beat you and keep beating you forever! @@@@Saskia- thanks for the bump @@@@Xano- Hai! Nice emeting you today = ) @@@@Stilly- thanks!! yea meerkat!! lol..nice meeting you aswell. sorry for no quotes but im trying a speedy post. [hide=MDG TRIP 7] TBH, i think this mdg trip was so far the biggest people-wise (so far) with scorp, stilly and xano. it was really fun but ashame about the drops. Origianlly it was just me and scorp but we met xano and stilly there and we all talked and had a few laughs. rofl.. scorp was down south tackling his slaying task! Gratz on 86 def scorp! Random pic! and the drops.. nice trip overall. couldve been better..[/hide]
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