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Everything posted by Gyroman26

  1. torag comes and kills you for taking his armor
  2. banned for banning TheBlazikenMaster banning him is my job.
  3. there was one about a scammer scamming a scammer apperently the scammer was selling a "scamming set" for about around 200k
  4. i think they should change the way players die in the wild. like if you die by arrows you would see some arrows or holes in your body then you would fall down and die with melee there should be a big slash across your chest and if you're wearing armor there'd be a slash through it to then you fall down and die. i'm still thinking about mage though.
  5. No you won't. This case wouldnt even make it to a judge. Some child whining about how they got insignificant which is not even theirs lost will not be anything. Unless this person attempts to sue for emotional damages, which is absurd in its own right. he was being sarcastic...........
  6. you can't believe you never heard it before? sorry but search around before you post this, putting agressive monsters lvl 20 or 40 and over has been posted many times. and in the end it will mostly hurt skillers.
  7. ever notice that bank right outside of the mining guild? smithing guild great add-on to mining guild great-rune ore not great- bank not great
  8. not as good as the f2p bank space come on people support this is a great idea
  9. This is a great idea and i support but jagex won't do it for f2p they want f2p to get bored so they move on to members.
  10. last i remember there was only one tree you can cut in karamja for all those of you saying theres lots of trees in karamja
  11. lol buying uncut willows one of the best ones here put it in my sig :
  12. Are the wearable yet? wow they look better than the old ones time for some collecting for a collection
  13. finally runescape blocks your pass ends *Jagex has now declared to delete this new update* *people who are now trying it out in varrok are now shouting out their pass to everyone* *your account is logged in please try again in 60 sec.* wow if that would really happen..........................
  14. Just saw that earlier... I didn't understand anything about that until i saw the guy's name who made the topic i cracked up when i saw his name.
  15. next on the 10:00 news idiotic boy tries to sue jagex company for losing items in a game called runescape. sombody is going to lose a lot of money. i really hope he's not kidding
  16. so i'm guessing you're not holding any kind of event but to just make people post drop parties here so you can benefit from all the items you get for profit.
  17. Evil! I usually ignore it or say "Ummm, no thanks, I prefer being freelance..." It confuses them and I walk away. i'd prefer the more evil way. its very much more fun :-w :twisted: :-w :twisted:
  18. lol i saw someone asking an autoer that :XD:
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