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Everything posted by dragoonson

  1. Don't do this. Jeezums, it thats true then SOMEONE has issues...it's a book and a film...would the female population get over it,(under 18)? Ever? sorry if it seems a bit sexist but it really does feel that everywhere you go someone is referring to Twilight.....A story they wouldn't have even bothered reading if the film wasn't so damn romance crap! Angelina Jolie.
  2. Hard to believe.Though of course,I liked the Julius Caesar ones. Tom Clancy's Submarine for me.
  3. That's just overestimating yourself. My PE teacher didn't give a damn,though.I did 50 sit ups in one minute,my friend said 75,and she took it.I was hiding a smile when she praised me.
  4. I'm getting this program (stealing from school computer) that allows me to make/place riffs and a beat.I could do that. Also,my version of the map will be put into production this Thursday.By put into production,I mean that the design will start to exist.
  5. Yes,DDP:Instrumental,and Angels Fall First,which I probably can get away with abbreviating to AFF.
  6. Truly,Madly,Deeply-Cascada.Proof that her voice isn't horrible.
  7. "You've deproved."Vlad noted to Falc,pointing at the only bullet hole that was on a wall."May,perhaps Falc and I could take the vents and relieve old days?That is,if he so chooses." OOC:You could show me that the bullet went through a zombie if you're so inclined.
  8. I remember when my brother had the game.There would come a part you were obligated to turn mid step,I'd always over jump and screw up my streak.Or after ridiculous leg-spam,I'd fall over exhausted and notice I broke streak =( Still,found so many great technos during that period.
  9. People get sick>go to hospitals>other patients infected>pass to nurses and doctors>pass to familes of all infected>pass to colleauges and classmates>quarantine,enforced by soldiers who get infected...blah blah blah.
  10. Personally,I will make my own copy.Without the asscoholeism.
  11. Thats a gay thought I don't need. Zierro is right.Human fights are better.
  12. 1) Do you think video games affect peoples opinion on war? 2) If your country was attacked, would it make you join the army? 3) Do you think there will be a World War 3 in your lifetime? 4) What do you think you could do to prevent war? 5) What do you think is the major cause of wars? 1)Its too easy to train,and disciplineless in video games.Definitely. 2)If my country was attacked,it would make me join earlier. 3)Once Asia joins in the fight it WOULD be WWIII.Well,Australia too,but no one really cares. 4)Reprogramming of the Prime Directive of Human Nature. 5)Human Nature.Greed,inability to accept inferiority. 17,male.Wait,18 this August.
  13. Minority Report is showing,but it doesn't interest me in particular.
  14. I think you just won the thread. *refers to my post above* Prove it. I don't think they would be physical as you cannot physically see it, hold it or feel it. But, heres a way: Your in the field. Someone throws knifes in, and the field leads them right to you, killing you. MRIs are potentially dangerous because of the two fields exerted.Also,do you learn nothing from the Fantastic Four?
  15. u no i h8 wen ppl r more skil den me so i say dey r nub 2 make dem fil bad So because they don't want to die,they train their skills evenly and have more brains than you they're noobs?Zezima must be one of the biggest noobs ever.
  16. dragoonson


    Knew it :twss: How ast were you going, jaerk? Pretty sure more than half-assed.
  17. Kamelot. And just because I can,how bout some Genesis for you,Lent?
  18. Single player is for people whose friends think the witch is hot,and that their torch will give them a better view.
  19. I claim Nessie's mouth as my home.I will care for her,shoot any [wagon] from the top of her and stay relatively out of anyone else's way.Because now I have seen your flaws.
  20. I love how now we're bringing more easily infected,smaller beings with us.
  21. To tell the truith,stickmen are pretty much the best art you can get out of me.And Biology Man seems to be a rather sophisticated stickman.
  22. Do you have to remind me of my nooby days?I remember when you weren't quite serious yourself.
  23. Explosion Not physical Not physical Explosion Rabies.
  24. Would you consider making me a pixel sig? Still,moats are not great.Zombies in the water would infect fish,which,being isolated on an island,would soon enough become our only food.Also,the water would be infected.
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