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Everything posted by RpgGamer

  1. does no one else agree with me? i mean think of how cool it would be to march into the wild in a tight V formation or something. Plus it would not only look cool, but it would actually help warn others of an oncoming clan attack. What could be bad about this becoming reality?
  2. SUPPORT! this would also help when talking to clan mates in wild :wink:
  3. i have a feeling you came up with this idea because your mining/smithing lvls are so high. dragon items are supposed to be ultra rare and expensive. you could put dragon ores/bars at 99 and slap a 5 hour time delay on them, but there isn't enough time in the world that would fix that problem. until the lvl 80 def armor comes out (and theres no proof that it ever will) dragon is going to remain to be ultra hard to get and expensive. but it will NEVER be player made...unless Jagex really goes insane and makes the skill lvls go up to say...200? bottom line: dragon bars will never be
  4. its a some what common ocurance after large updates, its a sign that your computer is slowly losing connection, im pretty sure they fixed that any way, cuz i haven't seen it in a while, and there have been some pretty large updates
  5. words cannot describe how much i support the idea of more f2p bankspace nor can a number. i loved the way you explained the reasons to, it needed to be said. SUPPORT! btw: when's the next rally?
  6. that makes perfect sense, but i guess i never would have thought of that considering i've never seen it b4
  7. the following things would be greatly appreciated on f2p worlds 1) capes of scheivment 2) a new skill 3) a mini game (preferably castle wars) 4) quests after dragon slayer 5) ring of forging 6) last but not least MORE BANK SPACE! an explanation of #6...most of my bank is full of random event stuff =( i'm 100% f2p and i approve this message =p
  8. i support 100% nice screenshot edits by the way =D>
  9. it happened so fast that i couldn't get a screen shot :oops: well any way if you wanna believe me or not thats your decision, but i walked into verrok west bank and there were a particular amount of members there. being all f2p i knew this was a rare sight so i went around complementing them on their cool armor. im such a suck-up O:) . any way a lvl 107 in full veracs walked in and immediatly had like 3 people follow him asking things like "what kind of armor is that?" and "omg your my hero". i glanced at his char, and his name thought him to be good then he got hit by a green 5. every one in the bank stopped what they were doing and we all just kinda waited for it to happen again. it was really weird. he logged out though, whether it was from fear or surprise or because of his "fan" club. now i wish i took the picture, but it happened really fast and so unexpected, id didn't get it :oops: well any way thats what happened :shock:
  10. i got a better idea, instead of removing it entirely, just take the limit off for the reporting macro option. all the others should keep the 60 second rule. this way you can't abuse reporting, while still purging the world of macros
  11. steel pl8s alch for 1200gp ea. and its more exp if you buy coal and iron, smelt it into bars and sell that. its merching with exp, although im not 100% how much money that will earn you
  12. i prefer merching iron ore, but that has gotten harder latley because the prices keep going up and down so frequently. a slightly nooby way to merch willow logs is to go to lumbridge general and buy all the willow logs you can. [usually the general store has about 60k willows in it] you buy them for 12-15gp ea, then re sell to players for 25-30gp ea. its a bit tedious, but its good money :thumbsup:
  13. We all know of the current following ways. i would like to suggest that instead of simply following some one in a single file line, i think there should be a way to follow someone by going right next to them. another option would let you follow 1 space behind and one space to the side of the player your following. this would make clan formations a lot more fun and effective. post if you support, and if you don't please state clearly as to why you don't. Thanks btw: i'll put up example pics when i get a new comp :thumbsup: supporters: -rpg gamer1 -Bloody scife -Dougymc -Fes bisbmar -curly55555 -mmm syrup -Zaaps1 -Die774 -Warshadow212 ? -Ember3579 -Recksash -Str Owns 10 -Darkblade986 -mr own5 - - -
  14. great minds think a like i guess. i came up with this idea a few years ago, but wasn't a member of tip.it forums or runescape so i could't let my voice be heard. my idea was a bit like this: examine players! you can type in whatevr you want, and if another player chooses to "examine" you they can read what you type. anything offensive can be reported like any other offence. submitting a "exame" would be optional of course. the default being how long you've been playing runescape. [like years:months:weeks:days] so by default your "examine" would look something like- rpg gamer1 - 2:5:3:5 or something like that. if you choose the free type way, it could look some thing more like this... rpg gamer1 - a noble follower of the balanced guthix or rpg gamer1 - always open to buy raw lobs all and all, i support...two thumbs up! :thumbsup:
  15. i think i speak for all the f2p people out there when i say GREAT IDEA ! :D
  16. Clan name: Rocket Propelled Grenades Clan website: http://www.freewebs.com/rpg-gamer1 Clan leaders: rpg gamer1 F2p clan cape: green P2p clan cape: ---- Number of Members: currently 8 Average hitpoint and combat level: currently-> hp is 62ish, cb is 78ish Type of clan (skill or pk): a little of both, we mostly are skill, but we do a-lot of combat stuff too Recent War Record(3): 1 win, 0 loss extra information: established mid december 2006, many clan buisnesses, and lots of friendly people
  17. very well written. community is deffiniatly my main reason for playing runescape. many times had i thought about quiting for lack of hope to be a member, but i stick with it to make sure i'm still better than my member friends. and a lot of people ask me [in real life] how is runescape fun? now i have an answer for them that i couldn't quite think of. because of community.
  18. was sup? in game im known as "rpg gamer1" surprisingly enough the rpg doesn't stand for role-playing-game...or atleast not entirely. i later renamed it[well sorta] to rocket proppeled grenade. therefore my name is Rocket-proppeled-grenade-Gamer1. This expresses my love for both rpg's and fps's alike =). Ive been playing for roughly 2 years (started playing late summer 2005) but i lost my computer for 3 months so its like a year and a half. I may be f2p (never have been a member -.-) but i'm by all means not ignorant. infact i know more than some members do about the game. and i love the fact that i'm so high on highscores for a f2p [for the record i am full of myself =p] anyways it gets lonely power lvlnig in where ever i am in runescape, so pm in game if you wanna chat. im on 24/7 and i'll be glad to talk about virtually anything...i have many storys of the days of past runescape...i always did like talking as i lvled up
  19. i think that the mime event is among the rarest random events....as "random" as they are. i have also been playing for a long time (2 years) and only got it once. i was thrilled just to get it once. then i see like new players with full mime. it ticks me off -.- BUT i have accumulated 20+ frog tokens, so i doubt random events are truly "random". besides, i heard a rumor that jagex actually took out the mime event for a year, but later desided to put it back in the game. maybe this is why we have such bad luck XD rho, you bring an interesting point with your "quiet as a mime" theory...
  20. being f2p i would like to see more organized f2p events, such as another tip.it iron war...imagine about 1000 ppl in wild in full iron...any1 else agree to this? EDIT: my bad i just realized this was on blacklist :( o well, my bad, sry guys
  21. may guthix bring you balance... loved the article, as a guthix follower i couldn't agree more about the skill to 99 race...its just not the guthix way
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