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Everything posted by gremmy

  1. Free Trade/Wilderness opens up a lot more options for niche weapons. Why would we flame you? Because you always flame for cls'. Stop playing dumb, fool.
  2. Neither, CLS is superior to both of them.
  3. "Loot" - haha :D Congrats, very impressive.
  4. Do not hunt for the blue charms, let the blue charms hunt you.
  5. You need to upgrade it at her. Costs like 500 gp too.
  6. Aasiwat counted to infinity - twice. Aasiwat can dislike on Facebook. Aasiwat can make a Happy Meal cry.
  7. Simon is probably not a contender, becasue he stated that he would stay below 100 combat forever (you never know though). But he definitely deserves recognition - don't underestimate him.
  8. It takes up way to much of my time. Not even lying, it's border line addictive for me (not saying the game itself is addictive and everyone playing is addicted, it's just that I have an addictive personality). I would log on and tell myself I'll just get on and check my G.E. offers, next thing I know I've been slaying for 8 hours straight. And it wouldn't even cross my mind that I'd just spent a good portion of my day accomplishing nothing. It had gotten to the point where when my friends asked if I wanted to hang out in real life, I would sit there and think of all the things I wanted to do on RS that night, and a lot of the time I would make up bs excuses about having other things to do. Then I'd spend the whole night (pretty much 5pm-4am) on RS. That is why I had to make sure that if I were to come back, it wouldn't be fun for me. <_< So I guess while quitting, I'm sort of kicking an addiction. :thumbup: Time to get my grades on track and then get a job. Sorry, but you'll still be back in a couple of months. (blue mask)
  9. Save a mage from poverty, sell them for 100gp each. Unspam Inb4darkdude
  10. Reinstall it. If that doesn't help, a new computer is the only way, I'm afraid.
  11. Did like 50 F35 meds persoanlly, no hood then I did a large with a couple of friends and boom There's nothing to do but keep trying :/
  12. "Codguy" if you're badass.
  13. I'd rather get the guaranteed 200-400 lps that the EEE heals (not to mention the nice def bonus) rather then to rely on the SGSs blind luck to get some extra lp and prayer points you don't really need. :thumbup: That's why I dubbed the godswords "junk". The specials just focuses too much on how well you hit and it doesn't compromise any sort of extra accuracy to make the special bar worth it. I went off well enough with 10 duel arena matches with just a BGS spec without any decent hits. Instead, I could of used something like the EEE spec where I get some extra def boost and the 10 sec healing, not to mention that the korasi sword also gives a guaranteed hit when using the special. With a dds P++, Using 4 specs would at least poison the opponent and maybe get a few hits in. Theres just so many other alternatives that work just as well or even better than godswords in most scenarios. I thought all GS specs gave an attack and strength bonus for that hit? Zgs doesn't Sgs does according to kb, I think? Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  14. You don't know what you're missing. Ot: Not really preparing, seeing as I won't be around anyway. I have what I'd need anyway: ovls, chaotics and plenty of cash to buy other gear.
  15. gremmy


    Don't think 70m will do. I'd recommend you go make some more money :)
  16. Fury -> extremes -> yak -> turmoil -> overloads -> bandos.
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