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Everything posted by vmser

  1. DeviousMUD was DeviousMUD, it had a fair way to go before turning into RuneScape... And thus cannot be considered RuneScape. And once again, wikipedia = user-made content. Don't take everything there for true without further questions..
  2. You blame other info being wrong... Its just this topics start date and the 6 year reference thats confusing :P
  3. Original post date: Dec 24, 2005 10:46 pm So by now there ARE indeed people that have played for 6 years.
  4. Makes you wish the game itself supported that..
  5. 1) Lightning is a woman. 2) She forgot the name, I think. I think Gamerr told me on IRC he knows it though. But I'm not sure.
  6. Wow, been a while since I heard from you!
  7. It is mainly a forum issue. Some of the ads you speak of I have reported over a week ago in the staff boards...
  8. Speaking of that, have there ever really been any wars that didnt get crashed by other clans?
  9. Technically, notepad IS third party software, since neither you or jagex made it. What you produce with it yourself however isn't ;)
  10. Try getting the owners of them in here again then :D (I assume you know most of them anyway)
  11. po2n star , known scammer and sorry pker galiga jr , no need to say any thing more about him. Galiga turned into such a newb. Way back when we use to be friends but after he made his pure.. he was a different pixel :( :-k For what it's worth, dont trust sir_galiga with anything that isn't his. From what he told me on MSN he's been selling accounts/gp over ebay, never got in-game evidence against him though. (he now has an rs2 char xcharmanderx, and also some lvl 123 or so he shares with a mate/hacked/whatever, ryan.. and some numbers)
  12. nowyoudie / daakpunk In earlier stages: kingpin and indigo flame
  13. vmser - account still available at 112 combat and 1440 total.
  14. grey phone 618 Curious to see what one makes out of mine lol.
  15. I have no trouble at all using FF, IE or Opera..
  16. Id suggest using Audacity for it, but it has no MP3 encoder aboard standardly. Ill just copy/paste what I found on it: That should work.
  17. I forgot to mention you :( There's always an edit button :D
  18. If I were to actually make a list itd probably mainly consist of ARENAscape people..
  19. It MIGHT. Can't guarantee it though. Best way would be to try ;) Ive only got experience using it in the other direction. My external HD with movies => my gfs laptop => the DVD-player (tv didnt have the right connections) => the TV. And yes that worked :D
  20. You can use your TV as a second monitor for your computer, but I think it might not be as easy otherwise... Depending on what connection your game cube has you might be able to connect it to a TV-card in your computer if you have one ( I have a pinnacle one which has a VCR connected to it so I can watch). If it comes with an S-video cable or so you might have a chance of getting that to work. However, its not exactly a standard component in most PCs. I have used this before to play my old Sega Master system games on my computer though. (Roms are easier to cheat with, but the keyboard controls = no good) This should probably be in Tech and Computers though
  21. I found someones pack of beer irl on holidays in southern france. Later when I linked him to some photos I hosted he found my RS screenies dir. He was kind of surprised lol (he knew who I was)
  22. according to this link: http://www.mpogd.com/games/game.asp?ID=460 the game has low requirements anyway, you dont have to pay attention to anything specific to match those. Id just go up to a store and ask them the best card they can get you within a certain budget ;)
  23. http://www.sansun.de/sansun/englisch/headset3.htm Thats mine. Cant find a reseller atm though
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