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Everything posted by Stone69_Eyes

  1. That's the thing... i think being mute is worse then banned.. the new account i'll decide to make will not take the same path my main did it will avoid the mistakes he made.. i agree with you that the social half of the game IS THE GAME
  2. I have spent a good 3-4 years on this game. Only level 100 but still it pisses me off that i can't talk :wall:
  3. Well i've been permanetly muted for an offence that my brother commited from over 2 years ago when he found my password. I've appealed and it's pending. I want to know whether i should create a new account and start from scratch or continue on with my muted character with his major disadvantage Discuss
  4. It's probally NOT in the trollheilm place. :shock: well spotted. After reading that i agree, it fits together Kudos Island
  5. I honestly don't know if i should die from laughter or die from how pathetic jagex customer service is. :wall: Good Job for losing the black mark though =D>
  6. I honestly don't see where "Brutal/Brutality" would fit in this game, considering this game is 13+ ( :^o ) and theres not a drop of blood or gore in this game whatsoever.
  7. :shock: great job, thats hell trippy. I Like it. :D
  8. I think that is possible. Just look at Kingdom Hearts :wall:
  9. lol, empty threats ftl. Fox is making a big deal about nothing. I just think it;s a pack of 16 year old's who the world hates so they seek revenge
  10. Your book is wrong because the secret Nazi base is actually on the dark side of the moon, staffed by cyborg zombies. They have a laser. They attach lasers to the heads of sharks and then send them to the Bermuda Triangle. That explains why ships disappear: They're ambushed by huge schools of Nazi sharks with laser beams attached to their heads. :-w :XD: made me 'rofl' literally.
  11. Nope, 98. :uhh: Only level 98 but i fear Karil and Ahrims wayy more then guthan torags and dharok :anxious:
  12. Reminds me of the south park episode with Ike and The Pre-School Teacher :-w
  13. Some of the documentaries on paytv (Discovery) are a really good watch :thumbsup:
  14. I LOVE my melodic metal :)
  15. i honestly think you should scratch the mainstream alt/emo rock, they are really stupid and it gives all the types of rock a really bad name, if i were you i would use the keyboards as a melodic and become heavier riff wise. That will give your band individuality, as not many bands use heavy melodic riffs (In Flames, Children of Bodom) and you don't even need to scream to be even more original. Just my two cents. no matter how bad you are, if you used that style i would listen :
  16. After a recent study of one of the world's mysteries in Study of Society and Environment classes have led me to beleive that The Bermuda (or Devil) Triangle is just a big paranoia. To all the people who don't know, the Bermuda Triangle is a zone over the atlantic in the shape of a triangle that seems to have a destructive effect on seacraft and aircraft that travel through it. ex. A ship sails into the Bermuda triangle and is never seen or heard from again. Some of my studies has shown that many of the accidents, caused by the Bermuda triangle never actually entered the "Triangle", some other ships that were reported missing were found, but never reported back as being found. Being in a tropical area, theres alot of unexpected storms and hurricanes, what's to say that many sea carriers/aircrafts were sunk in one of these unpredictable storms. Just a couple of reasons why i think that the Bermuda Triangle is just a paranoia, why do you think the Triangle is a mystery or a paranoia? Disscuss
  17. I blame the child, too be honest he needs to show some more self control, juist because he is 15 and wants too try out new things doesn't mean that he has to just instantly become addicted to it, what would of happened if every 15 year old kid had their first marijuana joint or cigerette even and gone off and become full "pot addicts" just because they liked it? This kid needs to learn some self control :-s
  18. I still haven't found the part that's hard in cooking or fletching. It's basically just watching the same animation over and over again added to random buying and selling. Well first of all you have to complete the master quest "Enter the Bank and withdraw 27 Logs and a knife", then you must go through the grueling process of using the knife with the log and typing 27, then you must venture back into the depths of the bank and find your logs; don't even get me started on stringing eigther :-w 8-)
  19. 1. Defence when your a level 1 defence pure is non exisistant, DON'T ever think that defence matters with these pures, an addy arrow or rune scimitar will tear through your defence no matter what so just use dhide and mage top don't bother with anything else. 59 Magic, did you know that half of your mage defence is your mage level? Thats exactly why you should get 59 magic + it will help you get around a bit more
  20. You have left me speechless, that is all i can say really, awesome find, i honestly have never thought about it :shock: wow, im going to bookmark this and re-read it later on when i can better grasp of what your saying :shock:
  21. Scary Movie 3 & 4 the just ain't the same without shorty :cry:
  22. Scarface (action? i beleive it is or drama) Chopper("") Crank Transporter 2 Transporter 1
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