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Everything posted by Earth_Poet

  1. :oops: hehe...poopy :lol:
  2. lol. oh ya. i forgot the sadism. anyways....great thread. i think at one time or another we could find ourselves in one of those categories. One great thing about the rants site on the RSOF is that you can always find something to entertain yourself. The mods quickly locked this one, understandably so. Don't you ever see a thread though...and you just want to see how it's going to play out? lol.
  3. Ahem...first of all...this post needs to be moved to the rants forum and then subsequently locked for the flaming of others. You should read the rules before posting. In fact...if there is a Tipit or even Jagex mod that reads this I could move it and lock it myself....if I were only a *sigh* mod. Second of all I get sick and tired of seeing whiners complaining all the time. The fact is that the game developers have worked so hard on bringing you all of these great updates for you, the player. I think if you just give it a little time that you might see that in fact this month's updates were the greatest updates in the history of video games...until next month of course. Actually, since I don't pk, merchant, or socially interact with anybody these updates were completely harmless to me. Honestly, I don't see what all the fuss is about. I mean, if you think you can create a better game then have at it. Besides, so what if you lost pking? Grab a pickaxe and start mining! If you don't like the game you should just quit and find something else to do. You could take up reading. I hear there's money in shoving mice up your [wagon]. (Did I forget any of the categories? lol)
  4. Agreed. Don't you feel just a little bit of shame whenever you kill a unicorn though? It's like killing a little piece of the sunshine... :cry:
  5. Wow, Runescape players are sure gullible. Ya somebody already came clean about it here. Either that or they are taking credit for it. Think what you like abou it, but there's the link
  6. some people actually look at catching and releasing as more inhumane to fish then catching them for food. catching and releasing is "hurting" the fish for pure sport and would not be necessary. i would want my children to "shoo-away" any stray animals. in fact...i wouldn't want my children near stray dogs. you haven't seen "Cujo" have you? anyways...they've taken out most ways to kill each other for sport, why not animals?
  7. I'm an old man and I still laugh every time I hear a fart. Especially in public. OT: This is very similar to that article the Times had published about the banning of limparse, but Jagex got angry and threatened Tipit. Tipit ended up pulling the article down. In other words, I support your article, but it's nothing new.
  8. 84 cooking and 85 fletching. Don't talk about what you don't know. Staying at bank all day cooking lobster, stringing bow etc. is boring. Thats the hard part of it. ~proud 99 fletcher :P My point is people buy those skills for sake of 99. Thus why botters flourished and yew logs went up. Anyone can get 99 fletching, not that hard :) edit: and as somebody already pointed out and you can see for yourself by going to link in my comment, I can buy 200mil exp in every buyable skill, point is I dont want to spend that much time, I dont care about 99s you are right. 99 fletching and cooking are incredibly easy and quick skills to get. i've got both...but that's all i've got. lol. i got 99 fletching before they had skillcapes. i just wanted it so i could say i had a 99 in something. when i did there were fewer than 4k 99 fletchers. i only got 99 cooking for a trimmed cape. didn't even really try. was cooking some food at rogue's den and figured what the hell. took me like a week. anyways you could argue about this all day long. look at how many players have 99 str? do we include str in this category? nope, we haven't. what about quest point cape? i've heard some players claim that the qp cape is the pinnacle of all capes. i'd disagree. for me, the hardest part about getting the quest point cape was training the skills up for the requirements! i think some ppl need to decide why they are doing something in the game. are you doing it because you enjoy it or are you doing it to show off? nobody asks to see the cooking emote. lol. nobody comes up to me and says, "omg! you have a cooking cape!" but i have found that the ones that tend to make remarks about only noobs have this skillcape or that skillcape usually aren't even close to one themselves. so, yes, 99 fletching and cooking are extremely easy and fast to get. so why haven't you got one yet? because you can't be bothered to get one? but you care enough to hurl rocks at ppl who do have one. :( another thing is that bots were in many, many, many skills. not just fishing and wcing supplying fletchers and cookers. oak planks cost around 400 gp before the recent update. check to see how much they are now. bots were killing green dragons for hides in crafting, and bones for prayer. bots were mining ess for rcers. bots were mining gold and coal for smithers. bots were killing zammy mages for herbs. bots could be found in just about every aspect of the game that they could turn a profit on. it wasn't the skillers fault for the goldfarmers. it was the ones who decided to buy gp from them.
  9. THIS IS AMAZING! I am so happy that Jagex decided NOT to ruin summoning by setting their own prices and keeping the 3k trade cap on them. 99 summoning here i come! \ that's great, at least the initial price will not be controlled, but what happens if we discover a new use for an item in summoning? when hunter first came out red chins sold for 300 ea. a couple of months later everybody found out how to powertrain range with them and the price shot up 2.5x the original price. also...what happens if existing items get an upgrade? dragon axes used to sell for about 2 mil and most ppl didn't bother with them. then one day jagex decided to give it better wcing stats than a rune axe and they shot up to 2.5 mil. then when skill capes came out just a couple of months later they shot up in price again to well over 3mil.
  10. let's not split hairs about it shall we? the original spirit of pking is dead. for example...is staking gone? no...you can still stake. but the SPIRIT of it is dead. There are no more thrills or rush of high roller staking. Sorry, but you're talking to the guy who's constantly referred himself as heartless and souless. I didn't think about the spirit of pking, just thought in terms that might help other people to cope. lmao! fair enough then
  11. let's not split hairs about it shall we? the original spirit of pking is dead. for example...is staking gone? no...you can still stake. but the SPIRIT of it is dead. There are no more thrills or rush of high roller staking.
  12. I had actually picked up my pen (or ms word) to write something myself. I clicked on to tipit to send it in when i realized there was already an article posted. Good job! A great read. I'm glad to see tipit has recruited a panel of wonderful writers. =D> They definitely didn't drop the ball on this one. This is such a huge change to the game that it deserves discussion. You've fed my need for a Times article.
  13. i'll give you the max of 3k gp if you will look into that crystal ball of yours and tell me the winning lottery numbers
  14. great article. very well written. hopefully this could pound into some players heads that the game is not centered around the almighty gp. i have had friends laugh at me because i've sold things cheap just to get rid of it in the past. they just couldn't seem to understand that i didn't want to waste my time bumping posts or trying to get into world 2....that i just wanted to sell this stuff and get on with playing the game. it was nice to read an article whose topic dealt with current in-game issues.
  15. Actually you are wrong there. The prices would rise. More money goes into the economy. Money is worth less. There is more demand than supply. People start buying into rares because of purchased money. Those who cannot afford to buy money quit because prices are now ridiculously high. More money gets bought, items become worth even more, money less. Money keeps flowing into the economy, therefore it is worth less. Prices are ridiculously high now. it would depend on how it was done. if they were introducing brand new gp into the game then yes prices would soar because gp would become worthless. if they only introduced items then, unless they are alching materials, no gp was being introduced and those items would bottom out because there would be more items and gp would still be worth the same. i believe this system would only work and be somewhat accepted if they intoduced a new currency bought with real world money, such as a "rune gem." example you could buy 100 rune gems for 20 us dollars. then if they made certain special items or abilities made available to purchase with rune gems. i've seen other games begin doing things along this line. i still think it would create an unfair advantage for players that have and are willing to spend vs those that can't afford. but let's be honest though. if you do want a system where you can buy items and cash for real worl money it's because you either don't know how, or are just plain too lazy to work for it yourself and want a shortcut. that would be like starting the Boston Marathon, then hopping in a car and driving across the finish line and saying you won.
  16. and what if i'm at work during this "system update?" :(
  17. i blame both. the weak player who is willing to spend money to cheat. and the goldfarmer who is willing to do it for them. it's not one side or the other. both of their hands are dirty. i really like the classic drug analogy. where was the crack problem? from the user who smoked the crack? the street dealer cooking it and selling it? these chinese goldfarmers would be like the poor people in columbia picking the coca plants and making the cocaine. they were just doing a job so they could eat. does that mean it shouldn't be shut down? as long as there is a market for real world trading then, yes, there will be somebody there to supply it. but it ruins the game. you shouldn't be able to enjoy the spoils and the highs of the game without at least "suffering" through the work it takes to get there. if you can't be bothered with it then you shouldn't bother playing at all. where does it stop? need gp? hire an asian! skill lvls too low? hire an asian! need some combat lvls? hire an asian! quest too hard? hire an asian! we're already getting to a community that wants to second guess how anybody has obtained their items, cash, or skills. if you're too rich or have too high levels you must've bought it. if you're too low in combat levels and/or don't speak much you must be a bot/farmer.
  18. i'll post this quote directly from the runescape news archives dated 9 September 2003. This seems to have been their original stance on the subject. Now I will post part of an article that has been linked to before from this forum. The link to the original bbc article, dated 13 November 2007, I am quoting from can found here and finally...from the same article In a nutshell, Jagex seems to have made an original decision about doing this. It sounds as though they are not entirely against the idea, and they may even implement it in future titles, but it lookos like they are saying it's just too late to attempt that in Runescape. Not only would there be a definite backlash against older, loyal players who have worked hard and done it honestly, but it would mean a "big re-write" in the game itself.
  19. I found Runescape through Miniclip. I'm nearly thirty years old. Not saying that I'm an exception to the Miniclip rule, maybe I'm part of the problem. I agree with the article from my viewpoint. I've been playing for two years and the general attitudes of players seem to be exactly like it was two years ago. I opened up the Runescape news archives on the main page and find that that Jagex was forced to make changes to curb scams, bug abuses, and macroing long before Miniclip came in and I decided to start playing.
  20. For me personally, I'm not looking for a Jagex bashing article. When I express my disappointment about the letters and last times I do not mean they've "picked the wrong side." I've heard older veteran players that say the game isn't what it used to be back in rsc or 3 or 4 years ago, but I'd have to say the game seems to have changed enormously over just the last couple of months. Everything is changing about how we interact with one another within Runescape. Clan chats, New trade screens, Grand Exchange, New shops, 3k cap on staking (am I missing anything?) Not to mention the recent addition of new high level equipment and enemies to fight along with a BIG skill coming. The game is ending the year very differently from how it started in 2007. With all of the updates and changes taking place I would have assumed there would be plenty of material to write about. Recent events would've seemed like gold for a writer of an article of a fansite. How are these events changing the way we play the game as well as communicate with one another? What sort of impact has it currently made on the players? The newer players? The older ones? What sort of impact will these changes make to how we play in the future? Will we still want to play in the future? What type of players will benefit from the recent changes? What types will suffer? Maybe it's just me, but an article that asks and maybe even attempts to answer a few of these questions would promote interesting discussion, or at least an interesting read. I'm not in an Us vs Them mentality about Jagex. I just think there is so much more going on in the game that we could discuss other than one player's attitude towards another. Everybody playing and that cares about the game has the right to complain if something doesn't seem right. Some people will complain with no strategy for success other than venting (whining.) It's just in their nature. Tip.It articles have been one of the things that keep drawing me back here. I love reading them. I just think there is so much that could be addressed about recently other than playing time, and player's attitudes (we could beat this one in the ground.) Without addressing these issues it portrays the idea that the Editor is either ignoring them completely, is too afraid of starting a flame war, or apparently doesn't play the game enough to even notice. This runs along the point I think skatedog was attempting to make..... ...or maybe he just wants some Jagex bashing articles....I dunno...lol. Anyways, I felt these letters offered little to discuss.
  21. i agree with the article and support the idea. one day i was fishing in the guild and this player says "jp" i said "ya?" he replied "just checking" i gave him some hell for doing that. he wasn't trying to be friendly or even strike up a conversation with me. he was simply being a nazi wannabe mod. i shouldn't have to prove myself. i don't like bots either. if i see them i do report them, but i don't go out of my way to make attempts to ensure that every player around me is not a bot. great article. hit on exactly what i feel about the subject
  22. this isn't something absolute and final that we are talking about like a family member dying. we are talking about a service that is being provided to us. if we (the customer) have a problem with a certain "change" to the service we have a right to voice our concern. we might not get the change corrected to our benefit, but we at least have the right to show that we are not happy with something. i'm really getting tired of the "shut up and put up with it because it must be for your own good" articles. don't say just quit playing then. some players wouldn't voice their concern if they didn't like the game and they didn't care.
  23. wow. i've really enjoyed reading the article and responses on this thread. there are obviously some players that know much more about the subject of the runescape economy than i. all i can say is what i personally thought about the GE coming. i was hoping it was going to be more like an auction house....like ebay or something. you could place an item up and either auction it off for a certain time period to the highest bidder or have a "buy it now" feature. maybe my hopes were flawed. i don't know. in an auction type setting that would seem to compensate for the question of "what happens when a new item comes out" or "what if an item obtains a new, unexpected use?" when a new item is introduced the first few (if the player is smart) are usually auctioned off to see how much a buyer is willing to pay. that seems to set the initial price of the item. the way the GE is currently set up i doubt i will use it very often for anything more than a glorified price guide.
  24. Overall I believe this was a very generic and weak article to publish at this time. I would have believed there could've have been a more specific article written with the very recent and drastic changes to the game this month. I don't disagree with the general message in this article. This game updates and changes regularly, so you either have to learn to adapt to it or be left behind. However, you can't take this argument and simply blanket it over every and all rant that any player has ever had. It is true that some players make petty complaints and personal attacks against Runescape, Jagex, and certain players. There are some players that make valid and reasonable complaints though. Making statements along the lines of "quit whining" and implying that we should just be thankful for what we have is degrading, insulting, and demonstrates just as much ignorance as some of the ranters. Not every change provides a positive effect....no matter what the intentions or how much time was spent on creating the change. I've heard some players say that they don't stake and therefore they don't care about the recent duel arena update. I don't stake either, but I still believe the update was a bit extreme for an attempt to stop real world traders. In a war situation, if you suspect an enemy is hiding in a building in the center of a town you don't call in the airstrike to nuke the entire countryside, killing thousands if not millions of innocent people in the process. I've always been against real world traders, macroers, and gold farmers. I believe they are a disease that weakens the game and have argued against anybody who tries to claim there are some benefits to it. I believe they should be dealt with and removed from the game, but at what cost??? With the cap limit in the duel arena it would seem a whole group of players within the community have become casualties to the War on Macros. You can still duel, but you would have to be blind to see that a huge part of the enjoyment, and to some extent a reason for playing, has been eliminated. I'm sure there would be plenty of complaints if there was a cap placed on skills. If you were only allowed to cut 1 load of logs or mine 1 load of ore or craft 1 load of nats an hour you would begin to question the point in even playing anymore. I'm not saying this is the end of Runescape as we know it, but I do believe players have a right to complain. And sometimes...just sometimes...they may actually have a point! I guess that is why this article seems so out of place to me. It seems stakers have a valid complaint. Why pay for a service that no longer exists? Not every change is written in stone. They could make a small amendment to the big changes.
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