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Everything posted by Levon_

  1. If they want to make money off botters, they just need to add a few lines to the code of conduct. Basically like, if found using macroing software we reserve to right to charge you an ammount of money blah blah. So, someone bots. Jagex bans them and charges them 100 usd. Assuming they used a credit card. Not sure if this would be legal, but it seems like a good solution. Bots get banned, players happy, jagex gets more money. :unsure:
  2. I dont get it He's an idiot making a horrible joke. Thats the joke
  3. 69 dung. In a team with 130+ f35, find an eddimu. Team starts killing it, i stand under and start spam clicking when it dies, look at my invent and lold What do i do with it
  4. Ideally, the best thing to do would be: Cheapest gp/xp potion to 79. Special restores from 79-81 (1971) (12,425,184 gp) Super anti-fires from 81-83 (2288) (13,515,216 gp) Extreme attack from 83-84 (1265) (8,479,295 gp) Extreme strength 84-85 (1336) (13,357,328 gp) Extreme defence from 85-86 (1414) (16,002,238 gp) Extreme magic from 86-87 (1499) (11,912,553 gp) Extreme range from 87-88 (1591) (19,009,268 gp) From there 1335 extreme attack (8,415,840 gp) 1164 extreme strength (11,637,672 gp) 1086 extreme defence (12,290,262 gp) 1001 extreme magic (7,954,947 gp) 909 extreme range (10,860,732 gp) This will give you 2500 of each extreme potion, leaving you 110,405 xp from 91. Do whatever you want for that xp, then make some overloads :) Total cost a total of 153,548,178 for level 91 ASWELL as 2500 extreme sets and about 2k special restores and super anti-fires. You will be set for life for potions, and the only other cost is torstols for overloads. It may seem tedious, but it is totally worth it Lots of stewing;D
  5. I think that they should be updating the skills with high level untradable things. Like smithing and crafting, untradable armours.
  6. I'm pretty sure the calculator is almost 100% accurate, except for something about the extreme strength bonus isn't 100% perfect. I wasn't considering the monsters hp, and since its 850, bandos' max is 849, void is 860, and we're assuming perfect accuracy. Void is more accurate anyways. Void is better in every aspect except prayer bonus and defence. Which don't matter a ton
  7. Um, with extremes and turmoil, chaotic rapier and salve (e), I'm pretty sure you have extremely high accuracy anyways.. Okay, assume 100% accuracy. Without salve (e), bandos is better. With salve (e), void is better. Since you're doing AZ's, use void. Better and cheaper. I don't understand your logic. How is void better Void has a higher max hit than bandos when stacked with salve (e). I typoed the first post, meant to say However, when stacked with salve ammy (e), void has higher accuracy and max hit. Void doesn't max higher. Yes it does. According to runescape wiki calculator, With salve (e) + max str bonus with bandos + rapier, the max hit is 849 With salve (e) + void + max str bonus + rapier, the max hit is 860 With salve (e) + max str bonus with vesta + rapier, the max hit is 861 So unless you're using vesta for training (lol) void is better
  8. Um, with extremes and turmoil, chaotic rapier and salve (e), I'm pretty sure you have extremely high accuracy anyways.. Okay, assume 100% accuracy. Without salve (e), bandos is better. With salve (e), void is better. Since you're doing AZ's, use void. Better and cheaper. I don't understand your logic. How is void better Void has a higher max hit than bandos when stacked with salve (e). I typoed the first post, meant to say However, when stacked with salve ammy (e), void has higher accuracy and max hit.
  9. Um, with extremes and turmoil, chaotic rapier and salve (e), I'm pretty sure you have extremely high accuracy anyways.. Okay, assume 100% accuracy. Without salve (e), bandos is better. With salve (e), void is better. Since you're doing AZ's, use void. Better and cheaper.
  10. Void is almost ALWAYS better dps than bandos, neitz, and barrows gloves, but bandos has a higher max hit. However, when stacked with salve ammy (e), void has high accuracy and max hit.
  11. http://games.infoseka.lt/ Made by xx_jut_xx, an old pker. The main thing on this website is that it has information about the dupe, from the people who actually did it http://games.infoseka.lt/scamming.html
  12. Yea, you aren't going to get on a RSOF team. And, if you do, you won't be able to find a world. If you're doing it for fun just try soloing again. Your setup was good, but i would recommend a whip + defender. I was able to get a kill a trip at 85/83/80 with terror bird AND 53 prayer. It was difficult, but still profitable. For your plate and legs, I would use torags/dharoks. At a lower level you need the range defence MUCH more than you need the mage defence.
  13. What you were doing wrong. - Not high enough levels - Used a gs
  14. Do sharks from 80 till 99... I burned more monks at 80 than sharks.
  15. RAGE AT BCP/DFS Don't get them they are horrible. Tassets are horrible. But someone useful. Torso +25m >>> BCP. Rune defender + 35m >>>>>>>> DFS That can you extremes. EXTREMES. +2 extra strength bonus and less accuracy is not worth 60m. YOU DONT NEED THE DEFENCE NOW A DAYS. GOD [bleep]ING DAMN DONT GET THEM
  16. Another thing you COULD do, altho it doesnt profit much. For lending, say you want to lend your SGS for 1m for 24 hours. Find out about some crashing junk, from like a merch clan that recently dumped. Go into the ge for a buy offer and select the item, and put the price for 1m worth at mid price. And once you have the ammount that costs 1m at mid, change it to min and buy. So you spent 950k, and are able to "sell" it for 1m. That method will only make 5% profit
  17. There is no junk generating method that gives more gp than regular money making. Just own green dragon botters for over 1.5m/h or solo some bosses.
  18. you obviously dont understand the lending system. you lend out the sgs with junk you already have. junk you accumulate. you DONT buy junk then lend it out.... That makes no profit at all. pointless.
  19. Zammy book and snakeskin. Zammy book gives excellent prayer and attack bonus. Snakeskin has nice range attack. Melée defence from dragon boots will do next to nothing. And really, the 90 360 waves are easy unless you're under 80 defence
  20. share i tb'd Go away noob get your own. :P i do but f2p dun let me use it. would really help for pking
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