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Everything posted by Georgelemmons

  1. Okay seriously, can someone explain the bronze arrow thing? Why didn't people just fletch them?
  2. Georgelemmons


    Another student and I brought down the entire district network during a computer class without trying to. It was a major fail.
  3. I'll probably be doing ZMI. 96 herb, 96 mage, and I don't care about many other buyables other than prayer.
  4. Georgelemmons


    Just woke up and I feel worse. Why? This is the second day of a ten day out of school suspension. I'm ranked 11th in my class and have never had so much as a detention in my life.
  5. Google Translate can beatbox. WHAT. Translate from German->German and copy this: pv zk pv pv zk pv zk kz zk pv pv pv zk pv zk zk pzk pzk pvzkpkzvpvzk kkkk bsch Just spent a bunch of time messing around with it.
  6. Nah. This little thing called an update netted you this wonderful, soon-to-be crashing to pennies item.
  7. A lot of these are very expensive and time consuming, but there's some simple fun ones too. http://www.popsci.com/category/tags/how-20 Even if you don't find anything to do it's a fun read :thumbup:
  8. Jagex made a skill that takes skill? Wow, that should be a minigame because I don't like thinking.. :wall: Might I add that dungeoneering is infinitely more complex than most skills? Jagex wouldn't have made this skill if they were lazy.
  9. Battlestaves take less than a minute a day and are 1.2k profit each selling at market on the ge (You need Varrock achievement diaries).
  10. I know this is disregarding herb deaths, but basic numbers point to torstol. Planting torstol in my arm's and snapdragons in the rest is a good alternative if you can't absorb the losses of torstol seeds. Profit formula: 5 * (herb price * 6.5 * 4/3 + .1 * seed price) - 5 * seed price Snap seeds: 55,000 Clean snap: 12,700 Snapdragon profit: 302833 gp Torstol seeds: 380,200 Clean torstol: 48,100 Torstol profit: 373433 gp
  11. After just getting 85: It is the best skill in Runescape, but I'm happy with the level I have for now. After just getting 82: My rapier is pretty sweet, but I can't take much more dungeoneering with idiots. Working up to rapier: Wow, i hate w117. SO. MUCH. Upon release: This is pretty cool, but why am I getting such low xp? This is going to take forever. How just Jagex expect me to find a team of 4 people I trust whenever I want to train this skill effectively?
  12. Dear Rob - First you really should build up your distance a bit. Start running 3 times a week or so, 2 miles each and gradually increasing as you feel. Once you can pretty easily run 4 or 5 miles at once, start running about 5 days a week. After this, you can start building a training schedule. You want a balance of easy, hard, and long to build up your endurance but also keep you quick. Everything is relative to your skill level. A long run might initially be 5 or 6 miles for you, and you may not even want to try up tempos or other running "workouts". You'll never get much better if you always run within your comfort range though, so you should push yourself. One very important thing: ALWAYS STRETCH. It can really mess you up if you don't. Stretch after every run, and be sure to stretch at least a bit after you warm up for a workout. Trunk rotations, the butterfly, individual legs, calves, quadriceps, and hips should all be stretched; if you want more information I can put of list together of everything I do. Workout ideas: Up tempo: there are several ways to do this. The basic definition of up tempo is running that isn't painful, but makes it uncomfortable to talk. It make seem weird, but you can always test this just by trying to. The easiest warmup of 10 or 15 minutes, an equal period of up tempo and then another equal amount of a slower cooldown. You can also do a workout where you warm up, then choose a set distance you want to run (from one street down to another) and run it 2 minutes up tempo, 1 minute jogging, and repeat until you finish. Intervals: These are your speed workouts. They can vary from mile repeats at certain times to running 400s on the track. These can be and should be painful and hard to finish. A good way to figure out times to run on the track is to set a goal in a longer distance (say, 6:00 in the mile). Then, calculate the pace you would need to run that, and try to hit that pace for several intervals of shorter distances (a 3:00 half mile, and then two 1:30 quarter miles or something of the sort). This helps you learn the pace and eventually work up to the speed you want. If you want to run longer distances, you'll want to run times that are slower than your goal but hard to reach multiple times in a row. tl;dr - Running is a lot of work, and takes a lot of personal experimentation to figure out. You should actually read this. Unrelated news: Second indoor meet of the year last night; ran a 2:07 to win handily in the last leg of our 4x800; came in second in the mile by running a 4:52. I was with the guy until the last 2 (out of 9) laps, and should have stayed with him. Ah well, not a bad first mile.
  13. Ohi. Second track meet of the year tomorrow; anchoring the 4x800 and running in the mile. Then I have a sleepover with a certain someone ;)
  14. Bad luck / the high mage level of your opponents. Nothing changed mechanics-wise.
  15. Continuing the trend of non-related pictures.... Let your brain hurt!
  16. Little small, so here: Agile top + legs, Penance gloves, Fury, Dboots. A little boring, but works for me, and shows off my agility :thumbup:
  17. Nice :thumbup: I can tell you're into combat. Anyways.... seeing as you're quitting for good... you going to need much of anything in that bank anymore? :-P
  18. I'm looking at 85 dungeoneering, 95 attack, 99 strength, 95 prayer, and 90+ slayer in order.
  19. I just got 96 summoning and I have about 600k xp to 85 dungeoneering. This is a big time for me :thumbup: My drops are all singular because I sold the extras. [hide] [/hide]
  20. Georgelemmons


    Pinky-promised a girl I would have sex with her.
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