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Everything posted by Jowah

  1. 93 defence got my slayer helmet! and 93 defence got me 22k untill free gmauls that was my day yesterday I'm getting kinda remotely close to 99 def
  2. Is that the lowest total lvl to get a 99 yet? I don't think anyone else has gotten a 99 without any other skills up yet. 10/10
  3. phew half way done :thumbsup:. On the other hand, that means still half way left. Oh well It's not boring, and I love the skill
  4. I think that fletching and cooking are the easier capes, but are in no means nooby. I got my cape becuase I love fletching which is also the same reason I'm keeping it at a perfect exps (13,200,000; 13,3000,000; etc). I think that firemaking is a very hard cape and I think it's better than fishing or woodcutting (unless you're insane like my friend and get 75-99 woodcutting off 100% mages :ohnoes: ) I got 63-65 firemaking and I almost died inside. :oops: I just remembered right after my friend trimmed his cooking cape with fletching we were calling each other noobs for fun and some lvl 110 came up and called us both noobs for having noob capes, mean while his highest noncombat skill was 40 something, his highest combat skill was in the 80s and he had a total lvl of under 1100.
  5. I know that RS' combat sucks compared to other MMO's but personaly I would rather click once and wait than spam number 1 and 2 repetatively, and ya I've played on a lvl 80 on WOW I know how it works
  6. I get about 30k slayer exp a day at max, if I do slayer all the way to 99 defense I would still be 700k exp away from 85 which is still another 23 days. It IS that hard.
  7. So you're the reason it took me 9000 kills to get my zombie scroll! I was? I mean of course I was! mwhaha
  8. I got two zombie scrolls in under 10 kills at armoured zombies, too bad that luck can't turn into a visage #-o
  9. After 99 defence i plan on 90 attack and strength then I'll go from there
  10. So I did defender of varrock yesterday and got to some armoured zombies and they are awesome. Got this from about 6 hours (3 each day) Along with 111 combat and this is the money I made and the untradable stuff. I got two zombie champion scrolls within 10 kills of each other but left the other one on the ground becuase of lack of inventory space. I also got 86 hp but forgot to take a pic :wall:
  11. 10/10 higher total than me and I've been playing for over 5 years
  12. took me since january to get 82-90, thats what 1 hour a day does to a person #-o hoping to get 99 by the end of the year
  13. I don't know much about it at all except that it owns with addy bolts for highest hit + 15 effect
  14. Why play RuneScape? Some say that it is stupid, and just cheap replicas of WOW. Can someone give me a really good reason? :D Runescape came way before WOW ever did so that makes WOW the expensive replica of Runescape.
  15. I've been playing for 5 years and only have 99 fletching which took me 2 months, going for 99 defense atm
  16. I saw this video earlier and I instantly thought what an idiot... If the hacker TOLD HIM THE WEBSITE wouldn't he know that it isn't the real runescape website? Some people these days...
  17. I was kidding. :| Does anyone actually show off their cooking cape? The kids who spend all their money on it just to have a cape. My brother did that, after I got 99 fletching he wanted one. When he was done he had under 10k left lol.
  18. Wait, what? The only "prayer quest" req I can think of is the ghostspeak ammy and you don't need to finish the quest to receive it >_> You also need to finish it to look at the father guys gravestones.
  19. mine has to be when I got 70 attck. My friend said if I get 70 in a week he would give me something. It turned out to be a whip and torags plate and legs. He was my best friend ever on rs untill he sold everything, got 70 cons and quit :(
  20. You want to bet I didn't get 99 fletching for fun? I love fletching. Don't judge people.
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