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Everything posted by Fishies

  1. Just buying battlestaves/selling them on G/E.
  2. Thankfully... otherwise, I'd quit RS.
  3. Fishies

    I FAIL

    Do Tears of Guthix.
  4. Making tele-tabs: >300k/hour Spend a few mil on construction, then make B2P-tabs: >700k/hour Depends on how good you are at making tabs. You should be able to make at LEAST 800 of them an hour if you don't get distracted, and cancel the animation at the right moment. How much profit depends on G/E prices at the moment. Don't get impatient if they don't sell immediately - it could take a few hours to sell, but they *will* sell within a day. (Depending on how many you sell at a time.) EDIT: Oh, and free magic exp.
  5. *groan* There's still people who think high alch is good money? And barely over one gold from profit per exp? Depending on the G/E's mood, I can easily get 15gp/exp. How much exp/hour is this, then?
  6. Who cares about the chest? They changed the TABLE, for crying out loud.
  7. Use ALL of your money to buy rune essence. Then runecraft until your arms fall off. Dingprofit.
  8. How can you get scammed 11 times? Some people just never learn from their mistakes, do they... How can you lose money from merchanting? Even I can't screw up that bad... I feel sorry for you.
  9. I was in F2P testing the strength of the new revenants once. I was wearing rune armor with magic protection prayer on, but the revenant will just hit you with range. No matter how much armor you have on, they'll hit high. Running is better than hiding.
  10. What would I rather have: a competitive game feature enjoyed by many players, or having an idiot try to steal my stuff and put up with autoers cutting all the yew logs? Geez, I don't know.
  11. The RWTer might just bot the levels.
  12. The dwarves built it, those bloody midgets.
  13. How about instead of being unable to switch accounts for 5 minutes, instead you cannot trade or pick up items on that account for 5 minutes?
  14. I'd get it. If you're level 80 and your best item is rune, then 1 million's probably a lot to you. If you get banned, you can just calmly explain that it's a gift, and I doubt they would ban you for one instance of an unbalanced trade anyway. You also might want to check the level of the other player, as Jagex would believe you more if you both have a decent levelled account.
  15. Hm, come to think of it... I've had my account since RS2 came out, and I've never seen a single J-Mod. I guess they just don't come on F2P very often?
  16. Maybe if they make it so you can poison claws?
  17. No Revenants. That teleblock, poison, freeze, and hit 20s. In F2P.
  18. Yes, this could really be convenient if implemented... if Jagex can spare the space, they should definitely do this.
  19. You think you had it bad? I was trying to buy 100 salmons or something from this one guy. I offered 500gp below his selling price... decline. 100gp below his selling price... decline. 50gp below his selling price... decline. 35gp below his selling price... decline. 10gp below... decline again! 9gp below... 8... 7... I raised it to 1gp below his asking price, and I got declined. Again. The other person got so frustrated that I wouldn't offer any more than that, so they logged out and switched worlds. That person could've saved a lot of time by just accepting my first offer.
  20. But I <3 randoms! They just need to increase the reward a bit, that's all.
  21. I don't see why everyone hated fatigue; I liked it. Ah RSC... it would've been fun if my old Windows 95 didn't lag all the time.
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