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Everything posted by Rien

  1. Beautiful. I think I love you. Seriously, thanks for these; they all look great and the effort is more than just appreciated. :thumbsup: I've uploaded all of your images and have credited you in each entry. Thanks again!
  2. Ouch, thanks for pointing that out. :lol: We made a sweep through the items database and updated all of the items we had thought were affected by the update, but the Black Mask and Black Mask 10 must have slipped our minds. #-o They're fixed now, though, and I've credited you for your help. Thanks for spotting that slip-up.
  3. Your EP is decreasing? :? Is it continuing to do so past 100%? The only thing I can think of is that excess EP may expire over time and settle at 100% if you don't use it quickly enough, but this is only speculation, since I've never heard of any member spending their EP in F2P. :|
  4. I believe the most expensive artefact non-members are able to receive is the Bandos scrimshaw. So yes, your EP will be significantly increased should you gain it in a P2P world and hop to F2P afterward to make up for the fact. EDIT: 'Basically restated what everyone else has already said, now that I've read over everything. Sorry. :lol:
  5. 'Terribly sorry for the delay. :oops: I've edited those pictures in and have credited you. Thanks, Mil. :) Anyway, to clarify on the monster positions, we generally do prefer the pictures to display the monsters from the front. However, we'll accept any image just so long as its of decent quality and is an improvement on the former image. Your submissions are all excellent, so you don't need to worry about it. :thumbup:
  6. Corrections be here. I've finished editing everything in and have credited you in the entries. Thanks again! :thumbup:
  7. As an avid trekker, I can confirm your information. :) Thanks for bringing it to my attention; I hadn't realized that those drops weren't listed! :o I'll edit in everything immediately. :thumbup:
  8. http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/5380 ... dragon.png :thumbup:
  9. http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/7886/tipitpic.png 'Cheers.
  10. Congratulations on the completion of your guide, Jard. 'Fantasic work. =D> As for myself, I'm afraid that I haven't accomplished anything that could possibly measure up. :lol: I've always prided myself in completing all of the quests/achievement diaries in addition to keeping my ingame jukebox up-to-date, but these are hardly worth mentioning. I suppose my greatest achievement will be the day I complete the Champions' Challenge, though; I've been at it casually since April of last year and only have the Skeleton Scroll to go. :lol: Other than these, I can't really think of anything else, so I'll just applaud you again on your own accomplishment. :P 'Congrats. =D>
  11. Rien

    Do you pray?

    I can't remember the last time I prayed, honestly. My family used to attend nondenominational church services, but we stopped going at least ten years ago, I'd say. We would also say grace before meals (if that counts), but that was quite awhile ago as well. I suppose that, while I've long been interested in the topic of religion, I've never been particularly engaged in my own spirituality; I'm apathetic for the most part. 'Rather boring, yes? :lol: It already appears to be that way though. Some think it is a fence-sit between atheism and theism but some think it merely means your assertion concerning a god isn't absolute. Personally, I think it is the first one because the second should already be obvious when talking about metaphysics. But all we can do is debate about it I suppose. For what it's worth, I agree with you. Being agnostic ("without knowledge") means precisely that, at least in its pure form. As an agnostic myself, I don't have the evidence to draw conclusions on any form of first cause or afterlife, so I reserve my judgement. Now, the definition can become confusing once the different types of agnosticism are considered (strong/weak, theistic/atheistic, etc...), but these are simply used to clarify the specifics of one's beliefs. For reference, I would classify myself as being both a strong agnostic and an apathetic agnostic, since I don't believe there is (or ever will be) substantial evidence to be obtained in proving or disproving the existence of the supernatural through our purely natural means, and I don't particularly care to find out in the first place. If anyone's interesting in reading about the different types of agnosticism, the wikipedia article breaks them down fairly well.
  12. But in that case you still would want checks for people who are wanting an abortion. Well, what do you mean by checks? If you're talking about having something along the lines of an established procedure to be followed beforehand, then yes, I don't believe anyone should just be able to walk into a clinic and have an abortion on the spot. :P As I said in my last post, I don't see how anyone can argue against abortion on anything other than moral grounds, and it is precisely because of this that abortion should be legalized nationally. The only problem (that I can see, really) is in hammering out the details; even if abortion is legailized, how do we determine the acceptable time-frame for performing abortions? Obviously, not everyone is going to agree on when it's "alright" to seek an abortion, since it's virtually impossible to come to a consensus on when life "begins." I believe that anything past (approximately) the fourth month of pregnancy is too far, but my opinion will undoubtably be contested by others. Therefore, I would tentatively propose setting no time limit to avoid the issue altogether, although I'm well aware that this would probably outrage a fair few. Similarly to the "morality of abortion," the time at which life "begins" is more or less a matter of personal opinion. By not setting a time-frame in which seeking an abortion would be acceptable, the doctors and patients would be able to decide for themselves what they want to do; those who view late abortions as immoral would be free to have an earlier abortion or carry their baby to term, and the rest could choose to have an abortion performed at any time. It's a moral quagmire to be sure, but I certainly can't justify forcing my own views on anyone else. 'And this is what it ultimately comes down to, I believe. :| The second part isn't directly at you, Howlin; I was just reiterating my thoughts on the matter.
  13. This may be a controversial topic, but that doesn't give anyone license to be insensitive. :| Also, the Debate Club is specifically used to hold RuneScape-related debates; OT is the proper board for this topic. Whatever your views, you should at least be able to recognize that such choices aren't always so easy to make; you simply can't consider this issue in strictly black-and-white terms. If I had been in his position, I would have probably have made the same decision, but that doesn't mean I would have been any happier in having to make it. It's a hard choice either way, so a bit of empathy would be appreciated, even if you ultimately disagree with his decision. 'Not to sound like I'm lecturing or anything, by the way. Anyway, since the morality of abortion is subjective, I believe that it should be made legal and readly available everywhere. To be honest, I've never really understood why anyone would object to this, since no one would be forced to have an abortion if they didn't want one; the option would simply exist for those who may consider it. As for possible limitations on abortion, I'd be hesitant to allow any to be performed after the first trimester (with a few notable exceptions which have already been outlined earlier in this thread), but this is entirely my opinion. It's difficult to draw a line prior to birth, so I'm not sure if there should even be an attempt to enforce one; perhaps it'd be best to leave the decision to the discretion of the parents and attending doctors in every individual case? I'm aware that this could potentially lead to abortions of practically-mature fetuses, but it would be wrong to force my reservations and personal beliefs on anyone else, and I don't know that there is anything else that could be done. :|
  14. That sums me up too. That makes three of us. :lol: I suppose I'm in decent shape; I've stopped working out at the gym since High School ended, but I still run about 10km every morning. My college has some great facilities though, so I'm looking forward to moving into my dorm at the end of the month. :thumbup:
  15. I honestly didn't last much longer than Jaerk. :-#
  16. http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/9509/tipitc.png 'To the right of Rainy will be fine. Thanks. :
  17. Congratulations to you all. =D> 'Be sure not to break anything.
  18. I've looked into the matter, and it appears that you are correct. :) Warped Terrorbird Warped Terrorbird -2- I've added your information and have credited you in both entries. Thanks! :thumbsup:
  19. Thanks for the suggestions, but neither of them are satisfactory; Photobucket is worse than Imageshack in terms of file size limits, and Tinipic is only a bit better than Photobucket. :cry: Does anyone know of any other sites?
  20. Hello. :) I'm having problems finding a free image hosting site which will allow for uploads exceeding 5 MB. I have an image at 4.86 MB, but the site I normally use (Imageshack) won't allow me to upload it. So, does anyone know of a free, reliable site which I can turn to? Thanks. :
  21. Thanks to Korny, Laura, and Hunter for their contributions. :thumbup: I've taken care of the other items, so the graphically-updated images should now appear in their respective items database entries. Thanks again, everyone. =D>
  22. 'Many thanks to to the both of you, Laura and Korny. Your pictures have been added and credited. :thumbsup: Saradomin Sword Zamorak Godsword Thanks again.
  23. If anyone could post updated pictures (.png format) of the Godswords and the Saradomin Sword while being equipped or in the inventory, I'd be greatly appreciative. :thumbup: Anyone who can help will, of course, be credited in that item's database entry. Thanks! :)
  24. Thanks, it's been taken care of now. :thumbsup:
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