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Everything posted by Rien

  1. ...For your sake, I hope that was a bad joke. Actually, it was a pretty amusing joke. Meh, to each his own then. I don't find "jokes" about bodily harm amusing, and I'm not entirely sure he meant it as a joke to begin with. :unsure: Price manipulation IS easy; there's virtually no risk involved as long as you can recruit naïve "investors" to back you. Similiarly to 76king, many players choose not to take part in this since they consider it to be morally reprehensible - not because it poses too much of a "challenge". These manipulators are quite literally stealing from the game's playerbase, and it really couldn't be simpler for them. As for the real-life aspect, "cornering the market" (essentially what the manipulators are doing ingame) is a federal offense. People like Madoff (those running pyramid schemes) are able to circumvent the law, for the most part, only by remaining secretive and paying off the right people, since they'd be thrown in jail otherwise. The fact that many CEOs and other top business leaders are considered "great people" is due to the fact that they're successful in what they do, so they're viewed as role models of a sort. Propaganda, no doubt, also has a hand in it, and this interview is only one more example of this. *This isn't to say that all business leaders are corrupt, of course, as many have achieved what they have on merit alone, and this is important to remember.* The same principle doesn't apply to ingame manipulation clan leaders, however, as legitimate merchanters don't attempt to influence item prices directly.
  2. ...For your sake, I hope that was a bad joke.
  3. 'Wilderness Tag' exists in the game as the Beacon Network (adze) minigame.
  4. Some people here seem to be forgetting something; completing this achievement diary is NOT mandatory. The same principle holds for all other high-level content as well, by the way. Yes, it's true - only a handful of players (relatively) can complete the diary at this point. However, that number will continue to increase day after day, as this update has offered an incentive to train the relevant skills, and, whatever your view, incentives ARE important. Just because the diary isn't available to everyone doesn't mean that Jagex is snubbing the majority of the playerbase; they are, in fact, servicing all of their players by keeping the bored "high-levels" interested in the game, while, at the same time, providing something for the "lower-levels" to strive for down the road. The "lower-levels" complaining about all such high-level content irritate me to no end (not to say that I'm a "high-level" myself), as their complaints are baseless. By far, most of the updates released over the last few years have only minimal level requirements, and, as a result, new players today are practically swamped by all of the available content. (I can't even imagine what it must be like for these new players when they upgrade to P2P; I'm sure it must be overwhelming.) However, when long-time, experienced players are finally thrown a bone or two (as they have been recently), it seems that everyone else is up in arms over it, even though they have far more gameplay they've yet to experience for themselves (not to mention that they'll be able to access the same updates in time, if they wish). I don't understand why a bit of "high-level" content causes so much controversy. Is it really THAT bad, or, as I suspect, do some players simply enjoy complaining about anything and everything? Anyway, it all comes down to this: *The update has been released and has been found to have progressively increasing level requirements. *The diary offers an interesting, but not earth-shatteringly important, series of rewards for those who can complete it. *Players can either choose to participate in or disregard the update, and neither choice will be penalized, as, again, completing the diary is NOT mandatory. *Those who choose to complete the diary will receive an appropriate reward, while those who do not will have to live without. It really is quite simple, after all.
  5. 'Hope it helps. [hide] Chant to the blank teleport crystal at this location.[/hide]
  6. My understanding is that, with trouble brewing in their eastern settlements, the elder elves felt they had to retreat underground or be caught up in future wars and perish. Therefore, they decided to revert Prifddinas to crystal seed, hide in the undercity, and wait for a more promising time to emerge and "regrow" Prifddinas. The fact that we repaired the seals within the Temple of Light during Mourning's End Pt2 was the sign they were looking for, apparently, so they sent a messenger aboveground for information. With this latest quest, we've discovered the messenger's corpse (who, unfortunately, never made it to the surface), so I suspect that the next quest in the series will involve us establishing contact between Lletya and the elf clans in the undercity. The quest following this next one, I assume, will be the grandmaster "MEP3" quest everyone's been looking forward to. Off-Topic: Does anyone know what this patch note refers to? * Modified crossbows have a string on their inventory image.
  7. That's what I thought too - could be very interesting. I had the prospect of even possibly different teleport locations for the crystals, namely quick access to the Temple of Light, although I doubt we'll see that. :) AKA quick access to dark beasts without needing the outfit, amirite? :D Well, you could always travel through the abyssal death rift, although I suppose it'd be a pain to run through the abyssal monsters AND the shadows in the Temple of Light. :lol: Meh, anyway, I was hoping there'd be a bit more to our deal with the gnome; I was thinking it'd be more significant, although maybe we'll see in later quests. I enjoyed Within the Light, though; I thought Jagex was especially clever in delivering the little twist at the end.
  8. 'Teleport crystals, Ardougne teleport runes, and two Mourner sets; everything else is provided.
  9. Everyone knows how terrible dying in safe PvP minigames is; it would be a shame to have to run back from the spawn point just because a dedicated herblorist decided to make use of his or her expensive, high-level potions to gain an advantage over another player and defeat them because of it. :thumbup: Damn, this update has made me uncharacteristically bitter. 'Sarcasm? I surprise myself. :-|
  10. They [bleep]ing caved. Unbelievable. I seldom get upset over something as trivial as an online game, but Jagex went too far with this. They've taken what was easily one of the greatest updates of the year and nerfed it to hell because a handful of lazy, childish pkers decided to whine about it on the RSOF. I honestly expected better; Jagex knows full well that such players are a mere minority and would complain about ANY update, regardless. As many players have already said, anyone who can train his/her Herblore level into the 80s and 90s deserves to have an advantage over those who choose not to. This is true not only of any RS skills but also of life itself; hard workers simply deserve to be rewarded on principle. It wasn't as if this update drastically unbalanced PvP either, as few players (relatively) can even make the new, untradeable potions, so I can't understand why this decision was made. I could continue on and on, but everything of importance has already been said by others, and from the appearances of things, it wouldn't matter anyway; it's obvious that Jagex listens to the clamour of the peanut gallery over the mild and well-reasoned responses of more experienced players. 'Truly a shame.
  11. It doesn't look bad. Of course, you can never go wrong with a Farming hood. :P
  12. At least they were tradeable. :blink: 'All the better. :P If these potions were tradeable, there'd be little reason for most people to train their Herblore into the 90s. Now, however, those who choose to do so will have a significant advantage over everyone else, so it actually places some meaning on training a noncombat skill for more than profit and achievement. Players aren't required to take advantage of this update in the slightest (Pkers, in particular, can still fight just as ably as they were before the update), but for those that do, they'll find it to be well worth their time--quite a refreshing turn of events. This is truly functional, high-level content at work.
  13. There are huge flaws with this update, specifically how they effect PVP combat. I wouldn't call them flaws. Certainly, PvP will change somewhat with this update (I'd say only a small fraction of Pkers have 80+ Herblore, anyway), but that simply means that Pkers will have to adapt accordingly. The release of Godswords and Dragon Claws significantly affected PvP; does this mean that the GWD and WGS updates were necessarily flawed because of this? Change, in my opinion, is generally not malevolent, and I can't see the Herblore expansion unbalancing PvP to the extent that it becomes so.
  14. There's not much more I can add that hasn't already been said; Jagex has done well with the last several updates, and I couldn't be happier. I didn't much care for the Woodcutting update (most likely because it primarily offered exp rewards when I'm already level 99), but the release of the Living Rock Caverns and this Herblore expansion have been simply brilliant. 'Two practically flawless updates, in my opinion. Keep up the great work. :thumbup:
  15. Thanks for letting us know! :D We've made the appropriate correction to this page and have credited you for the find. Thanks again. :-)
  16. Thanks for all of the replies. :-) I've decided to wait another week before I sell it off (if I'm sure I want to by that time) and keep an eye on the GE graph all the while. I love the SGS regardless, so I'll buy it back eventually even if I decide to sell, but the potential profits are too great to ignore in the meantime. *laughingemoteifwehadit* Thanks again for the advice.
  17. Heh, I'd never have imagined that I might one day ask a question like this. Anyway, I bought my Saradomin Godsword awhile ago for just over 60 mil, and I couldn't help but notice that it has increased significantly in price since. Essentially, I'd like to know whether this is the work of merchanting clans or simply a natural rise in its price. If this is only a temporary and artificial fluctuation, I'd like to take advantage of it; I intend to sell my SGS and buy it back after the crash if this is the case. However, I do not wish to sell if I won't be able to buy it back later, so I'd appreciate any input on the matter. 'Thanks in advance.
  18. I've reworked the god book entries--consolidating and updating the information as needed. Book of Balance Holy Book Unholy Book Please PM me any comments/suggestions you may have. 'Thanks for everyone's help. :^_^:
  19. Rien

    Its all so SHINY

    Death7755 won, by the way. ;) [hide=Winning Post (16th post, 189th page)][/hide]
  20. I find the best solution to be simply dropping the entire bottom row once you come to the last inventory space. Drop your last three swordfish and the final tuna before fishing again; after that, pick the swordfish up again once you've fished an additional swordfish. 'Chances are you'll get at least one since you have four inventory spaces open.
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