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Everything posted by Rien

  1. I'll be closing this now, as I believe we've sorted through everything. (The entry can be found here, by the way: Jungle Strykewyrm) Anyone with additonal information is more than welcome to bring it to our attention, of course. :) Thanks for the help on this!
  2. Thanks for the submissions, everyone. :) I think we have just about everything, but I certainly encourage you to report any issues or submit additional drops if you find any. The entry is here, by the way: Desert Strykewyrm
  3. Thanks to everyone who helped here; I'm pleased to announce that every monster has since been assigned an attack-style. :) If any mistakes/corrections are found, please contact me or feel free to create another thread in the Bestiary subforum. 'Many thanks, once again.
  4. Ahh, that is a problem. The only monster entries returned by the query are those which have a note stating that the monsters drop more Gold Charms than any other type. I can see that this is because of the way we list Charm drops, unfortunately (Charm(1): Gold, Green, Crimson, Blue). Hmmm. I'll have to ask in-house if there's anything to be done about this. I'll get back to you on it, but I'm afraid I can't make any guarantees in the meanwhile.
  5. Heya, I've moved this thread to the Bestiary subforum of our Submissions board. :) As Paw_Claw said, you can submit Bestiary-related corrections here, and you can do the same directly through the site (there's a "Submit Correction" function at the top-right of every entry). However, regarding grimy herb drops, most Bestiary entries won't have individual herbs listed. Instead, you'll find a single "Herbs" drop in the Miscellaneous section of the majority of monster drop-lists; this is because, in general, monsters which drop one type of herb will also drop every other variety as well. In the cases where this principle doesn't apply, we've listed the herbs making the exceptions (e.g. the Dagannoth Kings in addition to Commander Zilyana and her minions will only drop ranarrs as their herb drops, so we've specifically made a note of that). I hope this makes sense. :) I'll leave this thread open for now in case you want to ask about anything else, so please feel free to respond.
  6. I don't think anybody thought that they were intended to be Special Quests. Grandmaster quests are simply meant to be more challenging, even to the higher levelled players, and they do that very well. The next one will probably be the 200th quest, given that RFD was the 150th one, so we've still got a long time to go yet. Nobody is disappointed apart from you and your made up expectations. Um, not made up. They stated it rather explicitly on the forums,. Sadly as this was well over a year ago you can't find it anymore. They ruined something that they themslves were going to be special. Now, they're ... not. I read about this as well. Jagex specifically mentioned that future Grandmaster quests would be similar to 'While Guthix Sleeps' in terms of structure and deep plot involvment. They were supposed to be truly epic quests which we could only expect to be released once per year or so, but now the label's devolved into just another quest difficulty rating, which I (personally) find to be highly disappointing. I was looking forward to something "special", to be honest.
  7. I disagree. I don't believe there was a problem to begin with, to be honest. Ice strykewyrms are a single new type of Slayer monster; no matter how you look at it, the ability to fight them is in no way significantly game-changing. Strykewyrms can only be assigned once players have fulfilled the requirements (so it isn't as if people are being futilely assigned tasks they cannot complete), and their specialty drop is tradeable (so players don't necessarily have to slay the wyrms to obtain an SoL). Because of this, I can see no reason why this situation is noteworthy, let alone a "problem" to be "fixed". Simply put, you aren't missing out on too much if you can't fight the new Slayer monster. And yes, Jagex are more or less obligated to listen to their players when problems arise, but was this really a problem? Can you tell me so, in all seriousness? I'll be completely honest: the "solution" will ultimately cause far more problems than it supposedly "solved". Again, I don't particularly care about the Fire cape requirement issue itself. I believe the actual problem is that the mindless ranting on the RSOF actually accomplished something; with every victory, as the ranters see it, they grow more bold. You can expect for more and more players to start bitterly complaining after every update now, whether there's a legitimate issue with the content or not. There are clearly results to be had, so long as enough players band together to rant for them, and it appears that Jagex will only become more compliant as this wears on. It's truly a slippery slope we've come to. If this continues, who knows what will happen in the future? Oh please.. You're acting if Jagex changes every update because a lot of players complain. If that happened, then we'd have Old PC, Wildy and Free Trade. Every update? Certainly not. However, now that Jagex has bowed to the pressure once, you can expect for there to be that many more rants over future updates with difficult requirements. In Jagex's case, it becomes easier to simply give the complainers what they want (rather than fighting/ignoring them) after giving in once before, so there will undoubtably be more nerfs of this sort in the future. This is what worries me. If you give the mindless RSOF mob of ranters an inch, they'll take a mile.
  8. I disagree. I don't believe there was a problem to begin with, to be honest. Ice strykewyrms are a single new type of Slayer monster; no matter how you look at it, the ability to fight them is in no way significantly game-changing. Strykewyrms can only be assigned once players have fulfilled the requirements (so it isn't as if people are being futilely assigned tasks they cannot complete), and their specialty drop is tradeable (so players don't necessarily have to slay the wyrms to obtain an SoL). Because of this, I can see no reason why this situation is noteworthy, let alone a "problem" to be "fixed". Simply put, you aren't missing out on too much if you can't fight the new Slayer monster. And yes, Jagex are more or less obligated to listen to their players when problems arise, but was this really a problem? Can you tell me so, in all seriousness? I'll be completely honest: the "solution" will ultimately cause far more problems than it supposedly "solved". Again, I don't particularly care about the Fire cape requirement issue itself. I believe the actual problem is that the mindless ranting on the RSOF actually accomplished something; with every victory, as the ranters see it, they grow more bold. You can expect for more and more players to start bitterly complaining after every update now, whether there's a legitimate issue with the content or not. There are clearly results to be had, so long as enough players band together to rant for them, and it appears that Jagex will only become more compliant as this wears on. It's truly a slippery slope we've come to. If this continues, who knows what will happen in the future?
  9. Fair enough, and true. Im just mad because they gave in, its my whole issue here. As long as they keep giving in, the ranting wont stop. It proves that whining about something long enough will eventualy get it that way, as long as it doesnt have anything to do with RWTing. I wish they would just leave content how it was added and not change it a week or two later. I feel the same way. I don't have a problem with the compromise, but it worries me that Jagex caved on the issue so easily. I fear that it'll only become easier for them to continue to do so in the future. By giving in, they encourage disgruntled players to complain all the more; ranting about 'elite' content/updates has been proven to be effective, and so it'll now become progressively more troublesome over time. :mellow:
  10. Certainly, Jagex's customer support team leaves much to be desired at times, but I don't believe that's the main problem here. The claim that you've lost three prior accounts to scammers is concerning; that should never happen, to be honest. You might want to look into updating your security, rather than relying on Jagex to recover your accounts after the fact. :mellow: It's not so much that they're "lazy"; they simply haven't dedicated the necessary resources to maintain such support. The ability to contact them directly was removed awhile ago, seeing as how they were unable to keep abreast of the slew of emails I'm sure they received everyday (much of it spam, undoubtably). I would like to see Jagex reinstate direct contact with the playerbase, but I'm not sure how feasible this might be; it would certainly be expensive.
  11. Haha, I think I might be a bit jealous of your creativity and artistic ability. :lol: 'Have fun with it. :)
  12. I'm not entirely sure if it's the best method or not, but I found that killing the hobgoblins in Witchaven Dungeon and banking the limpwurts you receive at Ardougne works fairly well.
  13. Rien


    Haha, it's a great site. Once you enter, you might not find your way out for days. :P I've spent quite a few solid afternoons reading the articles there and trying to sort through the ~10 tabs I inevitably have open at any one time. :-w I would certainly recommend it to anyone who hasn't vitisted before. :thumbup:
  14. Nothing much has ever happened to me which would warrant embarrassment, so I really only have one story to share: Sometime during my 6th(?) grade year, I believe, my school held an assembly, and all of the students were made to sit on the floor of the cafeteria while it was being held (the cafeteria was the only room large enough to hold everyone, and there weren't enough chairs). Anyway, the assembly lasted for over an hour (and was rather boring), so once it let out, we were all eager to leave. Because my class had been sitting towards the front, we were among the first to be let out. However, since I had been sitting cross-legged for quite awhile, my left leg had fallen asleep. As I stood up to leave, my leg collapsed from under me (it might as well have been dead; I couldn't feel it at all and hadn't even realized that I had cut off the blood-circulation). I kept trying to stand up and exit the room, but I literally couldn't walk for more than a few feet at a time before stumbling and falling over onto someone. Again, I was essentially at the front of the cafeteria, so everyone saw this while it was going on and started laughing. Eventually, a teacher helped to support me and escorted me out, but it was truly mortifying at the time. :-# Yes, I'm a terrible storyteller. :lol:
  15. As a university freshman, I'm currently just working through my Gen Ed courses, heh. :P However, I intend to major in Chemistry and preferably will make a career of being a pharmaceutical chemist afterward; I've always loved lab work, and synthesizing new drugs/medicines greatly appeals to me. Later, when I start to grow old(ish), I want to "retire" and teach at a university, if at all possible. It's probably foolish of me to plan so far ahead, but this is what I wish, and I can only hope that it'll all work out for me. :)
  16. Good luck, everyone. 'Looking forward to some interesting applications. :thumbup:
  17. This is the problem, though; we were initially told (upon the release of WGS) that the "Grandmaster" title would be far more than just another difficulty classification. Quests worthy of the title were supposed to not only be challenging (from many perspectives), but rich in the lore of Runescape. The fact of the matter is that Nomad's Requiem simply did not live up to expectations. It's not at all a misunderstanding, as you suggest. Honestly, can you even compare Nomad's Requiem to While Guthix Sleeps? ---------- Here are my thoughts on the quest: I knew that something was wrong after reading the announcement. I was excited at the thought of a Grandmaster quest, but was somewhat concerned when I saw that it would be a "medium"-length quest and would be "wildly different from While Guthix Sleeps". I also was disappointed in Jagex's decision to feature Nomad and the Soul Wars minigame. In my opinion, a Grandmaster sequel to the Legacy of Seergaze would have been more fitting; there wasn't enough back-story behind Nomad's actions (nor was there much interest) to warrant such attention, I believed. But whatever the case, I trusted that Jagex knew what they were doing and started the quest soon afterward. Let me make this clear before I continue further: I ENJOYED the quest. It was certainly an engaging and worthwhile update, and I particularly loved that we were given the opportunity to face a Mahjarrat (or so he's believed to be) in a truly epic, concluding battle. HOWEVER, I found practically every other aspect of the quest to be very disappointing. The one significant puzzle, while entertaining in a way, was ultimately too simple and reminded me of a watered-down variant of the Within the Light puzzles. I would have liked to have seen (considering that the entire quest was dedicated to infiltrating and exploring the Temple) additional puzzles of increasing complexity as we probed deeper into the dungeon. To be honest, having to lure a few elementals with bait and run through a chamber of corruption beasts to destroy the other machines were poor and unsatisfying substitutes. Puzzles aside, I would also have liked to learn more about the creatures in the Temple and the workings of the Soul Obelisk. We were given absolutely no information to this end, other than the general idea that the Soul Obelisk harvests souls as a power-source and the creatures are there to either maintain the machinery or bother the hell out of you. I felt that we were being railroaded throughout the entire quest, really. :mellow: I can't help mentioning (even though many others have already said so) that there was no motivation behind the quest. From the start, we were told to investigate Nomad's underground temple, and only because he seemed to have some secret plans he was keeping from Zimberfizz. We therefore invaded Nomad's lair and proceeded to trash the place (despite being warned off) while having "just a look around". None of this made sense to me, but it's not as if we haven't done much the same in other quests, so I continued on. After finally wrecking Nomad's security system (I much preferred Zemouregal's, by the way :P ), we barged into the throne room to confront him. I actually found this part amusing; Nomad understandably mistakes us to be an assassin (hell, after everything we had done up to that point, can you fault him?), while we insist that we were simply curious about what he was doing. We are then forced to fight for our lives as he leaps from his throne to attack us. Now, I would have liked a better reason to fight him (even if he does seem to be a bit chaotic/evil, I would have first attempted to make an ally of him against Lucien, who happens to be a greater threat), but I overlooked it since a chance to duel a Mahjarrat was too good to pass up. I must say - the fight itself was phenomenal. I sympathise with the many questers who will be unable to defeat him due to the combat-intensive requirements, but, in my opinion, the concluding battle has set a new standard for quest bosses and combat in general (at long last). Runescape has been sorely in want of more dynamic combat, and I believe this is a step in the right direction. I won't ramble on about the matter, but this certainly departs from the standard "attack a monster and eat as necessary" routine. Players who come unprepared or AFK during the fight simply won't get anywhere in this case. Anyway, while I greatly enjoyed the final battle, the rest of the quest left much to be desired and was unworthy of the "Grandmaster" title. Jagex obviously wanted to start the year off spectacularly by releasing a Grandmaster quest, but they've tarnished the title by attempting to do so here. As I and many others have said, Grandmasters were supposed to literally be extraordinarily rare, epic-level adventures which have been built up to throughout an entire quest series. They were advertised as essentially being culminating works of art, and I can't see how anyone can argue that Nomad's Requiem lives up to this description, even though it was great in its own right. Personally, I believe that any quest involving hand-to-hand combat with a Mahjarrat SHOULD be a Grandmaster, in all honesty; classifying such an experience as "Master"-level would be a disservice and a waste of potential. However, Jagex should definitely have taken more time to develop this quest, especially considering that it didn't have any history from past quests to fall back on. This could have worked out well, but the effort in creating the story just wasn't there, and I find that to be a terrible shame.
  18. Congratulations, Erichermit! That's quite an achievement. :o I'm still missing the aberrant spectre and skeleton scrolls, personally. :lol: Anyway, I heard these were fairly rare. I got it during a slayer task, so I suppose I'll finally be able to complete the barbarian training. :) [hide=Chewed Bones][/hide] Excuse the terrible quality; I keep forgetting that my computer has been ruining .gif files recently (for whatever reason). :unsure:
  19. I don't pretend to know who it is, as that's not my point at all. I simply find posts like these disgusting: <mod edit> No one should be judging someone they can't possibly know, and I was using Villandra's situation as an example for why that's wrong.
  20. The record-holder's username was probably left out intentionally, and I'm sure he/she wouldn't appreciate the attitude held by most of the people who've posted here. If it is Villandra, by the way, then all of you need to lay off. She's a kind person from what I've seen of her, and, according to this interview, she had a serious health condition which left her "confined to bed for 4+ years". So, no matter who it might be, drop the snide implications that he/she is a "no-life"; there may very well be circumstances you're not aware of.
  21. 281 days and 19 hours, as of now. This is over the 6 or 7 years I've been playing. :-w I find it a bit amusing, actually. I would never have expected that I'd be playing for this long, but Runescape continues to hold my interest, so I suppose I'll keep at it. :lol:
  22. Wongtong destroyed me. :lol: Heh, sorry I couldn't offer ya' much of a challenge. It was fun though. :P
  23. Rien

    Merry christmas!

    Merry Christmas! 'Hope you had a good one. :lol: Good luck with those skills as well. :)
  24. Merry Christmas, Jagex! 'And of course the same to everyone on Tip.It. <3:
  25. It looks absolutely fantastic. :thumbsup: 'Great work. :thumbup:
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