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Everything posted by Troacctid

  1. Yeah, why doesn't Jagex understand statistics? Everyone knows 85% means you can't fail.
  2. Now that I have all the scrolls I need, I think it's time to replace my telescope with a parrot so I can start getting slayer and herblore xp instead of spices and bones.
  3. It has to do with the skeleton of the character. The right arm has more joints than the left arm, and the whip animation needs them.
  4. There is effectively a price floor for tradable items though, since the untradable ones drop a fixed cash value when you die.
  5. At 20m for Tetsu legs, that's 400k per plate, 2.4m for a successful mission with merchant. (Source: I insta-sold legs for 19.3m a little while ago.) Seasinger and Death Lotus are worth less.
  6. Royal Crossbow is equivalent to dual chaotics, and Enhanced Excalibur is better than an offhand chaotic.
  7. If the game incentivizes afk snoozing rather than actually playing, then the problem is with the game.
  8. Just sold Tetsu Legs instantly for 19.2m, so confirming previous post there. That's way more than seasinger. I guess with Polypore around, nobody's interested. I should be done with my full superior sets once I finish the last trio mission. ^_^
  9. You're right, unless you're in a large with other people. Then you just become an [wagon]. Yeah, I guess that's an important caveat. Definitely good for solo though.
  10. I bet Jack of Trades is better for slayer xp.
  11. It absolutely is efficient to stop to fish, from a marginal standpoint. C2 fishing is the fastest pure fishing xp in the game. Stopping to fish in a dungeon you're already doing is like C2 fishing on crack--there's no xp penalty and you don't have to waste time on crappy C2 floors. Same story with mining and woodcutting.
  12. You need to select urns from the dropdown menu in the interface.
  13. How do they compare with Blazer?
  14. I had a 4th Merchant when I was still getting ship upgrades, but I switched to a 4th Oxhead later on when I stopped needing the extra resources.
  15. Try to contact Jagex employees outside of the Account Help section. There are probably community management people on, like, Twitter or something, and you can do some research to see if there are any email addresses you can write to.
  16. With only two, you won't get many good story missions, but you can still get scrolls and upgrade your port. You can get chi and lacquer from their resource voyages too. May as well get started.
  17. Seasinger and Tetsu look fine to me. Death Lotus maybe not so much, but meh.
  18. The reason they want so few is so that everyone who's doing them will be doing them all at once. There's no point to it if there's no competition, so there has to be a good crowd for every warband.
  19. Prayers on the ability bar makes prayer switching simple, and the latest graphical update made the animations pretty easy to track. In the old days you had to keep your head nice and clear so you could click to attack the healers, click to drink prayer pots, click to switch between prayers and inventory, and click to switch between protection prayers, all without misclicking. Now, everything can be done on the keyboard except attacking the healers, so you can keep your eyes on Jad the whole time and use hotkeys for the other stuff. Mage is better than range, but bring melee for the Xils; they're slow to kill with magic and you might as well save some time.
  20. You get a total of 100 plates from story missions if you do all the adventurers and the trios--more if you use merchants and Fortune of the Sea. So make sure you get those done. Other than that, set up two whale trophies and a mammoth skull, do plate missions when they come up, make sure you get all the scrolls, and send your other ships out to get steel for upgrades.
  21. I'm not too miffed here. I just sent out the xp mission that's going to get me 96 prayer. ^_^
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