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Everything posted by Hamtaro

  1. Firstly, where else should I put it? It's my personal place to put things I write that aren't worth their own thread. No one is forcing you to read the blog itself. Secondly, the main argument of your side seems to be that "it's not any different." If this is the case, there's nothing new to enjoy. How am I being selfish? My thread clearly suggested a decimal (more of a white dot in the hit splat than a mathematical decimal) or toggle to show the third digit or not. The definition of selfish is only caring about one's own needs or wants. My suggestion would be beneficial to everyone. In fact, if anyone is being selfish, it is you. You got your way so you now you ONLY want this way. Don't say it would be a waste of time to make this change. They wasted enough time multiplying everything by 10. "But the new potions that make your max HP higher..." Oh, right, because it's not possible to have 110/99 as your base (using base loosely) HP, right? You claim I'm jumping on the "wow bandwagon," yet I played it back in August 08 for a week. I didn't think I was "so cool" because I hit higher than a level 138 would in RS as a new player in WoW. To scale, it means nothing. This was honestly a pointless waste of resources. If they decide to make the toggle, they should let the kiddies set it at x10, x100, x1000, x10000, etc, etc so they can feel as "cool" as they want. Problem solved? Because it was possible to hit 0.1-0.9 before, right?
  2. INTRO: Hello, Jagex. I have been playing your game for six years as of next Sunday. I was a member of the so-called Miniclip generation that inspired you to introduce an age requirement for the game. I was 9. Now, I played my first two years in RSC. STORY: What did I get to begin the game with? 50 gp, a bucket, a pot, a fishing net, a pickaxe, and an axe (hatchet now?). I began the game, absolutely fascinated by the world around me. Instantly, with my older brother's "supervision," I began exploring this new world. I eventually made my home in the Dwarven mines, saving up for the beloved rune pickaxe (as a level 6) and obtaining 41 mining. One day, my brother wanted to train range, so he had me attack the dwarf (level 28?) and I died. I lost everything except my rune pic and 2 mith ores. I... I died... Tears filled my eyes as I watched people gather around my corpse saying "lmao." Now, did I quit over this? No. What did I do? I began leveling combat. I wanted my revenge against the dwarves. So I trained and I trained, hitting constant zeroes. Did I quit? I didn't have an in-game world map (I didn't even know about tabs either!) and I didn't have two people guarding every possible exit out of Varrock/Lumbridge/Draynor. Answer me Jagex, did I quit? Here I am six years later. What has kept me with this game through thick and thin? It's fun, there are constant updates (you never play the same game two weeks in a row), there was always that feeling of risk and the great sense of pride that followed, there was exploring a HUGE map, and there were, of course, my good friends. Now I ask you, Jagex, if I never had these things that today’s new players had, yet I’m still around, why bother? I did*’t care if I hit a 0, it was part of the game. I did*’t care if I got lost, I would simply find my way back to civilization. Exploring was FUN. I loved it. But now, all sense of awe and risk is gone… We have gates, interfering with day-to-day activities, we have a confusing new Hit Points system, and we have everything that my generation had to work for, essentially given to new players. Now, I couldn’t care less about fairness. I’m talking about the impact that some of these unnecessary issues have on the game. Let me ask you this, Jagex. When a new player stumbles upon your website, do they instantly subscribe to membership without playing the demo first (I know it’s not a demo, but for simplicity’s sake, go with it, please)? No. They will play the game and explore as I did. When they have completed most of the content in the free world, they may or may not become interested with the further features of the game. If they do, they subscribe, already being familiar with an eighth or so of the game. If you can remove p2p exclusive things on f2p worlds, couldn’t it be reversed as well? To put it simply, the gates have to go (at least in p2p). On top of this, I feel that the old Hitpoints system needs to be brought back into effect. The dev blog made it clear that the purpose of the HP update was so that new players weren’t killed as easily and that they would hit fewer 0s. As stated earlier, neither bothered me. We had food for the first, and patience for the latter. This HP update was simply unnecessary. At best, you could add a white dot to hit splats to signify a decimal. The veterans of this game have become accustomed to the classic 99 HP system. Players will still call LP/Constitution HP. Two examples of this would be the DDP still being called the DDS by nearly every player and the dragon hatchet being called the dragon axe. The name change was even more unnecessary than the system change. RuneScape is different from other MMO’s. I have gone off and tried several other ones with systems like the one implemented in RuneScape recently. The old system was far superior. I came to value the simplicity of it. But RuneScape is now, in my opinion, trying to just become another MMO out there, constantly copying their rivals. I don't appreciate this. The originality of RuneScape was a factor that kept me playing RuneScape instead of other MMO's, which were basically clones of each other with different graphics. Jagex, I beg you, I implore you... PLEASE do not continue to be like every other MMO. RuneScape is the last unique MMO and will be no different than the others if updates like these continue. If you so choose not to revert these updates, please, please, compromise. Add a decimal to the LP, remove the gates on Members worlds... something! I never complained about the removal of free trade. I never cried about the removal of the old PvP. I understood that both were necessary to the game's survival. But this... this is just... disgraceful, at best. I have remained loyal to this game throughout these six years, and I intend to do so for another 6 (and then some). Please let RuneScape stay unique. I would be extremely grateful if I was heard. Many players will appreciate this, and all-in-all, will keep more players loyal to the game. Tl;DR version: We love RuneScape and we want it to stay RuneScape :D
  3. You'll hit 500's the same amount of times as you hit 50's before this update. People seriusly need to read the update before complaining... If his max was 50 before, he had a 1/50 chance of maxing before. Now he has a 1/500 chance of hitting his max. Also, Nomad now hits harder and requires more food thanks to the awful update. One last thing... if you're boss hunting, are you going to be able to add up 145+387+249 in the amount of time you could add 14, 38, and 24? Thought not. Update was a pointless, waste of resources that could have been used on something beneficial to the game. If the little kids enjoy hitting 400s, they can go play WoW or any other copy of it. RS is the last unique MMO and I can assure you, if more updates like this follow, there will be no more unique MMOs. Seriously, this isn't World of RuneCraft. We aren't the people who get pleasure ( :wink: ) out of hitting high. If you think you're so cool by doing that, go play any copy of the same MMO. I'm sure you'll have fun? EDIT: Here's a Copy of my Epic Rant on RSOF. Yes it's long, but it is worth it. It's not only about the HP update, but about how the whole game suffers for a small minority, unnecessarily. It was ignored in Jagex Lite (suck up forum), so I'm going to guess the suck-ups agree with me but are too afraid because "Jagex won't give me my crown."
  4. I thought I read that you can, but they can't be the same (e.g. sap mage and leech mage). As you have 82, prayer, can you please test?
  5. This is why I was asking people with level 80+ prayer and Curses to try.
  6. Can someone with 80+ prayer and Curses confirm or not that Sap Mage, Deflect Magic, AND Leech Defence CAN all be used at the SAME time?
  7. I said the percentages were not accurate, no? It is simply to show that RoW increases your chances of getting the rare drop by deleting the blank spaces (no drop). Also, charms are a secondary drop, as in you can get a normal drop and a charm or just a charm (and the 100% drop like bones).
  8. Paint ftw. Anyway, the circles do not accurately represent the actual percentage of what drop. However, the second circles accurately show the odds of semi-rare, rare, and extremely rare drops double. This should show the logic of the Ring of Wealth. P.S. This black circle in the rare drop slither is meant to represent the whole slither, as the new wheel opened from that.
  9. These are real. Three of their friends saw them too. EDIT: 100th post :)
  10. The MMO, Ragnarok Online, has a Bard Class. Jagex has told us time and time again that the new skill has never been done before by any other game, which is why they have told us next to nothing about it. Therefore, Music/Bard will NOT be the new skill. However, if your anagram is correct, all that it probably means is that we will receive a new music track called Icy Tune, probably foreshadowing a new(ish) snowy area (like GWD, as you said).
  11. Have you tried using a knife on the book?
  12. [spoiler=Only good prediction I've heard.]
  13. Necromancy = Summoning You should speak to Malignius Mortifer. You should value new information over old information that has been in the game for 2 years and has been long forgotten about by Jagex. Summoning is bringing back dead creatures according to The Ancient Hymnal. That's the definition of Necromancy. Summoning = Necromancy, end of story. If you need even further evidence the new skill won't be Summoning, it's in WoW. Jagex said the skill hasn't been done in another MMO. The New Skill Will be: Sailing/Boating/Pirating/Buccaneering Necromancy Bard/Music Engineering/Inventing/Science Exploration Sleuth Archeology Banana Failing Anchoring (Sailing was a typo)
  14. To avoid confusion, the the word "Improvements" should be placed in quotations in the title :wink: .
  15. Only Jagex would find a way to make something unrelated to game content easier :-? . I hope it will at least be good.
  16. Amanap! Backwards is Panama!. Panama is know for its canal. You need boats to cross the water of a canal. BOATS MEANS probably nothing.
  17. In case anyone is wondering who actually posts in rants, this picture should summarize it: [spoiler=Large Image]amg jamflax nerf new pots nao!!!!!!1111! u mite as wel ad herbie to cmb (as an example)
  18. I was thinking of a former player who was considered rich and returned after an extended absence from the game. He liquidated his bank before quitting considering the deflation that should have happened. But this is RuneScape, and while many aspects of its economy mirror our own world (supply/demand), some parts are completely backwards (like finished products being worth less than raw materials).
  19. Price increases are caused by more than just over-hyped inflation. Discontinued items get rarer as more people quit, and more desired as more people join the game. More members means more nature runes, means cheaper nature runes, means more alching, means more total GP in the game, resulting in a general increase in prices. And with GP being easier to come by, fewer people are gathering raw materials themselves, and are instead just buying it all, also resulting in higher item prices. More members also means more demand for nature runes.
  20. I was digging through some old files to delete to make room on my hard drive today.Specifically, I was looking through my old Hypercam clips, when I came across something I found interesting. It was a video of myself recording the last day of merchanting (thinking the update would be right at midnight GMT). The clip may be a little blurry, but one can tell what people are saying for the most part. Also, please forgive the many spelling/grammar errors, I was only 13½ years old. Last Day of Free Trade What I noticed between the prices was that they have actually gone up for the most part, despite having an extra two years of new items flooding into the game. This plainly shows the detrimental effects of the inflation this year by PvP statues. What items did you notice that changed greatly or stayed the same? Did anything surprise you? If this is in the wrong section, please move it. If this does not belong on the forums, please lock/delete it.
  21. While I agree that there's no plausible evidence to support human caused global warming, I still believe we need to conserve the limited natural resources we have. Besides, cows (6M worldwide in 2005) produce more methane gas (which would theoretically raise the temperature more than Carbon Monoxide/Dioxide) from belches than cars (600M worldwide in 1997) can produce carbon monoxide. Essentially, McDonalds has done more to stop global warming than Al Gore. To whoever said it is not a natural cycle, how exactly did they grow grapes in Scotland in medieval times? I don't think there were any cars/factories back then, but correct me if I'm wrong, of course :roll: . Also, please shovel my driveway and plow the roads this coming winter. I'm not a fan of all the snow that falls in Michigan, especially when everyone in Michigan sucks at driving as it is. As far as I'm concerned global warming would be a good thing. Why? Shorter winter (my personal favorite), disease is not as easily spread (people will be outside for more than walking to/from your car!), less automobile accidents related to ice on the roads, longer farming season (more food for the starving), decrease in child obesity (kids will actually go outside and get exercise during the winter months), not having to get up at 5:30 to shovel 6-12 inches before school (or work for some of you), and lastly we will be able to look back at the fear mongers (and clips from the Day After Tomorrow used in Gore's "documentary") and laugh. "But the arctic will melt." Why wouldn't be be able to find a way to harness all of that FRESH water? Certainly we can't give it to people in Africa who have no clean water... "But sea levels will rise." See above. Bring on the warm :thumbup: .
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