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Everything posted by Rockgabriel9

  1. Granted. You are now a movie called "The Life and Adventure of Henry the Potato" on the star "Sun" in a galaxy 100m lightyears away from Earth. I wish I was Henry the Potato.
  2. Some guy called a black person an "Andrew Gower". Very racist. :shame: I am always wrong.
  3. Because superiors are always [wagon] that think they are right. It's not smart to use "Runescape Cleen" on yourself to save yourself from Runescape because...
  4. Because you are mentally unstable and sexually deranged. OMFGZ CAN I HAZ THAT FOLL BRONZE PLZ NOOB! I REPORT U IF U DNT GIV ME! PLZ CAN I HAS IT N00B!!!!!>!??!1/1//11
  5. Does Waldo like to eat mudkipz?
  6. Runescape. They made a book, so why not a movie? I've never read the book so I don't know if its good or not.
  7. Zelda OOT. Learnt how to read by playing Zelda... Nostalgia
  8. What I really hate is when a mod postes on this kind of thread then locks it so that he wins and no one can win it back... Oh shi- I just gave you mods a idea? :ohnoes:
  9. You know you're a rs nerd when you post on a Rs fansite like this one. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  10. Who cares if it is nerdy? It's fun and that all that matters. RUNESCAPE FTW!
  11. You know you're a rs addict when... At xmas time you steal all the chrismas crackers to sell at The Warehouse for 500M. You know you're a rs addict when... You scream "OMFG! THE NEW RUNESCAPE GRAPHICS ARE AWESOME!!11!!" upon waking up and looking out the window.
  12. If it's rainy, yes. TPUM is my idol.
  13. Wrong! The entire snake body IS a leg. I am always wrong.
  14. Hllo all. My nam is Rockgabril9. I enjoy ggnog vn tho I don't know what it is. Nic to mt you Tipit mmbrs. Thr! I didn't us th lttr ! Oh damn...
  15. Six. Dude, I always end up with all the crap numbers...
  16. *Nothing comes to mind as it is the middle of the night and i'm not thinking straight* Myself.
  17. I kill you by... Wtf? You're alredy dead? *Kills self in place of Death*
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