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Everything posted by yurpsie

  1. 266 User(s) are reading this topic. And yet, so few posts :(
  2. But, imagine level 3s with 10 hp going for the slayer cape. What do you think will kill them first? The dragons or waterfiends?
  3. But natures can't go below a certain price because its use for alch.
  4. It was first thought to be for summoning, but that was wrong.
  5. So they spent time dressing themselves up as zombies and dish us rotten updates?
  6. Now its my turn to be one of the 1/4. How long does it take?
  7. Someone try all the combinations! :)
  8. I checked all the people in the 'friend activities' and they are all legit. Wouldn't Jagex test this on dummy accounts?
  9. I would say I am very unlucky with drops until I got a visage a few months ago. But, it went back to being unlucky again.
  10. Seriously, it isn't hard to get vials of water or newt eyes. I'm happy that Jagex capped this. I think they should do the same for all merchanted items. I want to see all merchants make a loss and burn in hell :)
  11. But, I bet it drains your prayer faster than piety. And, it does NOT work with Ancient Magicks ice spells hold duration. So, you'd still be stuck for 30 s if someone barrages you.
  12. I don't have a picture, but heres the video. If you look carefully, there is an * whch says: Hold time is not reduced against Ancient Magicks Ice spells. Not much use then for that...
  13. They made this update because of: The high leveled people complaining about the lack of updates The point of making it untradable is to ensure only those with HIGH herblore benefit. If it is tradable: 1. These potions would cost thousands of gp for a dose. 2. Raw materials for these potions will rise (if untradable: the cost will spread out throughout the herblore skill making the impact less) 3. Any random person can kill you in pvp (if untradable: you can spy on their herblore level) But, I do agree that it gets weird when mixing non-combat and combat skills. It somehow looks like those with high herblore should have additional combat levels added.
  14. I am disappointed with the broad bolts issue. There is no place to buy finished broad bolts and you need 300 slayer points to buy the ability to fletch them. I need broad bolts badly to do my slayer assignment and I can't any since Jagex screwed up. Now, I'll have to wait for the price to go over mithril bolts price and then I'll have to start using mith bolts instead. I still need 240 slayer points to get the ability.
  15. So does this mean that you can send use familiars while ranging in safe spots?
  16. I've had a visage + rune battleaxe from an iron dragon. No pic though.
  17. So, whats the difference between this and the protect item prayer? Previously you had the risk of losing your item if you forgot to turn on the prayer or ran out of prayer points. Now its absolutely risk free... But, you can't gain ep by 1-iteming anymore.
  18. Its just like a roulette table, but with extra roulettes in it. The 1st roulette has common drops such as gold. To get a rare item, you need to get a certain number. (The chance could be something like 1 in 500*) Then, you move on to the second roulette. You WILL still have common drops on this roulette. The only difference is that some of them now have drops like visage and d legs. The chance on this table is something like 1 in 500* for d legs and 1 in 1000* for visage. So, the TOTAL chances of you getting a visage would be 1 in 5000*. This means that THEORETICALLY you will have to kill 5000* dragons to get a visage. (Score a certain number in Roulette 1 AND Roulette 2) But, this is not perfect as you are ASSUMING that you are score every single combination on the roulettes. *The numbers I use as examples and are not necessarily correct. The ring of wealth increases your chances of getting into Roulette 2. I have gotten a visage before, based on sheer LUCK. I was doing an iron dragon task then. I have killed less than 300 dragons in my whole runescape life.
  19. I know that you need to water your plants in real life, or else they will die. But, what is the point of watering them in Runescape farming? I have watered my plants and NOT water them and they still grow. Does watering affect your yield or chance of getting diseased? The tip.it guide says you need to water it to let it start growing, but they will still grow anyway if unwatered. (allotments)
  20. Is that a real word? No, thats not a real word but I think most people know what it is supposed to mean. (unless of course some nutcase decides to see it without the apostrophe)
  21. I think the general age of the Runescape Community is decreasing. For the past year, I've been seeing high level players acting very immaturely, even more so in members than f2p. When I first became a member in 2006, people were different. They were less obnoxious about their fire cape or skill cape or how much the 'pwned' you. I have been playing Runescape since 2004, obviously not all the time since I had to juggle things with school and uni. But, I grew along with it. I was 14 then, and now turning 19. I have never called someone a noob or any other offensive names, but thats just me. We had scammers back then and even some really immature people. But now, what bugs me is the number of disrespectful high level players. There exist all the time, but I seem to be noticing them more often now. Level 110+ with skill capes and awesome stats which you look up towards. But, what is there to respect when they behave inappropriately?
  22. I got this from the official forum:
  23. With all due respect, I actually found Tip.it's response quite appalling compared to Rune Village. If I was new to a fansite I would have actually chosen RV instead of tip.it from the above post. I know Siobhana probably wants it to sound cheerful and fun but for something which was going to be made public, it didn't show much effort in publicising Tip.it. Compared to the descriptions RV gave, it was pretty much a let down. So, what do we have? 2 sentences on what tip.it is? Also, it might be painfully obvious, but I still do think the web address should be given clearly. Again, if I was new, I'll probably just think Tip.it as a name. (I won't know it was hosted in Italy) I'll probably think www.tipit.com
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