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Everything posted by 123Yourgone

  1. Att would lose both fights, str would probably beat def, becouse if he maxes the def pure needs to hit 1 27 times to make up 1 hit.
  2. It fits quite well in the dictionary deffinition moron, couse its a melee pure and free from any non melee influences, next time you feel the need to post to try to look smart, dont bother.
  3. I try to keep the amount of gp I bring in there as low as possible, Mage Pots are worth 6k and Mind Bombs are about 2 gp each. Id hate to be that poor.
  4. Thanks shaza for closing all the coherent discussions and directed us towards an average post you seem to be biased towards, mod abuse ftw. I adapted to the wilderness, i adapted to runescape 2, i adapted to special attacks, i adapted to barrows sets, i adapted to whips, i adapted to range specs being changed. Ive reached the point where i dont want to HAVE to adapt every time jagex gives into the whiners and nerfs something i have grown used to, MAKE YOUR [bleep]ING MINDS UP JAGEX!.
  5. :o!!! So do PKers. They get what they want. :o!!! So do F2P'ers. They got some things they didnt deserve, I think that. :o!!! So do half the population of RS! Even you would've. And btw I dont always find something to "bleep" about. I have only ranted 1/2 times... In comparison to the people my age - 14 I am smarter than most. :) And no, you're not an idiot if the average IQ of F2P is low... It just shows that the AVERAGE/MOST PEOPLE I HAVE SEEN are stupid. 5-20 people in 5 minutes in a bank "Weres the xmas event" "Look it up in the guide or the knowledge base" "wat?" Pkers get what they want? are you [bleep]ing kidding me? the update your whining about made what i estimate to be 50,000 pkers quit. My friends list were 90% pkers and no ones on anymore, most of the clan world has quit also. This has been the least friendly update for pkers in the history of runescape. Pull your head out of your anus.
  6. [bleep]ing good pkers not on that list: Dragon saber (Amazing mage.) Wickedwayz (All arround brilliant pker.)
  7. Because then RWTers buy expensive weapons/armour, bring them to the wilderness, and lose them for real-world cash. Then the "buyer" goes and does whatever he/she wants with the 20M item. Not if they have a cant take it in if you cant equip it policy and wilderness limited to 2 worlds.
  8. You said that I said that Jagex said they hated skillers. No. I said that Jagex are wanting us to have combat stats. 1. Which WILL require combat. 2. Didn't I mention I was F2P? Look at it this way, Runescape is the olympics, you are a cripple. You have to play in the special olympics with limited options becouse you broke your own knee cap. No one is to blame but you. Do you run arround in first person shooter games wielding only the knife despite having many options in weaponary available to you and complaining that the npcs are too hard?.
  9. You payed for the service at that time. You have no reason to be refunded. Thats like going to a resturaunt, eating there, then saying "Wheres my food? Refund me now!!" You pay for a month, you pked for a month. Next month you can't pk so you cancel your membership. Simple, you got your service no need for a refund. No idiot i payed for 3 months, and jagex was advertising it when i payed. A more complete analogy would be me going to a gym to get a good ab work out, i research this gym and find out they have excelent abflexers, i pay out 3 months in advance and start my membership, later that week they take away all the abflexers they advertised to get me in there. Im the consumer, i payed for an advertised product, i got shafted.
  10. I payed for membership to do something they advertised on the main webpage, pk. They advertised it, i payed, they took it away, pretty sure i have the right to rant, considering they took away what i paid for and never refunded me.
  11. But you have a point about most of the entire RS econemy getting hit. The major buyers of cooked shark were pkers, i myself was buying about 10k a month. God swords are garbage without wild or arena, prices will drop or they will become a novelty item like a party hat people pay huge for just to walk arround in. People wont alch huge ammounts of stuff as often anymore stop and think, no need for any high lvl spels anymore, no need for high mage, no need to alch. Not too mention that since runecrafting is riskless now nat prices will drop regardless, and since bots are gone ess prices will rise. This update may have killed rwts but it also killed freedom. If the united nations decided that they could get rid of all the criminals in the world by making it so that your choices in life were limited to only what the government thought was apropriate would you support it?
  12. What the hell do quests have to do with anything i had 173m total xp and had 120 qp.
  13. And yet with all those who quit it didn't make one bit of difference. \ The servers were still full. The hunting areas still crowded. The wilderness still PK free. There is obviously so many, many, MANY more people who feel that RuneScape is much more than PKing. :thumbsup: It seems like that last nail HASN'T gone into the coffin of RuneScape after all! In fact, there seems to be many nails left to go. :-w But not for me, rs is fine for the boring people who like to grind away all day and have no reward in the end. You have nothing to compete against anymore, no challenges, Big [bleep]ing deal you lvled smithing to 99 and can make full rune, whos gunna buy it?. Oh look you runecrafted 200k nats, oh damn no one needs teleblock or barrage anymore, looks like you cant sell them. Oh look you got 99 fishing, shame no pkers left to buy those shark. You got a dark bow? its useless now. Throw away your dharoks sets. Omg sweet you got a godsword, but wait it sure is slow xp killing monsters with it, meh prolly better to sell it to a rich pker or staker.. oh wait.. you cant. Your a herblorist? Good luck selling bulk super sets now. Your into cooking? no one will buy your cooked shark anymore, so you gotta fish your own or make a net loss of 1k per shark. Your into crafting?, no buyers for black hide sets, str ammys, rings of recoils. This update effected the whole game, maybe if you pulled your head out of jagexs [wagon] you would realise that. The weak bend over and take whatever gets thrown at them, the strong make a stand. When the going gets tough the tough gets going, the tough dont stand arround and hope things get better.
  14. Dunno how you came to believe the most anti combat update since rs2 itself was anti skillers. :?
  15. Every one i know who said they would quit did, and thats a list of several hundred players, myself included. Sure pking may have become a small part of runescape by the end, but without it runescape is as amusing as one tennis player.
  16. I have made The macabre The--macabre Runit3hunt3r purelybrutal darksoul ds Zombie ds Rune drizzt reaper poo giver of poo plaguefear plaguewrath A stray Dog Want2stakeme Want2pkyou mk pride ksb runit3 99 cape To name a few accounts ive made over the years, almost all of them have had decent stats, some are banned.
  17. Well - the level of ignorance here tells me that I'm wasting my time. Sorry for bothering you, enjoy your PKer free game. :wall: Er gid.. click the little rsn button under ratchets name, then realise you have wasted your time posting here. Of course the updates havnt affected this imbecile his highest ranked skill is 37 woodcut. :|
  18. Lol, I wouldnt get out of bed for 15 grand a year, they get a lot more.
  19. Erm... Why can't I attack people on most of the map then? +1 Although the wild was indeed huge, it wasnt THE game Originally you COULD attack people anywhere on the map, jagex has slowly killed pking over the years, but runescape was built arround it, makes it a sad shell of a game in my oppinion with no pking.
  20. Yes jagex will pay some of their 100 or so employees to watch the 9 million or so accounts to make sure ip adresses dont change :roll:
  21. Lol, no more insane plans. I'm just going to fletch for a bit on Vill before summoning comes out, take a nice little break. Which is kind of funny because I said in the interview I didn't think I could fletch again :oops: I do have a 1 def account that is currently 67 combat and 78 slayer. I might play on her again later if I get bored on Vill. But other than that, no. I am planning on slaying more on Vill, if I can stay motivated without having more lvls to get. Not planning on going for any ranks hardcore. Just have to see what happens. Brendan says hi, he has been working out of town too much to play lately.
  22. I said it, But it prolly broke the naming name rules, even though posting jagex message to him also broke rules so dunno why mods here are hypocrites. Anyway he is a cheat regardless, one of the worst. Any proof? And how can he be the worst cheater with all of those evil RWTs?He was one of the worst rwts, he even bought the acc krazyfaken for 200m. My brother in law bigal 87 bought 4 party hats off him for 1500$ aus in 2005 when he still used his old account. He got banned for rwt but had several mules with rares, he payed the real faken 200m for the faken account, his name irl is sam. Admins, if your going to delete this for naming names delete the entire post couse sam is a rwt and also autoed a lot, its not fair that he is made out to be a fair law abiding player slighted by jagex, makes all the people who actually didnt break rules and got in trouble look bad.
  23. Please dont preach on a subject if you are clearly ignorant, half the isps in the world randomly assign an ip adress EVERY time you connect, ip adresses are not an accurate way of detecting acc sharing. I can change mine at will.
  24. You may of. Lol. So do you have a younger brother named aj who plays stork pk couse he says he is your brother, he played the acc and did all the pking on it, he says he has met april and that gage is his nephew..
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