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Everything posted by 123Yourgone

  1. I said it, But it prolly broke the naming name rules, even though posting jagex message to him also broke rules so dunno why mods here are hypocrites. Anyway he is a cheat regardless, one of the worst.
  2. Ive already told you on msn that i have also quit lime, but i thought id post here and say thanks for a well written post, you have really pointed out the worst aspect of this new update (Though id have quit from the wilderness update alone).
  3. you can try to convince account buyers of that. i dont buy it. face it jagex has shut rwt down on rs and for it to continue on runescape it would require people to adopt these characters with no interaction between their mains. why would they stay on botting rs or selling bots? just to be a pain. their profiting motive is gone, cant make much profit now. in some ways the criminals need the cops and the cops need the criminals. the fact is cheaters profits are reduced significantly if they stay with runescape. were they to move on to another game; its easier for them to do what they've been doing. water seeks the path of least resistance. even if they find a justification that explains away their true motives they will still choose and convince others to relocate their shops to another game simple as that. dont be naive. I said nothing about rwt, rwt is over on rs, botting will continue, if you think botting was only done by rwts your a fool. There will be more autoers then ever before, but they wont be autoing yews or shark, they will be autoing combat stats and runecrafting ect.
  4. Only 3 out of the 200 poeple on my list were playing today, one of those was only on to give away his stuff, i would have taken some but i was in the process of giving out my bank also.
  5. Villandra is awesome, very nice person, another cool fact: She also has a lvl 74 or so with 85 slayer called villaninja.
  6. Thats why the pkers are angry at skillers, half of the skillers who never pked are saying Meh i dont care i didnt pk anyway. I never EVER lvl farming, if it got taken away i would stand up for the skillers who enjoyed it. Skillers however seem to place themselves on a pedastal where pkers stakers and combat based characters are nothing to them. Who cares if we lost the most fun part of the game to us, yours remained unchanged.
  7. The funniest part is.. with staking and pking, the gold was constantly moving arround.. Now with the new updates people like urballzrmine will be richest players on rs forever, as they have no possible way to lose 22 billion+ gp. So the rich stakers are still richer then all you people crying about how they unfairly made their mils, and have no chance of ever losing it.
  8. I 100% disagree that jagex is slowly killing rs, they killed it pretty damn fast. Out of our irc channel about 15 people out of about 25 have quit, out of my friends list i just logged in to see no one online.
  9. Yeah, worst update ever, like 3/4 of my friends list quit becouse of it (i quit with the staking update myself).
  10. This guy claims to be your brother in real life, that his name is AJ and that you never did any of the pking on dsm.
  11. Then let them, id rather have rmts ruin the game then the games creators. To be honest i never cared about macroers, they play there game, i play mine, my gameplay was barely affected. Macros were like a beesting.. Jagex's latest updates were like a mouthful of spit to the face and a dagger in the back simultaniously, followed by andrew defacating on my remains, much the same as he has on runescape.
  12. That's nice for them, really. Sadly they also stopped my fun and my subscription in it's tracks. Fair trade? Perhaps. I can no longer feel like a break from WoW / Lineage 2 and log in for a few hours PKing. I can't. Have you tried to solo in bounty hunter? Really? Twice today I ended up 'teaming' with a bunch of random illiterates, my target amongst my own team, unable to kill him 'cause I would get jumped by my own team. Twice I narrowly avoided getting lured. Honor is dead, Solo PvP is dead. 'Long live teaming luring level 90 newbs in dhide gangbanging lone level 60's'??? Lol. Add solo PvP zones, and stricter level ranges and I may play. Either way, it seems entirely ridiculous to sacrifice the only reason I ever logged into RS - To solve a problem that hardly impacted me. Maybe you care about RWT'ers. Maybe. But believe me, the vast majority don't. Ditto, i canceled 7 subscriptions, 4 of them have been going since february 2004 non stop till the duel arena update.
  13. Rwt is dead, becouse with 0 people playing the game no one will buy gold. Gf jagex you won the war against rwts, at the cost of memberships, self respect, the game you have worked for years to build, integrity, any chance of anyone wanting to play mechscape. Congrats :|
  14. If you wanted boring repetitiveness with no risk whatsoever neopets was always there for you.
  15. 1) Then do it. You've got a month. 2) Full iron is 3k? Since when? Unless of course you wanted to give him a bunch of things a newbie doesn't really need.... You cant honestly believe the garbage you talk, get of andrews nuts and realise this is the worst thing thats ever happened to rs, except them letting you sign up.
  16. I have only logged into rs since the staking update to give my items away, i cancelled 7 memberships.
  17. Pvp has always, from the start, been one of the best money makers. Jagex actually mentions it as a money maker in the manuel. And its a streaming video moron it cant be keylogged. Skills are boring, we dont all have to be you ok? You like skills.. I like to pk. Why is your method better then mine? Skilling for your money may not be hard, but its about the least fun thing i have ever done. I play games for fun, not for mindless boring grind.
  18. LOL, the bots will be worse then ever. The only real way to make money now off rs is to sell accounts, so the botters have already started custom account services, which will all be autoed. Instead of buying rs mils now you buy a char with 99 woodcut 50m cash and 99 fishing and cooking.
  19. 1) Why would you do that? To gang up on people 50 vs 1? real brave. 2) I agree there. But you've got a month to figure something out. 3) Get over it. Its a damn fine replacement. TBH- If all the pkers in RS quit, I wouldn't care to much. Judging by what I've seen today, RS is better off without them. Clans fight other clans. Lootshare sucks, theres no possible way to share anymore, cant figure anything out. Its not a damn fine replacement its a damn [cabbage] replacement. A map half the size of runescape itself to roam across and fight, or 1 [cabbage]ty arena. If your not pvp then dont comment on a pvp update [bleep]er, if jagex removed your boring skills all the pkers would stand up for you, but [bleep]y little skillers like yourself seem to think the game revolves arround you.
  20. Oh im not leaving tip it, i been a member here since the start, but yes i have left rs, so your safe in the wild, mind you thanks to the new lame updates you were safe anyway.
  21. Stealing? ARE YOU [bleep]ING [developmentally delayed]ED! Im out there fighting willing pkers, we are all willing pkers, as a matter of fact even the scumbags who kill skillers are fighting people who willfully entered AFTER reading the warnings. Pull your head out of your [wagon] [kitty]. Some people like risks, if you dont go play wow or guildwars. There is NO fun with NO risk. This is not about rwt's, if it was they would find away to go about it without pissing 30% of the player base off.
  22. You got two stats on the highscores, niether of them combat stats, i can see how the pking update effects you you [bleep]ing [bleep]. I have 47 million combat experience and i am pissed that jagex has completly [bleep]ed the pvp aspect of runescape. And im running? ive played since [bleep]ing february 2001 throughout that 7 years the combat risk v reward system has remained unchanged, jagex has gone too far this time.
  23. Teleblock no longer exists. Its a clue of where you are supposed to PK now.... And the only people Jagex "Came After" were rwts and bots. You are the most ignorant person i have ever seen. This was never about bots and rwts if you think it was your are gullible in the extreme. Runescape was the only game that offered risk and reward pking, which was the sole reason a lot of people played it. Now its just a [bleep]ing kiddy game, they should remove the 13+ rule and makes it 13 or lower. And whats with that stupid comment you made about going to the duel arena if you want risk.. PMG IM RISKING 3K !!! I R TERRIFIED!! Gj moron, no matter how much jagex [wagon] you kiss they are not going to make you a mod, you should stop and smell the roses, they dont smell good.
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