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Everything posted by Arceus

  1. I recall 540k after the initial update, or maybe it was 525k...
  2. By the way, where is Tip.It's graph of the number of current subscribers? I did a search but failed to find it.
  3. But the number of 14 day trial memberships "dropping off" the list should be equal to the number of new ones, unless they're massively accelerating the number of bots they use.
  4. Recently the number of "subscribers" has apparently soared. I think I know why:
  5. Previously, before free trade, if you bought one bolt from the Grand Exchange, you would have to wait four hours to sell any, which is what I meant. It will be interesting to see what happens to prices in the next few days anyway.
  6. Thank you. I didn't know the exact syntax.
  7. It's almost the same except the sell restriction is completely gone.
  8. There is a lot of speculation on that thread about introduction of such a cash shop.
  9. When you have to pay 2%-5% extra for your items instead of the minimal margin flippers create, you may not be so thrilled.
  10. As explained per [qfc]15-16-996-63680246[/qfc] you can only buy the quantity limit of an item, and even if you sell some, you cannot buy anymore, as you could formerly. Any thoughts on this?
  11. It apparently automatically scales down to the highest tiered tool you can use, and when you meet the requirements to use it, it returns to its original effectiveness. This is going to endlessly confuse people. Just watch...
  12. How much total xp/total level do you have? I can still post despite being F2P atm, but maybe they re-raised the requirements? I well exceed the requirements, so I doubt that's the issue.
  13. I can't post on the forums (it says only qualifying free players). Is this a little bug or did they remove f2p from the forums now?
  14. And you can't view the toolbelt while you're under attack (which is virtually constantly) while rushing. It's trading one problem for another.
  15. I'm not liking the dungeoneering update so far...we have a bright yellow notification message that I can't even read, followed by no way to check which keys we have, aside from memorization or scrolling up. Edit: Well you can see the keys, but it's really inconvenient, especially while rushing through the dungeon...
  16. There was probably some payment or understood payment from Google to Jagex. Very few things in the business world are given for free.
  17. I spend a lot of time playing, but I wouldn't say I'm addicted. Often I've had to put off skilling completely due to having a ton of other higher-priority things to do.
  18. Apparently sometime between a couple weeks ago and now, a few forum threads vanished from the clan forums section of RuneScape under my clan's page, and only stickied threads remained. I know that no one removed them, so where did they go? Do they disappear due to inactivity? A similar thing has happened in the past.
  19. The people who do this drive me crazy, and even when I try to explain it to them they don't seem to understand that they could make money and then buy the stuff faster. They don't say "I know, but this is more fun" which I could respect.
  20. Considering all the subsequent changes, I would have do disagree. It's the art of public relations. They're not exactly going to panic and disclose it publicly via a frontpage update, are they?
  21. I agree with this. It's interesting to have skills differ in training speed by an order of magnitude.
  22. Isn't this pretty much copying Gmail's April Fool last year?
  23. I can get on the client without a problem, but it's so quiet :unsure: .
  24. If I'm not mistaken you can talk to the Wise Old Man in Draynor who should help.
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