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Everything posted by Huta

  1. Huta

    Jagex = Mystery

    That's true, but you're forgetting that a lot of people would start buying from the Cash Shop now that it would be a legitimate way to spend their money. Also, people feel safer when buying from legit source, than when buying from websites that could scam them. If you still have doubts: Flyff is a perfect example of the success of Cash Shops at keeping the botters away, ask anyone who played the game. True. Let's say they release the cash shop, and one of the items is a nice shiny dragon platebody for $25. That item goes into circulation in the game, and gets a market value of about 10m. (pretty decent for something that accessable). All the botters have to do is sell their e-gold for $2 per 1m, and somebody could get the plate for cheaper. The botters simply have to lower their prices to below Jagex' values, and they stay in business. 1) Why are you trying to pick a fight? 2) I just have provided an idea: a Cash Shop. 3) This post is a rant, not a suggestion topic. 4) Jagex is a company with paid employees, this is their game, the responsability to provide solutions to their self-created botting problem lies with them. I'm not trying to pick a fight. I was referring to the fact that you go down a list of complaints, but don't offer any solutions. True, this isn't a suggestion thread, but from personal experience I think it's far too easy to blindly complain about something that's wrong than try and find a solution. The deal is, if someone were to sit down and try to think of lasting answers to the macroer/gold farmer problem, it's hard to come up with a cure. Way I see it, Jagex is stumped as to what they can do to fix the problems cropping up in RuneScape. Even the slightest stuff they do, like the shop update and the change to the wilderness (both updates that struck at botters) gets hit with the flame bat megatime. It's not easy to fix a problem when every time you take a stab at a solution you get flamed by the people you're trying to help.
  2. Huta

    Jagex = Mystery

    I agree with your point. But ultimately, this is their game. It is them who have decided to make it the way it is now, and they are the only ones who can do something about it. And when, time after time, they fail to do something about the botting: it's very discouraging, and it's normal that people get upset. Maybe adding a Cash Shop is the only realistic way to get rid of the botters. People wanting to spend money on Runescape could buy Cash Shop items, whose value in gp would be elevated, thus it would be an indirect way to "buy" gp. I'm not sure what's worse, a CS, or this botting problem... That wouldn't solve a thing, the bots would simply provide the same materials for a lower price. As far as I can see, there's just about nothing that can be done to fix the macro problem without radically changing the entire game's goals. I suppose you could take the method I mentioned before, and make RS a pk-everywhere system, maybe add some player guilds for individual protection while training, but can you imagine the rants that would come from the skiller base? So far you've attacked Jagex's lack of ideas, but haven't even provided any of your own.
  3. Huta

    Jagex = Mystery

    Honestly, I've never heard of Flyff, but I do have some experience with both Everquest and World of Warcraft. No WoW player ever accused Blizz of being greedy or uncaring (at least not seriously =p) Occasionally someone would whine that the GMs are too strict, or complain about the changes the lastest patch caused, or whatever - but that's about all...and they still have the same problems RuneScape does. Personally, the only game I've ever seen that doesn't have a botting problem is the one I've been playing a bit lately, Shadowbane, and that's more to do with its pvp system than any special measures taken by the company running it. (Pk anywhere, guild system, very complex combat system - a bot wouldn't last more than a few seconds in a hotzone.) That's not to mention that money isn't a goal like it is in this game, more of a means. Another one of the things aiding the botting problem is the nature of RuneScape itself...it's a posterchild of a grind mmo, with no get-rich-quick schemes. It's a browser-based, simple to operate, game, with easily macroed controls. Add this to its runaway success, and you have a botting problem waiting to happen. When it takes several hundred hours to get decent skills to make money with, and even more using those skills, it's inevitable that people will try the easy way with buying gp from somebody - making RuneScape one of the most profitable rpgs on the market for a botter org. Blaming this all on Jagex really isn't fair...
  4. Huta

    Jagex = Mystery

    "Why are they unable to find a proper solution for bots, like all the other mmorpgs?" You mean like WoW, with its growing gold farming base? Like Everquest, with the 20 million accounts being sold on ebay by gold farmers? Name almost any mmo with any sort of popularity, and you'll find bots and farmers. Heck, Everquest gave up on fighting them a long time ago, they don't even enforce the rule against it. I went surfing the web for other mmos the other day, and even the smaller ones, like Last Chaos and ShadowBane had little notices warning about the reprocussions of buying ingame money. If you think rl-traders are a RuneScape problem, you really need to try out some other games. It's hardly a problem exclusive to Jagex. On another note, if all Jagex cares about is money, I don't see how ticking off the majority of the game with unpopular updates makes them any money, do you? And by that, I don't mean only the updates like the chaos shortcut, I also mean updates like the change in the single zone combat in the wilderness - something unpopular with the majority, but still beneficial and needed. It helped pkers in the only pking area they have.
  5. How strange, even is f2p too.. :XD: Hehe, so you checked. I haven't been online in a long while, so I don't have members atm. If I ever get back to RS, though, I'll be paying again.
  6. Hey, if it's a waste of money to buy members, it's a waste of time to play. A lot of people just wanted something else, someting more original. The hood isn't bad, but it's not the newest thing out there. Yeah yeah, f2p doesn't have a hood. So what? They didn't have anything else on that list... And as for being glad they gave us something - if they didn't update the game, I wouldn't play or pay. It's not worth the time, so don't act like we're a bunch of orphans that should be grateful when we're thrown a crust. Now, I don't meant to bash Jagex, and I'm not running around screaming that this update sucks or whatever. Just don't expect me to be thrilled that we get some random new item.
  7. You mean they flame people the same way you're flaming them? Seriously, the impression I get from reading your posts is that you get hard bragging how "bad"you are and how much "nh" owns. Can you say, insecurity? =;
  8. This is like topic #3 active on this subject in the rants forum...
  9. Well Said, great to see that some pures are on tip.it as well. First of all, I'm sick of people stereotyping against pures. We don't whine, cry, and do as you said. As mage said, pure clans are an entirely different aspect. Someone like this always posts. Pures suck. Yes, as a whole. They've given pking as well as almost every aspect related to it a bad name. They twisted pking into something that the average player won't touch. Yeah, yeah, there's the rare "respectful pure". That's like saying there's the "contientious" lawyer - so rare, you don't even touch on them when describing the group. Besides, pures suck hard at pking. Their era died a long time ago. Farcasting is fun, makes all the honour nerds use their oh so frowned upon prayer before you use it.. farcasting owns Hard to see how it owns, when they use prayer. just like you said, and wipe your butt on the ditch. Take an unfair advantage, and code don't apply and we can take one right back. Ain't life grand?
  10. Glad you got a laugh out of it, everybody else almost died from laughter it the first time you posted. As youve seen on the other thread, most people lol at you for having honour on the internet. I wish jagex would ban honour.... You mean the kids that brag about that "hard' 43 prayer? Last I saw, that same groub was complaining they get piled in the pits and the GWD is too hard. Funny, I chuckled myself when I saw you associate yourself with the people that can't even afford a set of verac. And that you think bragging that you are "nh" makes you so big and tough. Maybe you'll even get to be a fireman and wide awound in a pwetty wred firwre twuck when you grow up.. =D> Oh yes, it's the internet. So what? How does that change lying and idiocy? The internet isn't anything more than a damn mask. Just like hacking is like theft, breaking a dm is the same as doublecrossing someone. Just because you can't see the person doesn't mean what you doing isn't real.
  11. Glad you got a laugh out of it, everybody else almost died from laughter it the first time you posted.
  12. Because you sure don't. bravo, your just full of remarks arn't you... =D> I was being sarcastic if you couldn't pick up on that... Hey, I beat his comment by 2 words and 200% wit.
  13. Awesome. You skipped over almost 100% of my post, just taking the time to brag about your mediocre stats. Yes, mediocre. I feel sorry for 3 lagged out people you killed last month. : And the other one was a pj after a deathmatch that took you 5 hits to clear off his last 20 hp. I don't doubt you need nh to win... Don't start shooting your mouth off wannabe. I could clean you any day of the week.
  14. Proud of what? Proud of being no-honour and breaking all the [developmentally delayed] player made wildy rules that are meant to get free stuff easily. Oh, I thought you meant you were proud of running from dms. I'd imagine you'd have a lot of practice in that, with stats like yours. Or running like a ninny when someone hits over 40. Or agreeing to dm in the first place, then lying. Since you're already lying with the intent to take somebody's time and stuff, I suppose you wouldn't mind being one of those badass "no-honour" hackers. After all, it's only pixels. People just hate hackers because they want easy gaming with all of their stuff, right? Go ahead, be a nab and do nh. But seriously, if you aren't planning on sticking around, don't agree to the dm... Wow. Pking not only died, so did basic social morality.
  15. That just happened to me when someone ran from the fight and told me "i don't know how to eat and i hit low" even though i was hitting much higher than he was :-s I don't doubt him. The bottom of the strength scores is 65 str, so he was probably right. You may have been hitting more often, because I'm guessing he's a pure, but he was most likely correct. And about safing; Actually, most non-pkers don't understand that. I don't have the time to go into the entire safe/nonsafer in detail, but most non-pkers do it, either out of ignorance of simply not caring. Odds are, if somebody tells you you're doing it, you probably are.
  16. Pking died a long time ago, bub.
  17. Lol? Please tell me you're joking when you say people work hard for protect melee and smite. Using a guilded altar (doesn't even have to be your own), it doesn't even take 200 d bones to get protect melee from level 1 prayer. Less than an hour's work. Smite, maybe two. Maybe it's just me, but walking back and forth from the yanille bank for an hour doesn't count as hard work... And don't even mention the cost, a couple more hours killing green dragons and you could get those bones for yourself. Seriously...these topics are ridiculously common. -.- Whether it took them a couple days or just a few hours o get there lvl up isnt the point, the point is that that person is being called a noob for trainin a skill that was made to be used... EXACTLY They are not being called a noob for training it, they are being called a noob for using it in a 1 on 1 pvp situation where it benifits nobody. Lets all just go an pray and tele and eat every time we get hit, and see how terrible this game becomes.. The honour code is the only thing that keeps the wilderness going.. Without it all you will be left with will be rc pker, green dragon pkers, and lure teams. Then lets see what you people preffer, an honour code with pkers that respect each other and hunt each other and NH, or a scum filled wilderness only inhabited by the lowlifes that only hunt skillers. Becouse thats what will happen without the honour code. Hmm so what your saying is Defence doesn't benefit anybody? And that protecting yourself and making sure you don't die is ruining the game? Or do you mean you'd rather just fight idiots who prefer to not eat, tele protect themselves or TRY in anyway to win? The Honour systme is just something Pures try to use to make there lives easier. And you think people who eat, have defence or use prayer as, in your words "lowlifes that only hunt skillers". Yeah, definitely, THOSE are the lowlifes, no the complaining idiot pures :-s [/hide] I just cant see how its wrong to use prayer, eating, or teleporting in the wild WHEN THATS ONE OF THE REASONS ITS THERE-everything else in the honour code i agree with, but that part makes no sense-i would rather have a wilderness were people try to do whatever they can levelwise to win then have people calling eachother noobs for useing the skills they've trained! that's what i mean, some of this whole "honour code" is ridiculous, although the selling stuff back, teleporting and farcasting i can understand. I knew this arguement would come up...it's been around since RS2 started. The reason we don't like people that teleport and prot pray is because it ruins EVERYBODY's fun. If you don't believe that sentence, spend one day, just one, in a major f2p pk world, where you'll see all those problems in greater porportions than in members. It destroys the main point of pking - fun. Plus, protect prayers don't help you in pking much, and using them is iidiotic, honestly. I don't see how putting your prayer on, and forcing the other person to pray back, gives you any sort of advantage. How? All you've done is about eliminate your chances of killing the other guy, and the same goes for him. If you're pking, that means you want to kill other players, so while protect prayers may increase your survivability, it also increases everybody elses, and you're just wasting time and pots. It's funny how when a non-pker hears the word "safer", they think "food". I challenge you to find one lonely, solitary pkers that has something against food. Cant do it, can you? Safing and eating are two entirely different things.
  18. So...you topic is no running while deathmatching, not no running while pking...your title is a bit misleading. But yeah, I agree, running on a deathmatch is lame. People cheat too often on them, so I never deathmatch - just ko.
  19. How did I, or for that matter any of the pkers that have posted in this thread (excluding the pure ) complain about defence? Give me a break. Honor has absolutely nothing to do with defence. I have defence, and I use it. And how does the fact that I don't use prayer in 1v1 or teleport mean I don't try to win? :roll: Sure, I don't ruin somebody else's fun as well as both parties' time and money, but that doesn't mean I don't play to win. You read the latest article in the Tip.it times? I'm a perfect example of the competitive player. I don't go into a fight planning - or even expecting - to lose. I go in and either win or die trying. I don't teleport out like some nab or flip on prayer at the first 40+. Also, just as I pointed out before, the honor code has nothing to do with pures. Don't go down that line of argument, it's already been lost. :
  20. yes the broom would of been good but i voted for that cape swirl emote as it sounded evil :twisted: I can already forsee kids playing quiddich with gnome balls. :XD:
  21. Also had a mate of mine that got a dmed pk up at mb...he messaged the guy back asking "wtf were you thinking bringing something that valuable into the wildy?" :lol: I did some pking of my own, but all f2p, usually solo, around deep wildy. Never had members for most of my rs career. Now, soloing pretty much anywhere is a death wish. Oh well. I've moved on to other games anyway, so I don't bother too much with RS anymore. Main one I'm playing now is a solid pvp mmo - there's no protect prayers or teleporting or xing, pk anywhere, lose your stuff when you die...and people can actually survive. Just imagine if that system were implemented in RS. :ohnoes: Most people can't even understand that the wilderness was made for killing players, not dragons, and that takes importance when they update it. Anyway; Honestly, I hate to say something that every skillernub on the planet would jump to say, but you trained your stats, nobody else. I've seen the updates that have taken place over the past several years, and you have to adapt. I have almost no problem killing 80% of the players I meet my level, and yes, I do meet people wearing that "impossible" to hit dh a LOT. It's not hard. I hit through a barrows pure easily. It's called thinking through your stats, not using a cookie-cutter pure set. You lack the ability to hit through dh. Why does that mean they shouldn't bring it? :lol: That's like some kid with 54 def with a mix of addy, cw, and ham crying that he gets hit too well by a pure, and nobody should allow pures in the wildy. :roll: There's no such thing as a def nub. I don't care your def level, I shred it, but then, I have killer stats. (Yes, that is called bragging. No, I don't care.) Your logic right there is why the majority of rs hates pures, as well as misdirects that hate onto pkers in general. This is a prime example of why this hardcore pvper hates pures.
  22. Magic. I've always likes spellcaster classes in MMOs. I've never enjoyed the tradional warrior/rouge classes. It's always the mana-burning (or in this case rune burning ) priests and mages that I roll.
  23. ^^ Great answer. I remember those days, when people got worked up over a spltbark pk. :D Wasn't anywhere near high level back then, but I spent a lot of time on various fansites checking out the pks people made. :lol: That's where the honor system started, not with the pc pure generation. Bottom line: If you don't pk, don't comment on how pkers relate to each other. If you can count the times you have gone pking in the past 6 months on one hand, then bug off our part of the map or stop complaining.
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