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Everything posted by Huta

  1. :D :XD: Personally, I don't have any personal interest in pures. I'm not one, but I was wayyy back in '03 when I started, because I always research the best stats and characters for pvp in a game before I start one. (Always been that way. Level 70 shadow/disc dwarf priest, Lightning nuke ice/lightning aoe Nephillim channeler, 99/99/75...no matter the game, I go for the best. ) Pures in RS2 had just started picking up, and everybody thought they were teh sex. I just started as one because I heard it rocked for pvp. I've never cared for them, and I don't respect them much, either. Even way back then, when pures were a novelty and names like 3_hit_u and I mahatma I were celebs, the nh system was working strong. Don't take this as defending pures...personally, I don't care for most of them, especially lately. They've changed a lot. (And I'm sick of 0O0OO0OOO0 and strepooner174 and all the other unoriginal pure names that people think rock.) But the nh system didn't start with a couple level 40s with rune scims and ghostly and granite mauls when they couldn't ko somebody in addy. It started with middle to high level impure pkers that wanted fun...period. I'm almost certain that 98% of the people that find the nh system stupid have never pked, and would never want to. They yap the old lines - we earned the right to pray when we used those precious 200 dbones on some nice highlevel's altar in an hour one afternoon after gradeschool, if you cant kill us, train def and prayer yourself, blah blah blah. (Just an example of the completely unfounded and [developmentally delayed]ed rhetoric people use. Like the average pker doesn't have protect melee... :roll: Maybe you should check out the hs and see just how many people have that "hard" level 43 prayer.) They have no idea how much "fun" it is when two 110s both put on prots and get nowhere after a 7 1/2 minute fight, or when someone pjs you right after a dm, or whatever. For crying out loud, if you're going to place blame for something you know absolutely nothing (and keep proving your ignorance, time and time again), you should start accusing the us government of faking the moon landing or whatever. Something that can't be proved otherwise in a couple seconds by anybody with both experience and a brain. It's not fun putting your foot in your mouth... :
  2. Lol? Please tell me you're joking when you say people work hard for protect melee and smite. Using a guilded altar (doesn't even have to be your own), it doesn't even take 200 d bones to get protect melee from level 1 prayer. Less than an hour's work. Smite, maybe two. Maybe it's just me, but walking back and forth from the yanille bank for an hour doesn't count as hard work... And don't even mention the cost, a couple more hours killing green dragons and you could get those bones for yourself. Seriously...these topics are ridiculously common. -.-
  3. Making it single zone would simply turn the pits into a day at mb...tag teams all over the place. If you get killed in the first 30 seconds of the game, just maybe it's not the game's fault? After all, somebody does have to win the game...if you die that easy, don't plame the coding.
  4. To whoever wrote that ministory; entanglement charm, Deathly Docks? Please. You don't need to rip Harry Potter and adapt it to RS... :shame:
  5. Some level 30 walks up to me in the Varrock sewers and says "Can you burn a meat for me? I'm too high level." I seriously hope I didn't look that nub to that guy. :shock:
  6. i'd say your credibility went down the drain with that bit there... for all you know the mod reported without a mute (shock!). do you expect something flashy and vivid to happen every time a mod reports? if the first thing you see in the rules is foul language, the first thing you see in the moderator FAQs on the site is that mods really only have to play the game as normal. its isnt any other foul language you see. like d**n , f**k etc. how would you feel if someone insulted your mom? ingame, i'd report then, then add to ignore. no need to get worked up about someone who has nothing better to do than insult someone they've never met. in reality, i can only pity them, they're wasting precious oxygen with their insults. but still its hurts right? insulting your family? Insult my family all you want online. Heck, insult them in real life. Odds are you don't know them. It's just a generic insult that originated in the caveman era. Maybe it's just that I spent a summer selling books door to door. Thick skin. :
  7. You called a 79 "high level"? Wow. Please. Don't judge high levels by somebody who'd die in the first 10 seconds in the fight pits. 79 isn't even close to high, that's the lower end of moderate. He was acting like a totally immature level 79. Seriously, I'm not shocked. I've probably guilty of all those "mean high levels" actions you've mentioned. I've respawn camped before, I've broke off a fight with somebody to kill some random noob. That doesn't mean it was without reason. If I'm respawn camping, that means the game is completely over. My team has either done horribly and there's no chance, or done so well that haven't got a prayer. I'm just passing the time til my tickets. And that innocent noob running by? I usually ignore them, but if I'm upstairs, I don't want some level 60 grabbing the flag while I'm preoccupied with a couple 115s, so yeah, I might break off for a second and barrage the 60 in place. Seriously, what are you complaining about? The fact that people don't like being killed? Cw isn't ruined. It's far from ruined. I've made plenty of friends there. And if you want to complain about a high level finishing you off with a 5 and screaming owned, then I have every right to complain when after killing somebody 15 times at the respawn they yell owned after I run out of aids.
  8. You need to visit the rants forum in the RSOF for a day. Lol. :P
  9. They're definately good, but they cost a lot more, so you'll be doing a lot more swapping unless you have a nice bit of cash available.
  10. The Full void knight with mage helm boosts mage accuracy by 30%. My first guess would be ahrim, but 30% bonus on 98 brings me up to what, 127 mage? Plus one of my stack of mage essence potions, that's an easy 130 mage. I'm trying to decide if that mage level bonus is equal to around +135 mage. (Even with the void knight on, i can get an easy +54 or whatever with god cape, ancient staff, mage book, 3rd age ammy/fury and seers ring) No matter what I'd be wearing, I'll be using the mage prayers, so don't worry about that one. I'm not thinking pking, I'm thinking more like fight pits or something. Casual pvp. Edit: I just calculated it out, and full ahrim with fury is +129 mage bonus, and with the 15% prayer added to my mage, that means in ahrim I would have +129 bonus at level 116 magic (mage pot added in). It's that opposed to +59 mage bonus at level 150-151 mage. So my choices are; +129 bonus, 116/117 mage +59 bonus, 150/151 mage Defence isn't of a concern, the Void knight is only about 12 or so points weaker than ahrim.
  11. I haven't been ingame much for a while because my membership expired, and now that I'm getting members again, I have a couple questions. I have 98 mage. What's better, the 30% bonus from full void knight or maxed mage attack with ahrim and mage book? What is the dragonfire shield's max hit? I've heard rumors of 25, but I want to know for sure.
  12. I'm not too oldschoo'..., furthest back I can remember is the release of Morytania.
  13. You know, I've heard too many energy drinks can make you impotent... :-#
  14. Because we spend sooo much time developing our skills. You don't just walk away from something you spend months or years of your life developing.
  15. Lol. Plain and simple. It's lol. ....That word haunts me. :ohnoes:
  16. Won't work. You're supposed to have to choose between the books for different advantages and disadvantages. You shouldn't have all those advantages open on the same book.
  17. Ok...what about noting? If you note these whips, they won't be examinable. True, you could give them classes; "Excellent whip", "Poor Whip", "Average Whip", but then every whip in a class would have to be identical, which messes up your idea of varying whips.
  18. No, it's not more expensive. Just because it costs 50 gp more per cast than planking the old way doesn't mean you lose money. You still make about 950 gp per spell if you make mahogany planks.
  19. I'm never turning off lunar. The switch book spell lasts one cast, which makes it perfect for all teleports. All. I don't have to use my house portal to get to canfis anymore. I get the contact npc spell, which does save quite a bit of time. I get fertile soil, the single best lunar spell besides vengence. I get stat spy, which does come in handy when people lie about their stats. Basically, I have access to every spell in the game. That's worth the few extra runes I've been using.
  20. well no offence but thats what ya get for not reading the rs thread ;) I HAVE used it and i figured i should do some testing just to see if people will listen to reason that this is NOT FAST EXP BY ANY MEANS to add to the uselessness of this spell it has a confirmation message for each and every casting of the spell asking if you want to spend the money, that on top of the casting time makes it take about 10 seconds per log as far as that odd comment about high alching... umm high alching converts items into cash that makes sense... how many spells can you name that COST money to cast? i mean DIRECTLY cost money and, i dont mean using 1 coin as a focal point for whatever. And for the act of spliting a log(yes i know its actully sawing a log into sheets but point remains)? Would you be so kind as to explain how the act of splitting a log requires gold coins? The closest i can get to is that you summon little leprechauns and pay them to do the logs for you, in tha case i want the animation at least :-P so in closeing, YOU obviously havent used the spell LK1 I checked out your topic. First, it doesn't take 10 seconds per log. I got that down to about 6-7 with the right timing, getting 90ish xp. High alch takes about 4-5 for 65 xp. Second, using my astrals for the hunter kit is just plain waste, not to mention, casting two hunter kits and an alch takes what, 15-20 seconds? That's three spells. Plank make is 1. This is rolled all into one cast. Sure, the gp doesn't make sense. Neither do huge, huge sections of this game. Don't try to explain the gp usage - it's not there for logic. If you can't figure out the reason cash is used in that spell, you need to read up on the main thought behind construction. Jagex isn't going to back down on that. The only complaint I have with the spell is the irritation of clicking "yes" each time. If Jagex removes that question after the first time you accept, with like a "yes, please don't show this message again", I'll be happy. No complaints. Just me and the mahogs and the runes earning xp.
  21. I'm not even going to check out your topic. If I get a perm buyer of mahog plankss, I'm going to be using that spell quite a bit. It's a very, very good alternative to alching, both fast xp and making profit. Not to mention an anti-inflate, as opposed to alching. I wonder how many people acted like this when the alchemy spells first came out; "Oh noes, the new alchemy spells are noob! Nobody will use them. You'd get just as much money for the item you alched if you sold it to a store, and you lose a nature as well!" :-k Give it a chance. You probably haven't even used it yourself.
  22. How would fire cape be free, you would still need high stats and the cost in p pots or super restores would be the same or more (the higher the lvl needed for the prayer the faster the drain, hence a greater cost moneywise :wall: ). Its like saying barrows sets are free just because you can make p pots, craft the runes and have the correct stats, it just takes time and effort for anything. As for the lower lvls getting the firecape; thats why I said the requirements for the prayers would have to expand outside of prayer, building on the relevant stats (melee-mage protect, requiring high mage+melee stats). On to stopping pkers, all as the prayers would do would mean the player would have to switch prayers. Again the new prayers would, in theory, cost more to use then the current ones. Pkers seem to hate anything which makes there life any hard which includes the current prayers. To your first point; the reason most people don't get their fire cape on their first attempt is because Jad kills them over goofs in prayer switching. Very, very few people die on the fight building up towards Jad, unless they run out of pots or make a very serious mistake. Multi-prayers would make Jad ridiculously easy. Simply press-'n'-go, turn on the pray and shoot away, no skill required. To the second point; I won't even try to explain pking to you, as you obviously haven't got a clue about it. What I will say, is if you have to pack all three forms of combat with you, you'll have just about enough inventory to bring 6 sharks along. How do I know this? Staking with all forms. It's too much power.
  23. I'd just rather not know. :uhh:
  24. It was probably talking about his max hit with full health.
  25. Scamming ftw eh? That's all this is asking for. People won't even check the second screen long enough to notice if their set of armor they're buying has two skirts, or if the entire set says "verac" or "guthan" before the armor piece. You really expect them do wade through this? Your Offer; Coins x 8,250,000 Opponants offer; Abyssal whip x 5 Can you even imagine how messy the second screen would be?
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